The main reason for which I prepared this document is to search
for words or phrases within the Psalter. I hope that you also find it
useful for this or any other purpose. Anyone using this program for
searching for words or phrases must bear in mind a few things
regarding word spelling:

a. DIFFERENT SPELLINGS. In some of the Psalter numbers, words
are spelled as they would have been spelled many years ago. For
example, the word "Savior" is spelled "Savior" in some songs, and
"Saviour" in others. This could also be true of the word "honor"
("honour"), as well as of other words. I have generally left the
spellings the way that they appear in The Psalter, so the words may
appear throughout the document with both spellings.

b. ABBREVIATIONS. Many words in The Psalter have been
abbreviated. If the abbreviation consisted of the omission of a
single vowel, I usually spelled the word in full. For example,
"giv'n" I typed as "given," "heav'n" as "heaven," etc. Perhaps the
most commonly abbreviated word in The Psalter appears as "tho'," which
I consistently rendered as "though." However, with other words I felt
that I should not type them in their unabbreviated form, because the
meter of the poetry would be clearly destroyed. The most commonly
abbreviated word, which I left abbreviated, is "o'er," along with any
combination of this with other words. Here is a nearly exhaustive
list of words which are abbreviated in this document, as they would
appear in abbreviated form: o'er (as well as o'erthrown, o'erflow,
o'ercome, o'erwhelmed, o'ershadow), e'er (as well as whate'er,
fore'er, where'er, whene'er), ne'er, 'tis, 'mid, e'en, 'bove, 'neath,
and hid'. Other contractions are I'll, He'll, We'll, and I've. Of
course these words are not always abbreviated or contracted.

So if you are searching for an entire line, and the program does not
find it, it is possible that one or more of the words should be
spelled differently, abbreviated, or contracted.

The Psalms, being the spiritual biography of the child of God,
speak to every situation in which the Christian might find himself or
herself. Such is also true, then, of the words of The Psalter found
below. Much profit can be gained simply by reading and contemplating
these lines. They instruct and teach us, warn and exhort us, and
comfort and cheer us. They contain our confessions of dependence upon
God, and our prayers to Him that He bless us. They are of great value
and benefit, for they bring God to us, and us to God. With these
thoughts in mind I have undertaken this project, and with its
completion I thank God for the heritage of Psalm singing, and for His
saving revelation of Himself in Jesus Christ, through the means of His
inspired and written Word. SOLI DEO GLORIA.

Doug Kuiper

January, 1994


1. The Blessedness of the Godly. Psalm 1. C.M.

That man is blest who, fearing God,

From sin restrains his feet,

Who will not stand with wicked men,

Who shuns the scorners' seat.

Yea, blest is he who makes God's law

His portion and delight,

And meditates upon that law

With gladness day and night.

That man is nourished like a tree

Set by the river's side;

Its leaf is green, its fruit is sure,

And thus his works abide.

The wicked like the driven chaff

Are swept from off the land;

They shall not gather with the just,

Nor in the judgment stand.

The Lord will guard the righteous well,

Their way to Him is known;

The way of sinners, far from God,

Shall surely be o'er-thrown.

2. The Righteous and Unrighteous. Psalm 1. 8s and 7s.

Blest is he who loves God's precepts,

Who from sin restrains His feet,

He who will not stand with sinners,

He who shuns the scorners' seat.

Blest is he who makes the statutes

Of the Lord his chief delight,

In God's law, divinely perfect,

Meditating day and night.

He is like a tree well planted

By the flowing river's side,

Ever green of leaf and fruitful:

Thus shall all his works abide.

Like the driven chaff the wicked

Shall be swept from off the land;

With the just they shall not gather,

Nor shall in the judgment stand.

Well the Lord will guard the righteous,

For their way to Him is known;

But the way of evildoers

Shall by Him be overthrown.

3. The Kingship of Jesus Christ. Psalm 2. 7s.

Wherefore do the nations rage

And the people vainly dream

That in triumph they can wage

War against the King supreme?

Christ His Son a scoff they make,

And the rulers plotting say:

Their dominion let us break,

Let us cast their yoke away.

But the Lord will scorn them all,

Calm He sits enthroned on high;

Soon His wrath will on them fall,

Sore displeased He will reply:

Yet according to my will

I have set my King to reign,

And on Zion's holy hill

My Anointed I maintain.

This His word shall be made known,

This Jehovah's firm decree:

Thou art my beloved Son,

Yea, I have begotten Thee.

All the earth at thy request

I will give Thee for Thy own;

Then Thy might shall be confessed

And Thy foes be overthrown.

Therefore, kings, be wise, give ear;

Hearken, judges of the earth;

Learn to serve the Lord with fear,

Mingle trembling with your mirth.

Kiss the Son, lest o'er your way

His consuming wrath should break;

But supremely blest are they

Who in Christ their refuge take.

4. Christ's Inheritance. Psalm 2. L.M.

O wherefore do the nations rage,

And kings and rulers strive in vain,

Against the Lord of earth and heaven

To overthrow Messiah's reign?

Their strength is weakness in the sight

Of Him who sits enthroned above;

He speaks, and judgments fall on them

Who tempt His wrath and scorn His love.

By God's decree His Son receives

The nations for His heritage;

The conquering Christ supreme shall reign

As King of kings, from age to age.

Be wise, ye rulers of the earth,

And serve the Lord with godly fear;

With reverent joy confess the Son

While yet in mercy He is near.

Delay not, lest His anger rise,

And ye should perish in your way;

Lo, all that put their trust in Him

Are blest indeed, and blest for aye.

5. God Our Guardian. Psalm 3. C.M.

O Lord, how are my foes increased!

Against me many rise;

How many say, In vain for help

He on his God relies!

Thou art my shield and glory, Lord,

My Savior, O Most High.

The Lord from out His holy hill

Gives answer when I cry.

I laid me down and slept, I waked,

Because the Lord sustains;

Though many thousands compass me,

Unmoved my soul remains.

Arise, O Lord; save me, my God;

For Thou hast owned my cause,

And oft hast beaten down my foes

Who scorn Thy righteous laws.

Salvation to the Lord belongs,

In Him His saints are blest;

O let Thy blessing evermore

Upon Thy people rest.

6. A Trustful Appeal to God. Psalm 4. L.M.

My righteous God, Who oft of old

Hast saved from troubles manifold,

Give answer when I call to Thee,

Be gracious now and hear my plea.

How long, O men, will ye defame,

How long my glory turn to shame,

How long will ye vain follies prize,

How long pursue deceit and lies?

But know, the Lord has set apart

The man of godly life and heart

To be His favored ones for aye;

Jehovah hears me when I pray.

In reverence wait, from sin depart,

In meditation calm your heart;

Hold fast the right, be true and just,

And in Jehovah put your trust.

O who will show us any good,

Exclaims the faithless multitude;

But lift on us, O Lord, we pray,

The brightness of Thy face this day.

More joy from Thee has filled my heart

Than great abundance could impart;

I lay me down to peaceful sleep,

For Thou, O Lord, dost safely keep.

7. Quieting Thoughts. Psalm 4. 6s and 5s.

On the good and faithful

God has set His love;

When they call He sends them

Blessings from above.

Stand in awe, and sin not,

Bid your heart be still;

Through the silent watches

Think upon His will.

Lay upon God's altar

Good and loving deeds,

And in all things trust Him

To supply your needs.

Anxious and despairing

Many walk in night;

But to those that fear Him

God will send His light.

In God's love abiding,

I have joy and peace

More than all the wicked,

Though their wealth increase.

In His care confiding,

I will sweetly sleep,

For the Lord, my Saviour,

Will in safety keep.

8. Faith and Peace. Psalm 4. 6s and 5s.

On the good and faithful

God has set His love;

When they call He sends them

Blessings from above.

Stand in awe, and sin not,

Bid your heart be still;

Through the silent watches

Think upon His will.

Anxious and despairing,

Many walk in night;

But to those that fear Him

God will send His light.

In His care confiding,

I will sweetly sleep,

For the Lord, my Saviour,

Will in safety keep.

9. An Entreaty for Guidance. Psalm 5. 7s.

O Jehovah, hear my words,

To my thoughts attentive be;

Hear my cry, my King, my God,

I will make my prayer to Thee.

With the morning light, O Lord,

Thou shalt hear my voice arise,

And expectant I will bring

Prayer as morning sacrifice.

Thou, Jehovah, art a God

Who delightest not in sin;

Evil shall not dwell with Thee,

Nor the proud Thy favor win.

Evildoers Thou dost hate,

Lying tongues Thou wilt defeat;

God abhors the man who loves

Violence and base deceit.

In the fullness of Thy grace

To Thy house I will repair,

Bowing toward Thy holy place,

In Thy fear will worship there.

Lead me in Thy righteousness,

Let my foes assail in vain;

Lest my feet be turned aside,

Make Thy way before me plain.

10. Confident Access to God. Psalm 5. 7s.

In the fullness of Thy grace

To Thy house I will repair,

Bowing toward Thy holy place,

In Thy fear will worship there.

Lead me in Thy righteousness,

Let my foes assail in vain;

Lest my feet be turned aside,

Make Thy way before me plain.

False and faithless are my foes,

In their mouth no truth is found;

Deadly are the words they speak,

All their thoughts with sin abound.

Bring, O God, their plans to nought,

Hold them guilty in Thy sight,

For against Thee and Thy law

They have set themselves to fight.

O let all that trust Thy care

Ever glad and joyful be;

Let them joy who love Thy Name,

Safely guarded, Lord, by Thee.

For a blessing from Thy store

To the righteous Thou wilt yield;

Thou wilt compass him about

With Thy favor as a shield.

11. Prayer and Protection. Psalm 5. 7s.

O Jehovah, hear my words,

To my thoughts attentive be;

Hear my cry, my King, my God,

I will make my prayer to Thee.

With the morning light, O Lord,

Thou shalt hear my voice arise,

And expectant I will bring

Prayer as morning sacrifice.

O let all that trust Thy care

Ever glad and joyful be;

Let them joy who love Thy Name,

Safely guarded, Lord, by Thee.

For a blessing from Thy store

To the righteous Thou wilt yield;

Thou wilt compass him about

With Thy favor as a shield.

12. Divine Chastisement. Psalm 6. 8s and 7s.

Lord, rebuke me not in anger;

Chastened sore I waste away;

Pity my distress and hear me;

Lord, how long wilt Thou delay?

Come, O Lord, my soul deliver,

In Thy lovingkindness save.

Shall the dead Thy Name remember?

Who shall praise Thee in the grave?

Pity, Lord, my sad condition;

I am weary and distressed;

Many adversaries vex me,

Weeping, I can find no rest.

Now the foes that seek to harm me,

Quickly put to shame, shall flee,

For the Lord hath heard my weeping,

And He will regard my plea.

13. Confidence in Divine Justice. Psalm 7. 11s.

Jehovah, my God, on Thy help I depend;

From all that pursue me O save and defend;

Lest they like a lion should rend me at will,

While no one is near me their raging to still.

When wronged without cause I have kindness returned;

But if I my neighbor maltreated and spurned,

My soul let the enemy seize for his prey,

My life and my honor in dust let him lay.

O Lord, in Thy wrath stay the rage of my foes;

Awake, and Thy judgment ordained interpose.

Let peoples surround Thee and wait at Thy feet,

While o'er them for judgment Thou takest Thy seat.

All nations of men shall be judged by the Lord;

To me, O Jehovah, just judgment accord,

As faithful and righteous in life I have been,

And ever integrity cherished within.

Establish the righteous, let evil depart,

For God Who is just tries the thoughts of the heart.

In God for defense I have placed all my trust;

The upright He saves and He judges the just.

The Lord with the wicked is wroth every day,

And if they repent not is ready to slay;

By manifold ruin for others prepared

They surely at last shall themselves be ensnared.

Because He is righteous His praise I will sing,

Thanksgiving and honor to Him I will bring,

Will sing to the Lord on Whose grace I rely,

Extolling the Name of Jehovah Most High.

14. The Name of the Lord. Psalm 8. C.M.

O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth

How excellent Thy Name!

Thy glory Thou hast spread afar

In all the starry frame.

From lips of children, Thou, O Lord,

Hast mighty strength ordained,

That adversaries should be stilled

And vengeful foes restrained.

When I regard the wondrous heavens,

Thy handiwork on high,

The moon and stars ordained by Thee,

O what is man, I cry.

O what is man, in Thy regard

To hold so large a place,

And what the son of man, that Thou

Dost visit him in grace.

On man Thy wisdom hath bestowed

A power well nigh divine;

With honor Thou hast crowned his head

With glory like to Thine.

Thou hast subjected all to him,

And lord of all is he,

Of flocks and herds, and beasts and birds,

And all within the sea.

Thy mighty works and wondrous grace

Thy glory, Lord, proclaim.

O Lord, our Lord, in all the earth

How excellent Thy Name.

