Job 20-21 Adult Bible Study Chapter 20 1. Although Zophar's accusations of sins Job has committed are incorrect, what are we reminded regarding the dangers of sin from Zophar's statements? 2. What specific sin does Zophar accuse Job of here? In his accusation, what sin does Zophar commit? What are some various ways we commit the same sin with one another? 3. Does punishment for specific sin always come in this lifetime? 4. How does Zophar describe the fate of the wicked in this chapter? 5. How does Zophar explain the temporary prosperity of the wicked? 6. What consequences does Zophar say the wicked will face for their actions? 7. How does Zophar's view of divine retribution compare with Job's experiences and arguments? Chapter 21 1. Does outward prosperity have anything to do with the true church? 2. Do the words of Zophar and Job cause you to see any parallels or similarities with Psalm 73? 3. "Shall any teach God knowledge?" How does our response to personal struggles show our attitude towards God? 4. If wicked people become wealthy despite their sin, why should we try to be good? 5. What arguments does Job use to challenge his friends' beliefs about divine justice? 6. How does Job contrast the lives and deaths of the wicked and the righteous? 7. How does Job's portrayal of the wicked differ from the views expressed by his friends? 8. Have the friends of Job fallen into a common grace theology here? 9. Where is Job at personally or theologically after the second round of speeches?