15. God's Glory in His Works. Psalm 8. 7s.

Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name

All Thy wondrous works proclaim;

In the heavens with radiant signs

Evermore Thy glory shines.

Infant lips Thou dost ordain

Wrath and vengeance to restrain,

Weakest means fulfill Thy will,

Mighty enemies to still.

Moon and stars in shining height

Nightly tell their Maker's might;

When Thy wondrous heavens I scan,

Then I know how weak is man.

What is man that he should be

Loved and visited by Thee,

Raised to an exalted height,

Crowned with honor in Thy sight?

With dominion crowned he stands

O'er the creatures of Thy hands;

All to him subjection yield

In the sea and air and field.

Lord, our Lord, Thy glorious Name

All thy wondrous works proclaim,

Thine the Name of matchless worth,

Excellent in all the earth.

16. The Lord the Righteous Judge. Psalm 9. 11s.

Wholehearted thanksgiving to Thee will I bring,

In praise of Thy marvelous deeds I will sing,

In Thee I will joy and exultingly cry,

Thy Name I will praise, O Jehovah Most High.

My enemies turn and are scattered in fear,

They stumble and perish because Thou art near;

For Thou hast defended my right and my cause,

Thou sittest in judgment, upholding Thy laws.

Rebuked are the nations, the wicked destroyed,

Their memory perished, their dwellingplace void;

Enthroned and eternal, Jehovah shall reign,

The peoples to judge and the right to maintain.

Thou, Lord, art a refuge for all the oppressed;

All trust Thee who know Thee, and trusting are blest;

For never, O Lord, did Thy mercy forsake

The soul that has sought of Thy grace to partake.

Give praise to Jehovah, the mighty deeds tell

Of Him Who has chosen in Zion to dwell,

Of Him to Whom justice and vengeance belong,

Who visits the lowly and overthrows wrong.

Behold my affliction, Thy mercy accord,

And back from death's portals restore me, O Lord,

That I in the gates of Thy Zion may raise

My song of salvation and show forth Thy praise.

The sins of the nations their ruin have wrought,

Their own evildoing destruction has brought;

In this the Lord's justice eternally stands,

That sinners are snared in the work of their hands.

The wicked shall perish, the nations shall fall,

Forgetting their God, Who is God over all;

But God will remember the prayer of the weak,

Most surely fulfilling the hope of the meek.

Arise in Thy justice, O Lord, and Thy might,

No longer let sinners prevail in Thy sight;

Great Judge of the nations, in judgment appear

To humble the proud and to teach them Thy fear.

17. Whole-Hearted Praise. Psalm 9. L.M.

O Lord Most High, with all my heart

Thy wondrous works I will proclaim;

I will be glad and give Thee thanks

And sing the praises of Thy Name.

The Lord, the everlasting King,

Is seated on His judgment throne;

The righteous judge of all the world

Will make His perfect justice known.

Jehovah will a refuge prove,

A refuge strong for all oppressed,

A safe retreat, where weary souls

In troublous times may surely rest.

All they, O Lord, that know Thy Name

Their confidence in Thee will place,

For Thou hast never forsaken them

Who earnestly have sought Thy face.

Sing praises to the Lord Most High,

To Him Who doth in Zion dwell,

Declare His mighty deeds abroad,

His deed among the nations tell.

18. Complaint Against the Wicked. Psalm 10. L.M.

Why standest Thou afar, O Lord,

Why art Thou hid in trouble's hour?

The wicked persecute the poor

In haughty pride and reckless power.

Let their devices work their fall,

For in their shame is all their pride;

And while they seek unrighteous gain

The Lord of justice is defied.

The wicked thinks, in foolish pride,

There is no God Who will repay;

He has no fear of God or man

Because God's judgments long delay.

Unmoved by fear of coming doom,

On fraud and wickedness intent,

With craft he lurks and waits to catch

The helpless and the innocent.

A lion crouching for his prey,

He waits the poor to overthrow;

He thinks that God remembers not,

Or hides His face and will not know.

Arise, O Lord, lift up Thy hand,

O God, protect the poor and meek;

Why should the proud Thy justice doubt,

And words of bold defiance speak?

O Lord, Thou wilt indeed requite,

The sin and sorrow Thou dost see;

The helpless and the fatherless

Commit themselves, O Lord, to Thee.

Break Thou the power of wicked men

And let their works no longer stand;

The Lord is King for evermore,

Who drove the nations from His land.

Lord, Thou hast heard the lowly prayer,

The fainting heart Thou wilt restore,

The helpless cause Thou wilt maintain,

That mortal man may boast no more.

19. Prayer for the Oppressed. Psalm 10. S.M.

Why dost Thou stand afar,

O Lord, in our distress?

And why dost Thou conceal Thyself

When troublous times oppress?

Do Thou, O Lord, arise;

O God, lift up Thy hand;

Forget Thou not the suffering poor,

The humble in the land.

Their foes Thou dost behold,

Their wrongs Thou wilt repay;

The poor commit themselves to Thee,

Thou art the orphans' stay.

Thou, Lord, hast heard their prayer

When humble hearts drew nigh;

Thou also wilt revive their strength

And ever hear their cry.

Defend the fatherless

And all who are oppressed,

That they by human pride and power

May be no more distressed.

20. Unshaken Faith Amid Danger. Psalm 11. 11s.

In God will I trust, though my counselors say,

O flee as a bird to your mountain away;

The wicked are strong and the righteous are weak,

Foundations are shaken, yet God will I seek.

The Lord in His temple shall ever abide;

His throne is eternal, whatever betide,

The children of men He beholds from on high,

The wicked to punish, the righteous to try.

The Lord is most righteous, the Lord loves the right,

The evil He hates and will surely requite.

The wicked His anger will drive from their place,

The upright in rapture shall gaze on His face.

21. Assurances for Evil Days. Psalm 12. C.P.M.

O Lord, be Thou my helper true,

For just and godly men are few;

The faithful who can find?

From truth and wisdom men depart,

With flattering lips and double heart

They speak their evil mind.

The lips that speak, the truth to hide,

The tongues of arrogance and pride,

That boastful words employ,

False-speaking tongues that boast their might,

That own no law, that know no right,

Jehovah will destroy.

Because the poor are sore oppressed,

Because the needy are distressed,

And bitter are their cries,

The Lord will be their helper strong;

To save them from contempt and wrong

Jehovah will arise.

Jehovah's promises are sure,

His words are true, His words are pure

As silver from the flame.

Though base men walk on every side,

His saints are safe, whate'er betide,

Protected by His Name.

22. Trust in the Mercy of God. Psalm 13. 7s and 6s.

How long wilt Thou forget me,

O Lord, Thou God of grace?

How long shall fears beset me

While darkness hides Thy face?

How long shall griefs distress me

And turn my day to night?

How long shall foes oppress me

And triumph in their might?

O Lord my God, behold me,

And hear my earnest cries;

Lest sleep of death enfold me,

Enlighten Thou my eyes;

Lest now my foe insulting

Should boast of his success,

And enemies exulting

Rejoice in my distress.

But I with expectation

Have on Thy grace relied;

My heart in Thy salvation

Shall still with joy confide.

And I with voice of singing

Will praise the Lord above,

Who, richest bounties bringing,

Hast dealt with me in love.

23. Human Corruption. Psalm 14. L.M.

The God Who sits enthroned on high

The foolish in their hearts deny;

Not one does good; corrupt in thought,

Unrighteous works their hands have wrought.

From heaven the Lord with searching eye

Looked down the sons of men to try,

To see if any understood

And sought for God, the only good.

From righteousness they all depart,

Corrupt are all, and vile in heart;

Yea, every man has evil done;

Not one does good, not even one.

Has knowledge with the wicked failed,

That they My people have assailed,

That they delight in works of shame,

And call not on Jehovah's Name?

Thy lowly servant they despise,

Because he on the Lord relies;

But they shall tremble yet in fear,

For to the righteous God is near.

O that from Zion His abode

Salvation were on us bestowed!

When God His exiles shall restore,

They shall in song His grace adore.

24. Tests of Christian Character. Psalm 15. 8s and 7s.

Who, O Lord, with Thee abiding,

In Thy house shall be Thy guest?

Who, his feet to Zion turning,

In Thy holy hill shall rest?

He that ever walks uprightly,

Does the right without a fear,

When he speaks, he speaks not lightly,

But with truth and love sincere.

He that slanders not his brother,

Does no evil to a friend;

To reproaches of another,

He refuses to attend.

Wicked men win not his favor,

But the good who fear the Lord;

From his vow he will not waver,

Though it bring him sad reward.

Freely to the needy lending,

No excess he asks again;

And the innocent befriending,

He desires not praise of men.

Doing this, and evil spurning,

He shall nevermore be moved:

This the man with Thee sojourning,

This the man by Thee approved.

25. The Godly Man. Psalm 15. S.M.

Lord, who shall come to Thee,

And stand before Thy face?

Who shall abide, a welcome guest,

Within Thy holy place?

The man of upright life,

Sincere in word and deed,

Who slanders neither friend nor foe,

Nor idle tales will heed.

Who honors godly men,

But scorns the false and vile,

Who keeps his promised word to all,

Though loss be his the while.

Who loves not usury,

Nor takes a base reward;

Unmoved forever he shall be,

And stand before the Lord.

26. An Ideal Worshipper. Psalm 15. 7s.

Who, O Lord, shall dwell with Thee

In the temple of Thy grace?

Who Thy constant guest shall be

In Thy high and holy place?

He who walks in righteousness,

All his actions just and clear;

He whose words the truth express,

Spoken from a heart sincere.

He to whom does not belong

Tongue of malice or deceit;

Who will not his neighbor wrong,

Nor a slanderous tale repeat.

Who the wicked man will spurn,

Honor those that fear the Lord;

Nor will from his promise turn

Though but loss be his reward.

Who no usury will claim,

Nor with bribes pollute his hand:

He who thus his life shall frame

Shall unmoved forever stand.

27. God the Highest Good. Psalm 16. C.M.

O God, preserve me, for in Thee

Alone my trust has stood;

My soul has said, Thou art my Lord,

My chief and only good.

I love Thy saints, who fear Thy Name

And walk as in Thy sight;

They are the excellent of earth,

In them is my delight.

Their sorrows shall be multiplied

Who worship aught but Thee;

I share not in their offerings,

Nor join their company.

The Lord is my inheritance,

The Lord alone remains

The fullness of my cup of bliss;

The Lord my lot maintains.

The lines are fallen unto me

In places large and fair;

A goodly heritage is mine,

Marked out with gracious care.

28. Fellowship with God. Psalm 16. C.M.

When in the night I meditate

On mercies multiplied,

My grateful heart inspires my tongue

To bless the Lord, my Guide.

Forever in my thought the Lord

Before my face shall stand;

Secure, unmoved, I shall remain,

With Him at my right hand.

My inmost being thrills with joy

And gladness fills my breast;

Because on Him my trust is stayed,

My flesh in hope shall rest.

I know that I shall not be left

Forgotten in the grave,

And from corruption, Thou, O Lord,

Thy holy one wilt save.

The path of life Thou showest me;

Of joy a boundless store

Is ever found at Thy right hand,

And pleasures evermore.

29. Immortality and Resurrection. Psalm 16. S.M.

To Thee, O Lord, I fly

And on Thy help depend;

Thou art my Lord and King Most High;

Do Thou my soul defend.

I praise the Lord above

Whose counsel guides aright;

My heart instructs me in His love

In seasons of the night.

I keep before me still

The Lord Whom I have proved;

At my right hand He guards from ill,

And I shall not be moved.

My heart is glad and blest,

My soul its joy shall tell;

And, lo, my flesh in hope shall rest,

And still in safety dwell.

My soul in death's dark pit

Shall not be left by Thee;

Corruption Thou wilt not permit

Thy holy one to see.

Life's pathway Thou wilt show,

To Thy right hand wilt guide,

Where streams of pleasure ever flow,

And boundless joys abide.

30. The Lord Our Inheritance. Psalm 16. S.M.

To Thee, O Lord, I fly

And on Thy help depend;

Thou art my Lord and King Most High;

Do Thou my soul defend.

A heritage for me

Jehovah will remain;

My portion rich and full is He,

My right He will maintain.

The lot to me that fell

Is beautiful and fair;

The heritage in which I dwell

Is good beyond compare.

I praise the Lord above

Whose counsel guides aright;

My heart instructs me in His love

In seasons of the night.

I keep before me still

The Lord Whom I have proved;

At my right hand He guards from ill,

And I shall not be moved.

Life's pathway Thou wilt show,

To Thy right hand wilt guide,

Where streams of pleasure ever flow,

And boundless joys abide.

31. The Prayer of the Righteous. Psalm 17. C.H.M.

Lord, hear the right, regard my cry,

My prayer from lips sincere;

Send Thy approval from on high,

My righteousness make clear.

Thou in the night my heart hast tried,

Nor found it turned from Thee aside.

With steadfast courage I design

No wrong to speak or do;

Thy path of life I choose for mine

And walk with purpose true.

For help, O God, I cry to Thee,

Assured that Thou wilt answer me.

O Thou that ever savest those

Whose trust on Thee is stayed,

Preserving them from all their foes

By Thy almighty aid,

Let me Thy lovingkindness see,

Thy wondrous mercy, full and free.

O guard me well as one doth guard

The apple of the eye;

While deadly foes are pressing hard,

To Thee, to Thee I cry.

Do Thou my rest and refuge be,

O let Thy wings o'er-shadow me.

My enemy, grown strong in pride,

Would take my life away,

A lion lurking by my side,

Most greedy for his prey.

Confront and cast him down, O Lord,

From evil save me by Thy sword.

Defend me from the men of pride,

Whose portion is below,

Who, with life's treasures satisfied,

No better portion know;

They, with earth's joys and wealth content,

Must leave them all when life is spent.

When I in righteousness at last

Thy glorious face shall see,

When all the weary night is past,

And I awake with Thee

To view the glories that abide,

Then, then I shall be satisfied.

32. Our Need of Divine Help. Psalm 17. C.H.M.

Lord, hear the right, regard my cry,

My prayer from lips sincere;

Send Thy approval from on high,

My righteousness make clear.

Thou in the night my heart hast tried,

Nor found it turned from Thee aside.

With steadfast courage I design

No wrong to speak or do;

Thy path of life I choose for mine

And walk with purpose true.

For help, O God, I cry to Thee,

Assured that Thou wilt answer me.

O Thou that ever savest those

Whose trust on Thee is stayed,

Preserving them from all their foes

By Thy almighty aid,

Let me Thy lovingkindness see,

Thy wondrous mercy, full and free.

When I in righteousness at last

Thy glorious face shall see,

When all the weary night is past,

And I awake with Thee

To view the glories that abide,

Then, then I shall be satisfied.

33. Our Refuge in the Lord. Psalm 17. C.M.

Lord, hear the right, attend my cry,

And to my prayer give ear,

My prayer that riseth unto Thee

From heart and lips sincere.

I shunned the ways of wicked men,

For I Thy word obey;

Upon Thy paths my steps held fast,

My feet slipped not away.

On Thee, O God, again I call,

For Thou wilt answer me;

Incline Thy ear and hear the prayer

That I direct to Thee.

Thy wondrous lovingkindness show,

Thou Who by Thy right hand

Defendest those who trust in Thee

From all who them withstand.

Soon I in glorious righteousness

Shall see Thee as Thou art;

Thy likeness, Lord, when I awake

Shall satisfy my heart.

34. God's Strength Our Protection. Psalm 18. L.M.

I love the Lord, His strength is mine;

He is my God, I trust His grace.

My fortress high, my shield divine,

My Saviour and my hidingplace.

My prayer to God shall still be raised

When troubles thick around me close;

The Lord, most worthy to be praised,

Will rescue me from all my foes.

When, floods of evil raging near,

Down nigh to death my soul was brought,

I cried to God in all my fear;

He heard and great deliverance wrought.

He came: the earth's foundations quake,

The hills are shaken from their place,

Thick smoke and fire devouring break

In anger dread before His face.

Descending through the bending skies,

With gloom and darkness under Him,

Forth through the storm Jehovah flies

As on the wings of cherubim.

Thick darkness hides Him from the view,

And swelling clouds His presence veil,

Until His glorious light breaks through

In lightning flash and glistening hail.

Jehovah's thunders fill the heaven,

The dreadful voice of God Most High;

With shafts of light the clouds are riven,

His foes, dismayed, in terror fly.

The raging torrents overflow,

And sweep the world's foundations bare,

Because Thy blasts of anger blow,

O Lord of earth and sea and air.

He took me from the whelming waves

Of bitter hate and sore distress;

The Lord, my stay and helper, saves,

Though mighty foes around me press.

From direful straits He set me free,

He saved the man of His delight;

For good the Lord rewarded me,

Because I kept His ways aright.

35. Holiness and Divine Favor. Psalm 18. L.M.

Since with my God with perfect heart

I walk and make His word my guide,

And from iniquity depart,

The Lord His blessing will provide.

The merciful shall know Thy grace,

The perfect Thy perfection see,

The pure shall see Thy own pure face,

The froward find a foe in Thee.

To smite the proud and bring them low,

To save the poor is Thy delight.

The Lord will cause my lamp to glow,

My God will make my darkness light.

From God the victory I receive;

Most perfect is His holy way;

His word is tried, they who believe

Will find the Lord their shield and stay.

For who is God, and strong to save,

Beside the Lord, our God of might?

'Tis He that makes me strong and brave,

The Lord Who guides my steps aright.

Thy free salvation is my shield,

My sure defense in every strait;

Thy hand upholds me, lest I yield;

Thy gentleness has make me great.

36. Our Source of Strength. Psalm 18. L.M.

As Thou, O Lord, hast made me strong

To overcome my mighty foe,

So now to fight against the wrong

And conquer in Thy Name I go.

From strife Thou wilt deliver me,

And make the nations own my sway;

Strange peoples, when my power they see,

Shall come with trembling and obey.

Jehovah lives, and blest is He,

My rock, my refuge and defense,

My Saviour Who delivers me,

And will the wicked recompense.

For grace and mercy ever near,

For foes subdued and victories won,

All nations of the earth shall hear

My praise for what the Lord has done.

To David, His anointed king,

And to his sons upon his throne,

The Lord will great salvation bring

And ever make His mercy known.

37. Nature's Tribute to God. Psalm 19. H.M.

The spacious heavens declare

The glory of our God,

The firmament displays

His handiwork abroad;

Day unto day proclaims His might,

And night His wisdom tells to night.

Aloud they do not speak,

They utter forth no word,

Nor into language break,

Their voice is never heard;

Yet through the world the truth they bear

And their Creator's power declare.

The clouds of heaven are spread,

A tent to hold the sun,

And like a bridegroom fair

Comes forth the mighty one,

Rejoicing in his strength and grace

To run his wondrous daily race.

His daily going forth

Is from the end of heaven;

The firmament to him

Is for his circuit given;

His journey reaches to its ends,

And everywhere his heat extends.

38. The Perfect Law of God. Psalm 19. H.M.

Jehovah's perfect law

Restores the soul again;

His testimony sure

Gives wisdom unto men;

The precepts of the Lord are right,

And fill the heart with great delight.

The Lord's commands are pure,

They light and joy restore;

Jehovah's fear is clean,

Enduring evermore;

His statutes, let the world confess,

Are wholly truth and righteousness.

They are to be desired

Above the finest gold;

Than honey from the comb

More sweetness far they hold;

With warning they Thy servant guard,

In keeping them is great reward.

His errors who can know?

Cleanse me from hidden stain;

Keep me from willful sins,

Nor let them o'er me reign;

And then I upright shall appear

And be from great transgressions clear.

When Thou dost search my life,

May all my thoughts within

And all the words I speak

Thy full approval win.

O Lord, Thou art a rock to me,

And my Redeemer Thou shalt be.

39. The Witness of Nature to God. Psalm 19. 8s.

The heavens in their splendor declare

The might and the glory of God;

For day unto day speaks His praise,

And night tells His wisdom abroad.

They speak not with audible word,

Yet clear is the message they send;

Their witness goes out through the earth,

Their word to the world's farthest end.

Forsaking his tent in the sky,

Arrayed as a bridegroom, the sun

Comes forth in his glorious strength,

Rejoicing his circuit to run.

He tells through the length of the heavens

His Maker's great wisdom and might,

And nothing in all of the earth

Is hid from his heat and his light.

40. The Divine Law. Psalm 19. 8s.

The law that the Lord has ordained

Is perfect, the soul to restore;

His truth makes the simple most wise,

The truth that is sure evermore.

His precepts are righteous and just,

Rejoicing the heart and the mind;

And all His commandments are pure,

Enlightening the eyes of the blind.

The fear of the Lord is most clean,

Forever unmoved it has stood;

His judgments are perfectly true,

In all things most righteous and good.

Such treasure no gold can supply,

Such sweetness no honey afford;

Their warnings none heed and obey,

But find most abundant reward.

O who can his errors discern?

From hidden faults, Lord, keep me free;

Let pride never reign in my heart,

And clear of great sin I shall be.

I pray that my words and my thoughts

May all with Thy precepts accord,

And ever be pleasing to Thee,

My rock, my Redeemer, my Lord.

41. The Value of Holy Scripture. Psalm 19. C.M.

Most perfect is the law of God,

Restoring those that stray;

His testimony is most sure,

Proclaiming wisdom's way.

The precepts of the Lord are right;

With joy they fill the heart;

The Lord's commandments all are pure,

And clearest light impart.

The fear of God is undefiled

And ever shall endure;

The statutes of the Lord are truth

And righteousness most pure.

They warn from ways of wickedness

Displeasing to the Lord,

And in the keeping of His word

There is a great reward.

What man can know his evil heart,

Discerning all his sin?

O cleanse me, Lord, from hidden faults,

And make me pure within.

From willful sins Thy servant keep,

No vantage let them gain;

From great transgression thus make free,

I upright shall remain.

The words which from my mouth proceed,

The thoughts within my heart,

Accept, O Lord, for Thou my Rock

And my Redeemer art.

42. Love for God's Word. Psalm 19. C.M.

Most perfect is the law of God,

Restoring those that stray;

His testimony is most sure,

Proclaiming wisdom's way.


O how love I Thy law!

O how love I Thy law!

It is my meditation all the day.

The precepts of the Lord are right;

With joy they fill the heart;

The Lord's commandments all are pure,

And clearest light impart.

The fear of God is undefiled

And ever shall endure;

The statutes of the Lord are truth

And righteousness most pure.

They warn from ways of wickedness

Displeasing to the Lord,

And in the keeping of His word

There is a great reward.

43. Mutual Intercession. Psalm 20. L.M.

Jehovah hear thee in thy grief,

Our fathers' God defend thee still,

Send from His holy place relief,

And strengthen thee from Zion's hill.

Thy sacrifice may He regard,

And all thy offerings bear in mind;

Thy heart's desire to thee accord,

Fulfilling all thou hast designed.

In thy salvation we rejoice,

And in God's Name our banners raise;

Jehovah hearken to thy voice,

Fulfill thy prayers through all thy days.

Salvation will the Lord command,

And His anointed will defend;

Yea, with the strength of His right hand

From heaven He will an answer send.

How vain their every confidence

Who on mere human help rely;

But we remember for defense

The Name of God, the Lord Most High.

Now we arise and upright stand,

While they, subdued and helpless, fall;

Jehovah, save us by Thy hand,

The King give answer when we call.

44. The Safeguards of Prayer. Psalm 20. C.M.

Jehovah hear thee in the day

When trouble He doth send;

And let our covenant-keeping God

From every ill defend.

O let Him send His help to thee

Forth from His holy place;

Let Him from Zion, His own hill,

Sustain thee by His grace.

May He remember all thy gifts.

Accept thy sacrifice,

And, granting thee thy heart's desire

Fulfill thy counsels wise.

In thy salvation we will joy;

When thou to God dost pray,

May He give answer, in Whose Name

Our banners we display.

45. Jesus Crowned and Triumphant. Psalm 21. 12s and 9s.

Now the King in Thy strength shall be joyful, O Lord,

Thy salvation shall make him rejoice;

For the wish of His heart Thou didst freely accord,

The request of His suppliant voice.

All the blessings of goodness Thou freely didst give;

With the purest of gold He is crowned;

When He asked of Thee life Thou hast made Him to live

While the ages shall circle around.

Through salvation from Thee hath His fame spread abroad,

Thou didst glory and honor impart;

Thou hast made Him most blessed forever, O God,

And Thy presence hath gladdened His heart.

For the King in the strength of Jehovah Most High

Did unwavering confidence place;

On the Name of Jehovah he still will rely,

And shall stand evermore in His grace.

By the hand of Thy might and Thy honor destroyed,

All Thy foes and their offspring shall fail;

By the evil they planned and the craft they employed

They shall never against Thee prevail.

Thou wilt speedily make them turn backward in flight,

When Thy arrows are aimed to destroy.

O Jehovah, be Thou far exalted in might,

And Thy power shall our praises employ.

46. The Coronation of Jesus Christ. Psalm 21. L.M.

The King rejoiceth in Thy strength,

In Thy salvation, Lord Most High,

For Thou hast filled His heart's desire

His prayer Thy love doth not deny.

A kingly crown Thou givest Him,

Thy blessings meet Him on His ways;

He asked for life, and unto Him

Thou gavest endless length of days.

With majesty and honor crowned,

How great His glory in Thy grace!

Forever blest, Thou makest Him

With joy to live before Thy face.

The King doth in Jehovah trust,

His lovingkindness He hath proved;

Confiding in the Lord Most High

He standeth evermore unmoved.

47. The Cross of Calvary. Psalm 22. L.M.

My God, my God, I cry to Thee;

O why hast Thou forsaken me?

Afar from Me, Thou dost not heed,

Though day and night for help I plead.

But Thou art holy in Thy ways,

Enthroned upon Thy people's praise;

Our fathers put their trust in Thee,

Believed, and Thou didst set them free.

They cried, and, trusting in Thy Name,

Were saved, and were not put to shame.

But in the dust My honor lies,

While all reproach and all despise.

My words a cause for scorn they make,

The lip they curl, the head they shake,

And, mocking, bid me trust the Lord

Till He salvation shall afford.

My trust on Thee I learned to rest

When I was on My mother's breast;

From birth Thou art my God alone,

Thy care My life has ever known.

O let Thy strength and presence cheer,

For trouble and distress are near;

Be Thou not far away from Me,

I have no source of help but Thee.

Unnumbered foes would do Me wrong,

They press about Me, fierce and strong,

Like beasts of prey their rage they vent,

My courage fails, My strength is spent.

Down unto death Thou leadest Me,

Consumed by thirst and agony;

With cruel hate and anger fierce

My helpless hands and feet they pierce.

While on My wasted form they stare,

The garments torn from Me they share,

My shame and sorrow heeding not,

And for My robe they cast the lot.

O Lord, afar no longer stay;

O Thou my helper, haste, I pray;

From death and evil set Me free;

I live, for Thou didst answer Me.

I live and will declare Thy fame

Where brethren gather in Thy Name;

Where all Thy faithful people meet,

I will Thy worthy praise repeat.

48. A Call to Praise. Psalm 22. L.M.

All ye that fear Jehovah's Name,

His glory tell, His praise proclaim;

Ye children of His chosen race,

Stand ye in awe before His face.

The suffering one He has not spurned

Who unto Him for succor turned;

From him He has not hid His face,

But answered his request in grace.

O Lord, Thy goodness makes me raise

Amid Thy people songs of praise;

Before all them that fear Thee, now

I worship Thee and pay my vow.

For all the meek Thou wilt provide,

They shall be fed and satisfied;

All they that seek the Lord shall live

And neverending praises give.

The ends of all the earth shall hear

And turn unto the Lord in fear;

All kindreds of the earth shall own

And worship Him as God alone.

For His the kingdom, His of right,

He rules the nations by His might;

All earth to Him her homage brings,

The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

Both rich and poor, both bond and free,

Shall worship Him with bended knee,

And children's children shall proclaim

The glorious honor of His Name.

The Lord's unfailing righteousness

All generations shall confess,

From age to age shall men be taught

What wondrous works the Lord has wrought.

49. The Triumphs of the Gospel. Psalm 22. L.M.

The ends of all the earth shall hear

And turn unto the Lord in fear;

All kindreds of the earth shall own

And worship Him as God alone.


All earth to Him her homage brings,

The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

For His the kingdom, His of right,

He rules the nations by His might;

All earth to Him her homage brings,

The Lord of lords, the King of kings.

Both rich and poor, both bond and free,

Shall worship Him with bended knee,

And children's children shall proclaim

The glorious honor of His Name.

50. The Dominion of Jesus Christ. Psalm 22. 7s and 6s.

Come ye that fear Jehovah,

Ye saints, your voices raise;

Come, stand in awe before Him,

And sing His glorious praise.

Ye lowly and afflicted

Who on His word rely,

Your heart shall live forever,

The Lord will satisfy.

All kindreds of the nations

To Christ the Lord shall turn,

Through earth's remotest regions

His altar-fires shall burn.

All kingdom, power, and glory

Belong to Him alone;

He ruleth o'er the nations,

Kings bow before His throne.

Both high and low shall worship,

Both strong and weak shall bend,

A faithful Church shall serve Him

Till generations end.

His praise shall be recounted

To nations yet to be,

The triumphs of His justice

A newborn world shall see.

51. Witness-Bearing and Grateful Praise. Psalm 22. C.M.

Amid the thronging worshippers

Jehovah will I bless;

Before my brethren gathered there,

His Name will I confess.

Come, praise Him, ye that fear the Lord,

Ye children of His grace;

With reverence sound His glories forth

And bow before His face.

The burden of the sorrowful

The Lord will not despise;

He has not turned from those that mourn,

He hearkens to their cries.

His goodness makes me join the throng

Where saints His praise proclaim,

And there will I fulfill my vows

'Mid those who fear His Name.

He feeds with good the humble soul

And satisfies the meek,

And they shall live and praise the Lord

Who for His mercy seek.

The ends of all the earth take thought,

The nations seek the Lord;

They worship Him, the King of kings,

In earth and heaven adored.

52. The Guardian Care of God. Psalm 23. 8s, 7s, 4.

Thou, Jehovah, art my Shepherd,

Therefore I no want shall know;

In green pastures Thou dost rest me,

Leadest where still waters flow,

And, when fainting,

Sweet refreshment dost bestow.

For Thy Name's sake Thou dost guide me

In the paths of righteousness;

Though I walk the vale of shadows,

Fears no more my soul oppress;

Thou art with me,

With Thy rod and staff to bless.

Thou preparest me a table

In the presence of the foe;

Thou my head with oil anointest,

Yea, my cup doth overflow.

O my Saviour,

Having Thee, no want I know.

Surely grace and lovingkindness

Shall forever follow me,

Till, my days of life all ended,

Evermore my home shall be,

O Jehovah,

In Thy holy house with Thee.

53. The Lord Our Shepherd. Psalm 23. C.M.

The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not want;

He makes me down to lie

In pastures green; He leadeth me

The quiet waters by.

My soul He doth restore again,

And me to walk doth make

Within the paths of righteousness,

E'en for His own Name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through death's dark vale,

Yet will I fear no ill,

For Thou art with me, and Thy rod

And staff me comfort still.

A table Thou hast furnished me

In presence of my foes;

My head Thou dost with oil anoint,

And my cup overflows.

Goodness and mercy all my life

Shall surely follow me,

And in God's house forevermore

My dwellingplace shall be.

54. Jesus Our Shepherd. Psalm 23. C.M.

My faithful Shepherd is the Lord,

Supplying all my needs;

In pastures green He makes me rest,

By quiet waters leads.

He tenderly restores my soul

When I am in distress,

And for His Name's sake guides my feet

In paths of righteousness.

Through death's dark valley though I walk,

No evil will I fear;

Thy rod and staff will comfort me,

For Thou art ever near.

A table dost Thou spread for me

In presence of my foes;

Thou hast anointed me with oil,

My cup of joy o'erflows.

Through life Thy goodness and Thy grace

Shall daily follow me;

And I, within Thy house, O Lord,

Shall ever dwell with Thee.

55. The Good Shepherd. Psalm 23. 7s and 6s.

The Lord my Shepherd holds me

Within His tender care,

And with His flock He folds me,

No want shall find me there.

In pastures green He feeds me,

With plenty I am blest;

By quiet streams He leads me

And makes me safely rest.

Whatever ill betides me,

He will restore and bless;

For His Name's sake He guides me

In paths of righteousness.

Thy rod and staff shall cheer me

In death's dark vale and shade,

For Thou wilt then be near me:

I shall not be afraid.

My food Thou dost appoint me,

Supplied before my foes;

With oil Thou dost anoint me,

My cup of bliss o'erflows.

Thy goodness, Lord, shall guide me,

Thy mercy cheer my way;

A home Thou wilt provide me

Within Thy house for aye.

56. The Saviour's Constant Presence. Psalm 23. 10s and 4s.

My Shepherd is the Lord Who know my needs,

And I am blest;

By quiet streams, in pastures green, He leads

And makes me rest.

My soul He saves and for His own Name's sake

He guides my feet the paths of right to take.

Though in death's vale and shadow be my way

I fear no ill,

For Thou art near, Thy rod and staff my stay

And comfort still.

My table Thou dost spread before my foes,

My head Thou dost anoint, my cup o'erflows.

The goodness and the mercy that have aye

Upon me shone

Shall surely follow me through all the way

Till life is done;

And evermore Jehovah's house shall be

My dwelling place through all eternity.

57. Conditions of Approach to God. Psalm 24. 11s.

The earth and the fullness with which it is stored,

The world and its dwellers belong to the Lord;

For He on the seas its foundations has laid,

And firm on the waters its pillars has stayed.

What man shall the hill of Jehovah ascend,

And who in the place of His presence attend?

The man of pure heart, and of hands without stain,

Who swears not to falsehood nor loves what is vain.

That man ever blest of Jehovah shall live,

The God of salvation shall righteousness give;

For this is the people, yea, this is the race,

The Israel true that are seeking His face.

58. The Triumphal Ascension of Christ. Psalm 24. 11s.

Ye gates, lift your heads, the glad summons obey,

Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way;

The King of all glory high honors await,

The King of all glory shall enter in state.

What King of all glory is this that ye sing?

The Lord, strong and mighty, the conquering King.

Ye gates, lift your heads, and His summons obey,

Ye doors everlasting, wide open the way.

The King of all glory high honors await,

The King of all glory shall enter in state.

What King of all glory is this that ye sing?

Jehovah of Hosts, He of glory is King.

59. The Divine King and the Worshiper. Psalm 24. C.M.

The earth, with all that dwell therein,

With all its wealth untold,

Belongs to God Who founded it

Upon the seas of old.

What man shall stand before the Lord

On Zion's holy hill?

The clean of hand, the pure of heart,

The just who do His will.

Lo, such are they that seek for God,

And blest by Him they live;

To them His perfect righteousness

The God of grace will give.

Ye everlasting doors, give way,

Lift up your heads, ye gates!

For now, behold, to enter in

The King of glory waits.

Who is this glorious King that comes

To claim His sovereign right?

It is the Lord omnipotent,

All-conquering in His might.

Ye everlasting doors, give way,

Lift up your heads, ye gates!

For now, behold, to enter in

The King of glory waits.

Who is this glorious King that comes

To claim His rightful throne?

The Lord of Hosts, He is the King

Of glory, God alone.

60. Prayer for Defense and Guidance. Psalm 25. S.M.

To Thee I lift my soul,

In Thee my trust repose;

My God, O put me not to shame

Before triumphant foes.

None shall be put to shame

That humbly wait for Thee,

But those that willfully transgress,

On them the shame shall be.

Show me Thy paths, O Lord,

Teach me Thy perfect way,

O guide me in Thy truth divine,

And lead me day by day.

For Thou art God that dost

To me salvation send,

And patiently through all the day

Upon Thee I attend.

Recall Thy mercies, Lord,

Their tenderness untold,

And all Thy lovingkindnesses,

For they have been of old.

61. The Sins of Youth. Psalm 25. S.M.

My sins and faults of youth,

Let them forgotten be,

And for Thy tender mercies' sake,

O Lord, remember me.

The Lord is just and good,

Instructing those that stray;

The meek He will in judgment guide

And make them know His way.

The pathways of the Lord

Are truth and mercy sure

To such as keep His covenant

And testimonies pure.

For Thy Name's sake, O Lord,

With Thee I humbly plead

To pardon my iniquity,

For it is great indeed.

62. The Friendship of the Lord. Psalm 25. S.M.

The man that fears the Lord

God's ways shall understand;

His soul shall ever dwell at ease,

His children rule the land.

The friendship of the Lord

Is ever with His own,

And unto those that fear His name

His faithfulness is shown.

My eyes are evermore

Toward Thee, O Lord, Whose care

Shall surely save my heedless feet

From every hidden snare.

O turn to me Thy face,

To me Thy mercy show,

For I am very desolate

And brought exceeding low.

63. Forgiveness and Deliverance. Psalm 25. S.M.

My griefs of heart abound,

Relieve my sore distress.

See my affliction and my pain,

Forgive my sinfulness.

Consider Thou my foes,

So many and so bold.

For cruel is the hatred, Lord,

Which they against me hold.

Defend and keep my soul,

From foes deliver me,

And let me not be brought to shame:

I put my trust in Thee.

Be truth and right my shield,

Because I wait for Thee;

Thy Church, O God, do Thou redeem

From all adversity.

64. Spiritual Aspirations. Psalm 25. 7s.

Lord, I lift my soul to Thee,

O my God, I trust Thy might;

Let not foes exalt o'er me,

Shame me not before their sight.

Yea, may none be put to shame,

None who wait for Thee to bless;

But dishonored be their name

Who without a cause transgress.

Lord, to me Thy ways make known,

Guide in truth and teach Thou me;

Thou my Saviour art alone,

All the day I wait for Thee.

Lord, remember in Thy love

All Thy mercies manifold,

Tender mercies from above,

Changeless from the days of old.

Sins of youth remember not,

Nor my trespasses record;

Let not mercy be forgot,

For Thy goodness' sake, O Lord.

Just and good the Lord abides,

He His way will sinners show,

He the meek in justice guides,

Making them His way to know.

65. The Blessings of the God-Fearing. Psalm 25. 7s.

68. The Paths of the Lord. Psalm 25. 7s.

Grace and truth shall mark the way

Where the Lord His own will lead,

If His word they still obey

And His testimonies heed.

For Thy Name's sake hear Thou me,

For Thy mercy, Lord, I wait;

Pardon my iniquity,

For my sin is very great.

He who walks in godly fear

In the path of truth shall go;

Peace shall be his portion here,

And his sons all good shall know.

They that fear and love the Lord

Shall Jehovah's friendship know;

He will grace to them accord,

And His faithful covenant show.

66. The Look of Faith. Psalm 25. 7s.

Ever are my longing eyes

Toward the Lord, Whose watchful care,

When my foes their plots devise,

Keep my feet from every snare.

Turn to me, Thy grace impart,

I am desolate indeed;

Great the troubles of my heart;

Save Thou me, O Lord, I plead.

Look on my afflicted state,

Freely all my sins forgive,

Mark my foes, their cruel hate,

Keep my soul and let me live.

Shame me not, I hide in Thee;

Truth and right preserve me still;

Let, O God, Thy people be

Now redeemed from every ill.

67. Aspiration and Supplication. Psalm 25. 7s.

Lord, to me Thy ways make known,

Guide in truth and teach Thou me;

Thou my Saviour art alone,

All the day I wait for Thee.

Lord, remember in Thy love

All Thy mercies manifold,

Tender mercies from above,

Changeless from the days of old.

Sins of youth remember not,

Nor my trespasses record;

Let not mercy be forgot,

For Thy goodness' sake, O Lord.

Just and good the Lord abides,

He His way will sinners show,

He the meek in justice guides,

Making them His way to know.

Grace and truth shall mark the way

Where the Lord His own will lead,

If His word they still obey

And his testimonies heed.

68. The Paths of the Lord. Psalm 25. 7s.

See Psalter 65, verses 1-4.

69. The Petition of a Good Conscience. Psalm 26. C.M.

Be Thou my judge, O righteous Lord,

Try Thou my inmost heart;

I walk with steadfast trust in Thee,

Nor from Thy ways depart.

O search me, Lord, and prove me now;

Thy mercy I adore;

I choose Thy truth to be my guide,

And sinful ways abhor.

My hands I wash in innocence

And seek Thy altar, Lord,

That there I may with thankful voice

Thy wondrous works record.

The habitation of Thy house

Is ever my delight;

The place where dwells Thy glory, Lord,

Is lovely in my sight.

Let not the judgment fall on me

For evil men decreed,

For cruel men and violent,

Inspired by bribes and greed.

But I in my integrity

Will humbly walk with Thee;

O my Redeemer and my Lord,

Be merciful to me.

Redeemed by Thee, I stand secure

In peace and happiness;

And in the Church, among Thy saints,

Jehovah I will bless.

70. Integrity of Character. Psalm 26. S.M.

Judge my integrity,

The righteous judge Thou art;

Prove me, O Lord, examine me,

And try my inmost heart.

Thy mercy and Thy grace

I love to contemplate;

Thy paths of truth my footsteps trace,

And wicked men I hate.

Clean hands, O Lord, I raise

As I Thy altars seek,

Where I may sing in grateful praise,

And of Thy wonders speak.

O Lord, Thy house I love,

Where glory dwells within;

O keep my heart secure above

All fellowship with sin.

Redeeming love and grace

Bestow, O Lord, on me;

Among Thy saints how blest my place,

Forever praising Thee.

71. The Fearlessness of Faith. Psalm 27. H.M.

Jehovah is my light,

And my salvation near;

Who shall my soul affright,

Or cause my heart to fear?

While God my strength, my life sustains,

Secure from fear my soul remains.

When evildoers came

To make my life their prey,

They stumbled in their shame

And fell in sore dismay;

Though hosts make war on every side,

Still fearless I in God confide.

My one request has been,

And still this prayer I raise,

That I may dwell within

God's house through all my days,

Jehovah's beauty to admire,

And in His temple to inquire.

When troubles round me swell,

When fears and dangers throng,

Securely I will dwell

In His pavilion strong;

Within the covert of His tent

He hides me till the storm is spent.

Uplifted on a rock

Above my foes around,

Amid the battle shock

My song shall still resound;

Then joyful offerings I will bring,

Jehovah's praise my heart shall sing.

72. Entreaty and Hopeful Trust. Psalm 27. H.M.

Lord, hear me when I pray,

And answer me in grace;

Oft as I hear Thee say,

Come ye and seek My face,

My heart and lips their answer speak,

Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek.

Hide not Thy face from me,

In wrath turn not away,

My help and Saviour be,

Forsake me not, I pray;

Should father, mother, friends forsake,

The Lord on me will pity take.

Teach me, O Lord, Thy way,

Make plain to me my path;

Because of foes, I pray,

Protect me from their wrath;

To false accusers, cruel foes,

O Lord, do not my soul expose.

Fainthearted would I be,

Didst Thou not promise, Lord,

I shall Thy goodness see

While Thou dost life accord.

Wait on the Lord, nor faint, nor fear,

Yea, trust and wait, the Lord is near.

73. The Confidence of Faith. Psalm 27. 8s and 6.

The Lord Almighty is my light,

He is my Saviour ever near,

And, since my strength is in His might

Who can distress me or affright?

What evil shall I fear?

O Lord, regard me when I cry,

In mercy hear me when I speak;

Thou bidst me seek Thy face, and I,

O Lord, with willing heart reply,

Thy face, Lord, will I seek.

Hide not Thy face afar from me,

For Thou alone canst help afford;

O cast me not away from Thee

Nor let my soul forsaken be,

My Saviour and my Lord.

Though earthly friends no pity take,

Yet Thy compassion knows no end;

E'en though my father shall forsake,

E'en though my mother's love shall break,

The Lord will be my friend.

My heart had failed in fear and woe

Unless in God I had believed,

Assured that He would mercy show

And that my life His grace should know,

Nor was my hope deceived.

Fear not, though succor be delayed.

Still wait for God, and He will hear;

Be strong, nor be thy heart dismayed,

Wait, and the Lord shall bring thee aid,

Yea, trust and never fear.

74. Desire After God. Psalm 27. C.M.

O Lord, give ear when with my voice

I cry aloud to Thee;

Have mercy also, I entreat,

Give answer unto me.

When Thou didst say, Seek ye my face,

My answering heart replied,

Thy face, Jehovah, will I seek

Above all else beside.

Hide not Thy face, nor in Thy wrath

Thy servant put away;

Thou hast a helper been to me

In every troublous day.

O God, my Saviour, leave me not;

Though parents should forsake,

The Lord, within His arms of love,

His child will surely take.

75. Invocation and Confident Petition. Psalm 28. S.M.

O Lord, to Thee I cry;

Thou art my rock and trust;

O be not silent, lest I die

And slumber in the dust.

O hear me when in prayer

Thy favor I entreat;

Hear, while I lift imploring hands

Before Thy mercy seat.

O let me have no part

With those that hate the right;

For as their works, so their reward:

Jehovah will requite.

But blessed be the Lord

Who hearkens when I cry;

The Lord, my strength, my help, my shield,

On Him will I rely.

His help makes glad my heart,

And songs of praise I sing;

Jehovah is His people's strength,

The stronghold of their king.

Bless Thy inheritance,

Our Saviour be, I pray;

Supply Thou all Thy people's need,

And be their constant stay.

76. Divine Power in Manifestation. Psalm 29. 12s and 11s.

Now unto Jehovah, ye sons of the mighty,

All glory and strength and dominion accord;

Ascribe to Him glory, and render Him honor,

In beauty of holiness worship the Lord.

The voice of Jehovah, the God of all glory,

Rolls over the waters, the thunders awake;

The voice of Jehovah, majestic and mighty,

Is heard, and the cedars of Lebanon break.

His voice makes the mountains and deserts to tremble,

Wild beasts are affrighted, the forests laid bare,

And through all creation, His wonderful temple,

All things He has fashioned His glory declare.

The Lord ruled in might at the flood of great waters,

A King Whose dominion is never to cease;

The Lord will give blessing and strength to His people,

The Lord all His people will comfort with peace.

77. Commemoration and Praise. Psalm 30. 7s and 6s.

O Lord, by Thee delivered,

I Thee with songs extol;

My foes Thou hast not suffered

To glory o'er my fall.

O Lord, my God, I sought Thee,

And Thou didst heal and save;

Thou, Lord, from death didst ransom

And keep me from the grave.

His holy name remember,

Ye saints, Jehovah praise;

His anger lasts a moment,

His favor all our days;

For sorrow, like a pilgrim,

May tarry for a night,

But joy the heart will gladden

When dawns the morning light.

In prosperous days I boasted,

Unmoved I shall remain,

For, Lord, by Thy good favor

My cause Thou didst maintain.

I soon was sorely troubled,

For Thou didst hide Thy face;

I cried to Thee, Jehovah,

I sought Jehovah's grace.

What profit if I perish,

If life Thou dost not spare?

Shall dust repeat Thy praises,

Shall it Thy truth declare?

O Lord, on me have mercy,

And my petition hear;

That Thou mayst be my helper,

In mercy, Lord, appear.

My grief is turned to gladness,

To Thee my thanks I raise,

Who hast removed my sorrow

And girded me with praise;

And now, no longer silent,

My heart Thy praise will sing;

O Lord, my God, forever

My thanks to Thee I bring.

78. Grateful Praise. Psalm 30. H.M.

Lord, I will praise Thy Name,

For Thou hast set me free,

Nor suffered foes to claim

A triumph over me.

O Lord, my God, to Thee I cried

And Thou hast health and strength supplied.

Thou hast my soul restored

When I was near the grave,

And from the depths, O Lord,

Thou graciously didst save;

O ye His saints, sing to the Lord,

With thanks His holiness record.

His wrath is quickly past,

His favor lives for aye;

Though grief a night may last,

Joy comes at break of day;

In my prosperity secure

I said, My peace shall still endure.

79. Thoughts on God's Loving-Kindness. Psalm 30. H.M.

My God, it was Thy grace

That did my strength supply;

When Thou didst hide Thy face,

Sore troubled then was I.

To Thee I cried, O Lord; to Thee

I made my supplicating plea.

What profit can it bring

If life Thou dost not spare?

Shall dust Thy praises sing,

Shall it Thy truth declare?

Jehovah hear, in mercy hear,

My Helper, Saviour, now appear.

With grief to gladness turned,

With sorrow changed to joy,

Thy praises I have learned,

And songs my lips employ;

So shall my tongue through life adore

And praise Thy name for evermore.

80. God Our Resort in Trouble. Psalm 31. C.M.

In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust,

I call upon Thy Name;

O save me in Thy righteousness,

Nor let me suffer shame.

Bow down Thy ear to my request,

And swift deliverance send;

Be Thou to me a rock of strength,

A fortress to defend.

Since Thou my rock and fortress art,

My leader be, and guide;

From all temptation rescue me,

Thou dost my strength abide.

To Thee my spirit I commend;

Redemption is with Thee,

O Thou, Jehovah, God of truth,

Who hast delivered me.

I hate all those that love the false,

My trust is in the Lord;

I will be glad, and joyfully

Thy mercy will record.

For my affliction Thou hast seen,

And known my many woes;

Thou hast not let me be enslaved,

But freed me from my foes.

Show mercy, Lord, to me distressed,

And send my soul relief;

My life is spent with bitterness,

My strength consumed with grief.

I mourn and fail because of sin,

Friends turn in dread away;

Reproached am I and terrified,

While foes conspire to slay.

But, Lord, in Thee is all my trust,

Thou art my God, I cried;

My life, my times are in Thy hand,

I in Thy strength confide.

From all that persecute my soul

Thy gracious help I crave;

O smile upon Thy servant, Lord,

And in Thy mercy save.

Let me not be ashamed, O Lord,

I plead with Thee to save;

But let the wicked be ashamed,

And silent in the grave.

Yea, let their lips henceforth be mute

Who words of falsehood seek,

The lips which with contempt and pride

Against the righteous speak.

81. The Riches of God's Goodness. Psalm 31. C.P.M.

How great the goodness kept in store

For those who fear Thee and adore

In meek humility.

How great the deeds with mercy fraught

Which openly Thy hand hat wrought

For those who trust in Thee.

Secured by Thy unfailing grace,

In Thee they find a hidingplace

When foes their plots devise;

A sure retreat Thou wilt prepare,

And keep them safely sheltered there,

When strife of tongues shall rise.

Blest be the Lord, for He hath showed,

While giving me a safe abode,

His love beyond compare;

Although His face He seemed to hide,

He ever heard me when I cried,

And made my wants His care.

Ye saints, Jehovah love and serve,

For He the faithful will preserve,

And shield from men of pride;

Be strong and let your hearts be brave,

All ye that wait for Him to save,

In God the Lord confide.

82. Security in God. Psalm 31. S.M.

Defend me, Lord, from shame,

For still I trust in Thee;

Since just and righteous is Thy Name,

From trouble set me free.

O Lord, in mercy hear,

Deliver me with speed;

Be my defense and refuge near,

My help in time of need.

Thee for my rock I take,

My fortress and my stay;

O lead me for Thy own Name's sake

And guide me in Thy way.

Lord, Thou dost strength impart;

Then free me from the snare

Which foes for me, with wicked art,

Did secretly prepare.

My spirit unto Thee

I trustfully commend;

Jehovah, God of truth, to me

Thou didst redemption send.

I hate the false and vain,

My trust is in the Lord,

And still my heart in joyous strain

Thy mercy will record.

83. Sin and Forgiveness. Psalm 32. 7s and 6s.

How blest is he whose trespass

Hath freely been forgiven,

Whose sin is wholly covered

Before the sight of heaven.

Blest he to whom Jehovah

Imputeth not his sin,

Who hath a guileless spirit,

Whose heart is true within.

While I kept guilty silence

My strength was spent with grief,

Thy hand was heavy on me,

My soul found no relief;

But when I owned my trespass,

My sin hid not from Thee,

When I confessed transgression,

Then Thou forgavest me.

So let the godly seek Thee

In times when Thou art near;

No whelming floods shall reach them,

Nor cause their hearts to fear.

In Thee, O Lord, I hide me,

Thou savest me from ill,

And songs of Thy salvation

My heart with rapture thrill.

84. Gracious Guidance. Psalm 32. 7s and 6s.

I graciously will teach thee

The way that thou shalt go,

And with My eye upon thee

My counsel make thee know.

But be ye not unruly,

Or slow to understand,

Be not perverse, but willing

To heed my wise command.

The sorrows of the wicked

In number shall abound,

But those that trust Jehovah,

His mercy shall surround;

Then in the Lord be joyful,

In song lift up your voice;

Be glad in God, ye righteous,

Rejoice, ye saints, rejoice.

85. The Praise of Almighty God. Psalm 33. C.P.M.

Ye righteous, in the Lord rejoice;

'Tis comely that with joyful voice

God's saints His Name should praise.

With harp and hymn of gladness sing,

Your gift of sweetest music bring,

To Him a new song raise.

For upright is Jehovah's word,

And all the doings of the Lord

In justice have their birth;

In judgment and in deeds of right

The Lord forever takes delight,

His goodness fills the earth.

Jehovah speaks, the heavens appear;

He breathes, and, lo, each shining sphere

In splendor stands arrayed;

He rolls the waters heap on heap,

He stores away the mighty deep

In garners for it made.

86. The God of Providence and Grace. Psalm 33. C.P.M.

Let all the earth Jehovah fear,

Let all that dwell both far and near

In awe before Him stand;

For, lo, He spake and it was done,

And all with sovereign power begun

Stood fast at His command.

He makes the nations' counsels vain,

The plans the peoples would maintain

Are thwarted by His hand.

Jehovah's counsel stands secure,

His purposes of heart endure,

For evermore they stand.

O truly is the nation blest

Whose God before the world confessed

Jehovah is alone;

And blest the people is whom He

Has made His heritage to be,

And chosen for His own.

87. God the Only Deliverer. Psalm 33. C.P.M.

Jehovah from His throne on high

Looks down with clear and searching eye

On all that dwell below;

And He that fashioned heart and mind

Looks ever down on all mankind,

The works of men to know.

Not human strength or mighty hosts,

Not charging steeds or war-like boasts

Can save from overthrow;

But God will save from death and shame

All those who fear and trust His Name,

And they no want shall know.

Our hope is on Jehovah stayed,

In Him our hearts are joyful made,

Our help and shield is He;

Our trust is in His holy Name,

Thy mercy, Lord, in faith we claim,

As we have hoped in Thee.

88. The Goodness of God Proved. Psalm 34. C.M.

The Lord I will at all times bless,

In praise my mouth employ;

My soul shall in Jehovah boast,

The meek shall hear with joy.

O magnify the Lord with me,

Let us exalt His Name;

When in distress on Him I called,

He to my rescue came.

We looked to Him and light received,

Ashamed we shall not be;

Our humble cry Jehovah heard,

From trouble set us free.

The angel of the Lord encamps

Around about His own,

Delivers them from all their foes,

Lest they be overthrown.

O taste and see that God is good

To all that seek His face;

Yea, blest the man that trusts in Him,

Confiding in His grace.

O fear the Lord, all ye His saints;

No want shall bring distress;

The lions young may pine for food,

The saints all good possess.

89. The Secret of a Happy Life. Psalm 34. C.M.

Ye children, come, give ear to me

And learn Jehovah's fear;

He who would long and happy live,

Let him my counsel hear.

Restrain thy lips from speaking guile,

From wicked speech depart,

From evil turn and do the good,

Seek peace with all thy heart.

Jehovah's eyes are on the just,

He hearkens to their cry;

Against the wicked sets His face,

Their very name shall die.

The Lord may suffer many griefs

Upon the just to fall,

But He will bring them safely through,

Delivering them from all.

By evil are the evil slain,

And they that hate the just;

But all His servants God redeems,

And safe in Him they trust.

90. Testimony and Praise. Psalm 34. L.M.

The Lord I will at all times bless,

My mouth His praises shall express;

In Him shall all my boasting be,

While all the meek rejoice with me.

O magnify the Lord with me,

Let us to praise His Name agree;

I sought the Lord, He answered me,

And from my tears He set me free.

Who look to Him shall walk in light,

With joy their faces shall be bright.

Distressed, they cried; the Lord arose

And saved them out of all their woes.

Around His saints as watch and ward

Encamps the angel of the Lord;

That God is good, O taste and see,

Who trusts in Him shall blessed be.

Fear Him, ye saints, and do His will,

And all your needs He will fulfill,

Though beasts of forest lack their food,

Those seeking God shall want no good.

Ye children, come and hear my voice,

And learn to make God's fear your choice;

Who seek long life and happy days

Must learn to walk in wisdom's ways.

Who fears the Lord must keep his tongue

From evil and his lips from wrong,

Must do the good, from evil cease,

And ever seek and follow peace.

91. The Safety of Believers. Psalm 34. L.M.

God guards the good with watchful eye,

His ear attentive to their cry,

Against the wicked sets His face,

From earth their memory to erase.

The righteous cry, Jehovah hears.

And rescues them from all their fears;

The Lord draws nigh to broken hearts,

To contrite spirits help imparts.

Afflictions on the good must fall,

But God will bring them safe through all;

From harmful stroke He will defend,

And sure and full deliverance send.

By evil are the evil slain,

The hope of sinful men is vain;

The wicked, who the righteous hate,

Their condemnation shall be great.

The Lord redemption will provide

For all who in His grace confide;

From condemnation they are clear

Who trust in Him with holy fear.

92. God Our Advocate and Judge. Psalm 35. L.M.

Be Thou my helper in the strife,

O Lord, my strong defender be;

Thy mighty shield protect my life,

Thy spear confront the enemy.

Amid the conflict, O my Lord,

Thy precious promise let me hear,

The faithful, reassuring word:

I am thy Saviour, do not fear.

Ashamed, confounded let them be

Who seek my ruin and disgrace;

O let Thy angel fight for me,

And drive my foes before his face.

Without a cause my life they sought,

Without a cause their plots they laid;

Themselves within their snares be caught,

And be my crafty foes dismayed.

My soul is joyful in the Lord,

In His salvation I rejoice;

To Him my heart will praise accord

And bless His Name with thankful voice.

For who, O Lord, is like to Thee,

Defender of the poor and meek?

The needy Thy salvation see

When mighty foes their ruin seek.

Unrighteous witnesses have stood

And told of crimes beyond belief;

Returning evil for my good,

They overwhelm my soul with grief.

When in affliction they were sad,

I wept and made their grief my own;

But in my trouble they are glad

And strive that I may be o'erthrown.

O Lord, how long wilt Thou delay?

My soul for Thy salvation waits;

My thankfulness I will display

Amid the crowds that throng Thy gates.

Let not my enemies rejoice

And wrongfully exult o'er me;

They speak not peace, but lift their voice

To trouble those that peaceful be.

My foes with joy my woes survey,

But Thou, O Lord, hast seen it all;

O be no longer far away,

Nor silent when on Thee I call.

O haste to my deliverance now,

O Lord, my righteous cause maintain;

My Lord and God alone art Thou;

Awake, and make Thy justice plain.

O Lord my God, I look to Thee,

Be Thou my righteous Judge, I pray;

Let not my foes exult o'er me

And laugh with joy at my dismay.

With shame and trouble those requite

Who would my righteous cause destroy;

But those who in the good delight,

Let them be glad and shout for joy.

Yea, let the Lord be magnified,

Because Thy servants Thou dost bless;

And I, from morn till eventide,

Will daily praise Thy righteousness.

My soul is joyful in the Lord,

In His salvation I rejoice;

To Him my heart will praise accord

And bless His Name with thankful voice.

93. A Wicked Life. Psalm 36. C.M.

The trespass of the wicked man

Most plainly testifies

That fear of God's most holy Name

Is not before his eyes.

He cherishes the empty hope,

Although his sin be great,

It never shall be brought to light

And viewed with righteous hate.

The words he utters with his mouth

Are wickedness and lies;

He keeps himself from doing good,

And ceases to be wise.

While on his bed his thought he gives

To planning wickedness;

He sets himself in evil ways,

He shuns not to transgress.

94. The Love and Justice of God. Psalm 36. C.M.

Thy mercy and Thy truth, O Lord,

Transcend the lofty sky;

Thy judgments are a mighty deep,

And as the mountains high.

Lord, Thou preservest man and beast;

Since Thou art ever kind,

Beneath the shadow of Thy wings

We may a refuge find.

With the abundance of Thy house

We shall be satisfied,

From rivers of unfailing joy

Our thirst shall be supplied.

The fountain of eternal life

Is found alone with Thee,

And in the brightness of Thy light

We clearly light shall see.

From those that know Thee may Thy love

And mercy ne'er depart,

And may Thy justice still protect

And bless the upright heart.

The workers of iniquity

Are fallen utterly;

They shall not triumph in their pride,

Or drive my soul from Thee.

95. An Answer to Distrust. Psalm 37. C.P.M.

Fret not thyself, nor envious be,

When wicked workers thou shalt see,

Who prosper in their way;

For like the grass they perish soon,

And, like the herb cut down at noon,

They wither in a day.

Trust in the Lord and still do well,

Within the land securely dwell,

Feed on His faithfulness;

Delight thee also in the Lord,

And to thy heart He will accord

The good it would possess.

Yea, to the Lord thy way is known;

Confide in Him Who on the throne

Abides in power divine;

Thy righteousness He shall display;

Resplendent as the light of day,

It shall unclouded shine.

96. Contrasted Characters. Psalm 37. C.P.M.

Rest in the Lord and be thou still,

With patience wait His holy will,

Enduring to the end.

Fret not though sinners' gains increase;

Forsake thy wrath, from anger cease;

It will to evil tend.

The evildoer soon shall die,

But those that on the Lord rely

Shall all the land obtain;

A little while and thou shalt see

That wicked men cut off shalt be,

They shall be sought in vain.

Yea, thou shalt soon consider well

The place where they were want to dwell,

And it shall not be found;

But saints shall all the land possess,

And find delight and happiness

Where fruits of peace abound.

The vile may plot against the just

Who in the Lord Jehovah trust,

But God will scorn them all;

The Lord their coming day shall see,

When broken all their power shall be,

And ruin on them fall.

97. Well-Doing and Well-Being. Psalm 37. C.P.M.

A little that the righteous hold

Is better far than wealth untold

Of many wicked men;

Destroyed shall be their arm of pride,

But they who in the Lord confide

Shall be upholden then.

He know the days the perfect live,

To them a heritage will give

Which ever shall abide;

In evil times no shame they know,

And in the days of famine's woe

They shall be satisfied.

Although the wicked prospered seem,

At last they vanish like a dream

And perish in a day;

Jehovah's foes shall soon appear

Like fields once fair, now brown and sear;

Like smoke they fade away.

They borrow oft and pay not back,

But righteous men do nothing lack,

And give with gracious hand;

Those cursed by Him shall be destroyed,

But such as have His grace enjoyed,

They shall possess the land.

98. The Rewards of the Righteous. Psalm 37. C.P.M.

The good man's steps are led aright,

His way is pleasing in God's sight,

Established it shall stand;

He shall not perish though he fall,

The mighty Lord who rules o'er all

Upholds him with His hand.

Though I am old who young have been,

No saint have I forsaken seen,

Nor yet his home in need;

He ever lends in gracious ways,

His life true charity displays,

His sons are blest indeed.

Depart from evil, do thou well,

And evermore securely dwell;

Jehovah loves the right.

His faithfulness His saints have proved,

Forever they shall stand unmoved,

But sinners God will smite.

The righteous, through His favoring hand,

Shall yet inherit all the land

And dwell therein for aye;

He talks of wisdom and of right,

In God's pure law is his delight,

His steps go not astray.

99. The Righteous and the Evil-Doer. Psalm 37. C.P.M.

The wicked, watching for their prey,

Desire the righteous man to slay,

But God is on his side;

He will not leave him in their hands,

Nor count him guilty when he stands

In judgment to be tried.

Wait on the Lord and keep His way;

He will exalt thee, nor delay

To give the land to thee;

And when the wicked are cut off,

The wicked who against thee scoff,

Their judgment thou shalt see.

The wicked in great power are seen,

Like spreading tree with foliage green

That grows in native ground.

I looked again, they were no more;

I sought the men so proud before,

But they could not be found.

Mark thou the upright day by day,

Behold the perfect in his way:

His journey ends in peace.

Destroyed at once shall rebels be;

Cut off from all posterity,

Their very name shall cease.

Salvation is from God alone,

Whom as their covert saints have known

When by sore troubles tried;

The Lord Who helped in troubles past

Will save them to the very last,

For they in Him confide.

100. The Secret of Tranquility. Psalm 37. C.M.

Forever trusting in the Lord,

Take heed to do His will;

So shalt thou dwell within the land, (2x)

And He thy needs shall fill.

Delight thee in the Lord, and He

Will grant thy heart's request;

To Him commit thy way in faith, (2x)

And thus thou shalt be blessed.

And He shall make thy righteousness

Shine brightly as the light,

And as the burning noonday sun (2x)

Thy judgment shall be bright.

Rest in the Lord with quiet trust,

Wait patiently for Him;

Though wickedness triumphant seem, (2x)

Let not thy faith grow dim.

101. The Prosperity of the Upright. Psalm 37. C.M.

The steps of those whom He approves

Are ordered by the Lord;

And though they fall, held by His hand,

They yet shall be restored.

I have not seen, though since my youth

Full many years have fled,

The saint forsaken, nor beheld

His children begging bread.

The children of the merciful

Find blessing kept in store;

Depart from evil and do good,

And live forevermore.

Wait on the Lord and keep His way,

And then, by Him approved,

Thy heritage shall still remain

When sinners are removed.

Mark well the perfect, upright man,

As still his years increase;

Behold his life, and thou shalt see

His journey end in peace.

102. Penitential Grief and Supplication. Psalm 38. 8s and 7s.

In Thy wrath and hot displeasure,

Chasten not Thy servant, Lord;

Let Thy mercy, without measure,

Help and peace to me afford.

Heavy is my tribulation,

Sore my punishment has been;

Broken by Thy indignation,

I am troubled by my sin.

With my burden of transgression

Heavy laden, overborne,

Humbled low I make confession,

For my folly now I mourn.

Weak and wounded, I implore Thee;

Lord, to me Thy mercy show;

All my prayer is now before Thee,

All my trouble Thou dost know.

Darkness gathers, foes assail me,

But I answer not a word;

All my friends desert and fail me,

Only Thou my cry hast heard.

103. A Plea for Salvation. Psalm 38. 8s and 7s.

Lord, in Thee am I confiding;

Thou wilt answer when I call,

Lest my foes, the good deriding,

Triumph in Thy servant's fall.

I am prone to halt and stumble,

Grief and sorrow dwell within,

Shame and guilt my spirit humble,

I am sorry for my sin.

Foes about my soul are closing,

Full of hatred, false and strong;

Choosing good, I find opposing

All who love and do the wrong.

Lord, my God, do not forsake me,

Let me know that Thou art near,

Under Thy protection take me,

As my Saviour now appear.

104. The Frailty of Life. Psalm 39. L.M.

With firm resolve I held my peace

And spake not either bad or good,

Lest I should utter sinful thoughts

While wicked men before me stood.

While I was dumb my grief was stirred,

My heart grew hot with thought suppressed;

The while I mused the fire increased,

Then to the Lord I made request.

Make me, O Lord, to know my end,

Teach me the measure of my days,

That I may know how frail I am

And turn from pride and sinful ways.

My time is nothing in Thy sight,

Behold, my days are but a span;

Yea, truly at his best estate,

A breath, a fleeting breath, is man.

Man's life is passed in vain desire

If troubled years be spent for gain;

He knows not whose his wealth shall be,

And all his toil is but in vain.

And now, O Lord, what wait I for?

I have no hope except in Thee;

Let not ungodly men reproach,

From all transgression set me free.

Because Thou didst it I was dumb,

I spoke no word of rash complaint;

Remove Thy stroke away from me,

Beneath Thy chastisement I faint.

When Thou for his iniquity

Rebukest and correctest man,

His beauty is consumed away,

How weak his strength, how vain his plan.

Lord, hear my prayer, regard my cry,

I weep, be Thou my comforter;

I am a stranger here below,

A pilgrim as my fathers were.

O spare me, Lord, avert Thy wrath

Deal gently with me, I implore,

That I may yet recover strength

Ere I go hence, and be no more.

105. The Brevity of Human Life. Psalm 39. S.M.

I constant care will take,

Lest sinful words they hear;

My lips their silence shall not break

While wicked men are near.

I dumb and silent stood,

No words of mine were heard;

I e'en refrained from speaking good,

Till sorrow's deeps were stirred.

My heart was all on fire,

With burning thoughts suppressed;

My tongue was loosed, my soul's desire

I then to God addressed.

My end, Lord, make me know,

My days, how soon they fail;

And to my thoughtful spirit show

How weak I am and frail.

To Thy eternal thought

My days are but a span;

To Thee my years appear as nought,

A breath at best is man.

Man lives in empty show,

His anxious care is vain,

He hoards his wealth, and does not know

Who shall possess his gain.

106. Chastened Submission. Psalm 39. S.M.

What wait I for but Thee?

My hope is in Thy Name;

From all my sins deliver me,

Nor put my soul to shame.

I suffered silently,

Because Thy will is best;

Remove Thy heavy stroke from me,

For I am sore distressed.

When sin Thou dost repay

And chasten and restrain,

Man's beauty quickly fades away;

Yea, human life is vain.

O Lord, regard my fears,

And answer my request;

Turn not in silence from my tears,

But give the mourner rest.

I am a stranger here,

Dependent on Thy grace,

A pilgrim, as my fathers were,

With no abiding place.

O spare me and restore

My failing strength, I pray;

Ere I go hence and be no more,

The hand of judgment stay.

107. A Mourner's Entreaties. Psalm 39. S.M.

My end, Lord, make me know,

My days, how soon they fail;

And to my thoughtful spirit show

How weak I am, and frail.

To Thy eternal thought

My days are but a span;

To Thee my years appear as nought,

A breath at best is man.

O Lord, regard my fears,

And answer my request;

Turn not in silence from my tears,

But give the mourner rest.

I am a stranger here,

Dependent on Thy grace,

A pilgrim, as my fathers were,

With no abiding place.

108. A Recital of Gracious Experience. Psalm 40. C.M.

I waited for the Lord my God,

Yea, patiently drew near,

And He at length inclined to me,

My pleading cry to hear.

He took me from destruction's pit,

From out the miry clay;

He set my feet upon a rock,

And steadfast made my way.

A new and joyful song of praise

My thankful heart he taught,

A song of glory to our God

For all that He has wrought.

And many who behold how good

The Lord has been to me

Shall learn to fear, and in His Name

Their trust henceforth shall be.

O truly blessed is the man

That on the Lord relies,

Respecting not the proud, nor such

As turn aside to lies.

O Lord my God, how manifold

The works which Thou hast wrought,

Ofttimes Thou hast bestowed on us

Thy care and gracious thought.

Thy works and thoughts most wonderful,

If I of them would speak,

Cannot be numbered, and in vain

To set them forth I seek.

109. Personal Devotion to God. Psalm 40. C.M.

The offering on the altar burned

Gives no delight to Thee;

The hearing ear, the willing heart,

Thou givest unto me.

Then, O my God, I come, I come,

Thy purpose to fulfill;

Thy law is written in my heart,

'Tis joy to do Thy will.

Before Thy people I will now

Thy righteousness proclaim;

Thou knowest, Lord, I will not cease

To praise Thy holy Name.

I never have within my heart

Thy faithfulness concealed,

But Thy salvation and Thy truth

To men I have revealed.

110. The Mercy of God Besought. Psalm 40. C.M.

Thy tender mercies, O my God,

Withhold not, I implore;

But let Thy kindness and Thy truth

Preserve me evermore.

For countless ills have compassed me,

My sinful deeds arise;

Yea, they have overtaken me;

I dare not raise my eyes.

My sins are more than I can count,

My heart has failed for grief;

Be pleased, O Lord, to rescue me,

O haste to my relief.

Be those who seek to hurt my soul

Dismayed and put to flight,

And they themselves be put to shame

Who in my woe delight.

Let all who seek Thee now rejoice,

Yea, glad in Thee abide,

And, loving Thy salvation, say,

The Lord be magnified.

My lowly state and bitter need

The Lord has not forgot;

Thou art my Saviour and my help,

Come, Lord, and tarry not.

111. Grace and Gratitude. Psalm 40. L.H.M.

I waited for the Lord Most High,

And He inclined to hear my cry;

He took me from destruction's pit

And from the miry clay;

Upon a rock He set my feet,

And steadfast made my way.

A new and joyful song of praise

He taught my thankful heart to raise;

And many, seeing me restored,

Shall fear the Lord and trust;

And blest are they that trust the Lord,

The humble and the just.

O Lord my God, how manifold

Thy wondrous works which I behold,

And all Thy loving, gracious thought

Thou hast bestowed on man;

To count Thy mercies I have sought,

But boundless is their span.

Not sacrifice delights the Lord,

But he who hears and keeps His word;

Thou gavest me to hear Thy will,

Thy law is in my heart;

I come the Scripture to fulfill,

Glad tidings to impart.

112. An Entreaty for Mercy. Psalm 40. L.H.M.

Before Thy people I confess

The wonders of Thy righteousness;

Thou knowest, Lord, that I have made

Thy great salvation known,

Thy truth and faithfulness displayed,

Thy lovingkindness shown.

Withhold not Thou Thy grace from me,

O Lord, Thy mercy let me see,

To me Thy lovingkindness show,

Thy truth be still my stay;

Let them preserve me where I go,

And keep me every day.

Let all who seek to see Thy face

Be glad and joyful in Thy grace;

Let those who Thy salvation love

For evermore proclaim,

O praise the Lord Who dwells above,

And magnify his Name.

Although I poor and needy be,

The Lord in love takes thought for me;

Thou art my help in time of need,

My Saviour, Lord, art Thou;

Then, O my God, I pray, I plead,

Stay not, but save me now.

113. The Friend of the Poor. Psalm 41. C.M.

How blest the man who thoughtfully

The poor and weak befriends;

Deliverance in the evil day

To him Jehovah sends.

The Lord will keep him, guard his life,

On earth he shall be blest;

The Lord will not surrender him

By foes to be distressed.

Upon the bed of suffering

Jehovah will sustain,

And in his sickness God will soothe

The weariness and pain.

O Lord, to Thee my cry ascends,

Let me Thy mercy see;

Heal Thou my soul, for I have sinned,

I have offended Thee.

My enemies against me speak,

And they my life have scorned;

They wish my name to pass away,

Unhonored and unmourned.

My foe, deceitful, visits me,

By seeming kindness led,

His heart intent on gathering

Some hurtful news to spread.

My foes, together whispering,

Their evil plans devise;

Disease, they say, cleaves fast to him,

Laid low, he shall not rise.

Yea, he who was my chosen friend,

In whom I put my trust,

Who ate my bread, now turns in wrath

To crush me in the dust.

Do Thou, Jehovah, show me grace,

And raise me up again,

That I with justice may requite

These base and wicked men.

By this I know assuredly

That I am loved by Thee,

Because my foe does not exult

In triumph over me.

And as for me, in uprightness

Thou dost uphold me well,

And settest me before Thy face

For evermore to dwell.

Blest be Jehovah, Israel's God

For evermore. Amen.

Let age to age eternally

Repeat His praise. Amen.

114. Thirstings for God. Psalm 42. L.M.

As thirsts the heart for water brooks,

So thirsts my soul, O God, for Thee;

It seeks for God, and ever looks

And longs the living God to see.

Far from the courts of God, my tears

Have been my food by night and day,

While constantly with bitter sneers,

Where is thy God, the scoffers say.

With grief I think of days gone by,

When oft I trod the hallowed way

To Zion, praising God on high

With throngs who kept the holy day.

O why art thou cast down, my soul,

And why so troubled shouldst thou be?

Hope thou in God, and Him extol,

Who gives His saving help to me.

Since, O my God, my soul is bowed,

In exile far, with bitter grief,

I turn my thoughts to Thy abode

For consolation and relief.

With mighty voice deep calls to deep,

While raging storms Thy judgments tell;

The angry billows o'er me leap,

The waves of sorrow near me swell.

Though troubles surge, yet through the day

The Lord His gracious help will give,

And in the night my heart shall pray

And sing to Him in Whom I live.

To God my Rock I cry and say,

O why hast Thou forgotten me?

Why go I mourning on my way,

Oppressed by foes that know not Thee?

With anguish as from piercing sword

Reproach of bitter foes I hear,

While day by day, with taunting word

Where is thy God, the scoffers sneer.

O why art thou cast down, my soul,

And why so troubled shouldst thou be?

Hope thou in God, and Him extol,

Who gives his saving help to me.

115. Longing After God. Psalm 42. 11s and 10s.

As pants the hart for streams of living water,

So longs my soul, O living God, for Thee;

I thirst for Thee, for Thee my heart is yearning;

When shall I come Thy gracious face to see?

O Lord my God, o'erwhelmed in deep affliction,

Far from Thy rest, to Thee I lift my soul;

Deep calls to deep and storms of trouble thunder,

While o'er my head the waves and billows roll.

Thou wilt command Thy servant's consolation,

Thy lovingkindness yet shall cheer my day,

And in the night my song shall be my comfort;

God of my life, to Thee I still will pray.

Why, O my soul, art Thou cast down within me,

Why art thou troubled and oppressed with grief?

Hope thou in God, the God of thy salvation,

Hope, and thy God will surely send relief.

116. Remembrance of God. Psalm 42. C.M.

As pants the hart for cooling streams,

When heated in the chase,

So longs my soul, O God, for Thee

And Thy refreshing grace.

For Thee, my God, the living God,

My thirsty soul doth pine;

O when shall I behold Thy face,

Thou Majesty Divine?

Why restless, why cast down, my soul?

Trust God, Who will employ

His aid for thee, and change these sighs

To thankful hymns of joy.

Why restless, why cast down, my soul?

Hope still, and thou shalt sing

The praise of Him Who is thy God,

Thy health's eternal spring.

117. Our Support Amidst Distress. Psalm 42. 11s and 10s.

As pants the hart for streams of living water,

So longs my soul, O living God, for Thee;

I thirst for Thee, for Thee my heart is yearning;

When shall I come Thy gracious face to see?

O Lord my God, o'erwhelmed in deep affliction,

Far from Thy rest, to Thee I lift my soul;

Deep calls to deep and storms of trouble thunder,

While o'er my head the waves and billows roll.

Thou wilt command Thy servant's consolation,

Thy lovingkindness yet shall cheer my day,

And in the night Thy song shall be my comfort;

God of my life, to Thee I still will pray.

Why, O my soul, art thou cast down within me,

Why art thou troubled and oppressed with grief?

Hope thou in God, the God of thy salvation,

Hope, and thy God will surely send relief.

118. Spiritual Thirst. Psalm 42. 8s and 4s.

As thirsts the hart for cooling flood,

So longs my soul, O living God,

To taste Thy grace;

When unto Thee shall I draw near,

O when within Thy courts appear,

And see Thy face?

How oft I led the happy throngs

That sought the house of God with songs

Of joy and praise;

I ever joined with true delight

The multitude that kept aright

The holy days.

O why, my soul, thy hopelessness?

Why such disquiet and distress?

On God rely;

For I shall yet behold His face,

Who is my God, and I His grace

Will magnify.

119. Devout Longings. Psalm 43. C.M.

Judge me, O God, and plead my cause

Against a godless race;

From men deceitful and unjust

Deliver in Thy grace.

O Thou the God of all my strength,

Why hast Thou cast me off?

Why go I mourning all the day,

While foes oppress and scoff?

O send Thou forth Thy light and truth,

Let them be guides to me,

And bring me to Thy holy hill,

Thy dwellingplace to see.

Then will I to God's altar go,

To God, my boundless joy;

Yea, God, my God, Thy Name to praise

My harp I will employ.

Why art thou then cast down, my soul,

What should discourage thee?

And why with vexing thoughts art thou

Disquieted in me?

Hope thou in God; His praise shall yet

My thankful lips employ;

He is the spring of all my health,

My God, my boundless joy.

120. Hope and Trust. Psalm 43. 8s and 7s.

Judge me, God of my salvation,

Plead my cause, for Thee I trust;

Hear my earnest supplication,

Save me from my foes unjust.


O my soul, why art thou grieving?

What disquiets and dismays?

Hope in God; His help receiving,

I shall yet my Saviour praise.

On Thy strength alone relying,

Why am I cast off by Thee,

In my helpless sorrow sighing,

While the foe oppresses me?

Light and truth, my way attending,

Send thou forth to be my guide,

Till Thy holy mount ascending,

I within Thy house abide.

At Thy sacred altar bending,

God, my God, my boundless joy,

Harp and voice, in worship blending,

For Thy praise will I employ.

121. God the Giver of Victory. Psalm 44. 11s.

O God, we have heard, and our fathers have told

What wonders Thou didst in the great days of old;

The nations were crushed and expelled by Thy hand,

Cast out that Thy people might dwell in their land.

They gained not the land by the edge of the sword,

Their own arm to them could no safety afford,

But Thy right hand saved, and the light of Thy face,

Because of Thy favor and wonderful grace.

Command, and Thy word shall deliverance bring,

O God, to Thy chosen, for Thou art our King;

Through Thee we will surely defeat all our foes,

Through Thy Name will triumph o'er those that oppose.

No trust will I place in my strength to defend,

Nor yet on my sword as a safeguard depend;

In Thee, Who hast saved us and put them to shame,

We boast all the day, ever praising Thy Name.

122. The Martyr Church. Psalm 44. 11s.

Thou, Lord, hast forsaken, to shame brought our boasts;

No more to the field dost Thou go with our hosts;

Thou turnest us back from the foe in dismay,

And spoilers who hate us have made us their prey.

Like sheep to the slaughter Thy people are given,

Dispersed through the nations afar we are driven;

Thou sellest Thy people to strangers for naught,

Their price to Thy treasure no increase has brought.

Thou makest our neighbors reproach us in pride,

And those that are near us to scoff and deride;

A byword the nations have made of our name,

With scorn and derision they put us to shame.

Yea, all the day long I behold my disgrace,

And covered am I with confusion of face;

The voice of blasphemers and scoffers I hear,

The foe and avenger against me appear.

All this have we suffered, and never forgot

To serve Thee, Jehovah, nor falsely have wrought;

Our heart is not turned and our steps have not strayed,

Though crushed amid ruins and under death's shade.

123. An Importunate Prayer. Psalm 44. 11s.

If we have forgotten the Name of our God,

Or unto an idol our hand spread abroad,

Shall not the Almighty uncover this sin?

He knows all our hearts and the secrets within.


Rise, help and redeem us, Thy mercy we trust.

We all the day long for Thy sake are consumed,

Defeated and helpless, to death we are doomed;

Then why dost Thou tarry? Jehovah, awake,

Nor spurn us forever; arise for our sake.

O why art Thou hiding the light of Thy face,

Forgetting our burden of grief and disgrace?

Our soul is bowed down, yea, we cleave to the dust;

Rise, help, and redeem us, Thy mercy we trust.

124. The Royal Majesty of Christ. Psalm 45. S.M.

My heart doth overflow,

A goodly theme is mine;

My eager tongue with joyful song

Doth praise the King Divine.

Supremely fair Thou art,

Thy lips with grace o'erflow;

His richest blessings evermore

Doth God on Thee bestow.

Now gird Thee with Thy sword,

O strong and mighty One,

In splendid majesty arrayed,

More glorious than the sun.

Triumphantly ride forth

For meekness, truth, and right;

Thy arm shall gain the victory

In wondrous deeds of might.

Thy strength shall overcome

All those that hate the King,

And under Thy dominion strong

The nations Thou shalt bring.

Thy royal throne, O God,

For evermore shall stand;

Eternal truth and justice wield

The scepter in Thy hand.

Since Thou art sinless found,

The Lord, Thy God confessed,

Anointeth Thee with perfect joy,

Thou art supremely blest.

Thy garments breathe of myrrh

And spices sweet and rare;

Glad strains of heavenly music ring

Throughout Thy palace fair.

Amid Thy glorious train

King's daughters waiting stand,

And fairest gems bedeck Thy bride,

The queen at Thy right hand.

125. The Church the Bride of Christ. Psalm 45. S.M.

O Royal Bride, give heed,

And to my words attend;

For Christ the King forsake the world

And every former friend.

Thy beauty and Thy grace

Shall then delight the King;

He only is thy rightful Lord,

To Him thy worship bring.

To Thee, since thou art His,

Great honor shall be shown;

The rich shall bring their gifts to thee,

Thy glory they shall own.

Enthroned in royal state,

All glorious thou shalt dwell,

With garments fair, inwrought with gold,

The Church He loveth well.

And they that honor thee

Shall in thy train attend;

And to the palace of the King

Shall joyfully ascend.

O King of royal race,

Thy sons of heavenly birth

Thou wilt endow with kingly gifts

As princes in the earth.

Thy Name shall be proclaimed

Through all succeeding days,

And all the nations of the earth

Shall give Thee endless praise.

126. God a Very Present Help. Psalm 46. C.M.

God is our refuge and our strength,

Our ever present aid,

And, therefore, though the earth remove,

We will not be afraid;

Though hills amidst the seas be cast,

Though foaming waters roar,

Yea, though the mighty billows shake

The mountains on the shore.

A river flows whose streams make glad

The city of our God,

The holy place wherein the Lord

Most High has His abode;

Since God is in the midst of her,

Unmoved her walls shall stand,

For God will be her early help,

When trouble is at hand.

The nations raged, the kingdoms moved,

But when His voice was heard

The troubled earth was stilled to peace

Before His mighty word.

The Lord of Hosts is on our side,

Our safety to secure;

The God of Jacob is for us

A refuge strong and sure.

O come, behold what wondrous works

Jehovah's hand has wrought;

Come, see what desolation great

He on the earth has brought.

To utmost ends of all the earth

He causes war to cease;

The weapons of the strong destroyed,

He makes abiding peace.

Be still and know that I am God,

O'er all exalted high;

The subject nations of the earth

My Name shall magnify.

The Lord of Hosts is on our side,

Our safety to secure;

The God of Jacob is for us

A refuge strong and sure.

127. The Protective Power of God. Psalm 46. L.M.

God will our strength and refuge prove,

In all distress a present aid,

And, though the trembling earth remove,

We will not fear nor be dismayed.

Our trust in God shall still abide

Though hills be shaken from their seat,

And though the ocean's swelling tide

Against the trembling mountains beat.

A river flows, whose living streams

Make glad the city of our God,

The holy place where glory beams,

Where God Most High has His abode.

God has in her His dwelling made,

And she shall nevermore be moved;

Her God shall early give her aid,

Her constant helper He has proved.

The kings and nations raged in pride;

He spake, the earth did melt away;

The Lord of Hosts is on our side,

Our fathers' God, our strength and stay.

Come, see the works of God displayed,

The wonders of His mighty hand,

What desolations He has made,

What ruin spread through all the land.

Through all the peopled earth He makes

The dreadful scourge of war to cease,

The implements of battle breaks,

And makes the nations dwell in peace.

Be still, ye nations, bow in fear,

And know that I alone am God;

To us the Lord of Hosts is near,

Our fathers' God is our abode.

128. The Lord of Hosts. Psalm 46. 8s, 7s, 6s.

God is our refuge and our strength,

A helper ever near us;

We will not fear though earth be moved,

For God is nigh to cheer us.

Although the mountains quake

And earth's foundations shake,

Though angry billows roar

And break against the shore,

Our mighty God will hear us.

God's city is forever blest

With living waters welling;

Since God is there she stands unmoved

'Mid tumults round her swelling;

God speaks and all is peace,

From war the nations cease;

The Lord of Hosts is nigh,

Our fathers' God Most High

Is our eternal dwelling.

Behold what God has done on earth;

His wrath brings desolation,

His grace, commanding wars to cease,

Brings peace to every nation;

Be still, for He is Lord,

By all the earth adored;

The Lord of Hosts is nigh,

Our fathers' God Most High

Is our strong habitation.

129. The Universal Sovereignty of Christ. Psalm 47. L.M.

Rejoice, ye people, homage give,

To God with voice of triumph sing;

He ruleth in dread majesty,

The great, the universal King.

He putteth nations under us

And maketh us triumphant stand;

He giveth for our heritage

His promised rest, a goodly land.

God hath ascended with a shout,

Jehovah with the trumpet's sound;

Sing praise to God our King, sing praise,

Yea, let His glorious praise abound.

Our God is King of all the earth,

With thoughtful heart His praise make known;

O'er all the nations God doth reign,

Exalted on His holy throne.

To praise and serve our covenant God

The princes of the earth draw nigh;

All kingly powers belong to Him,

He is exalted, God Most High.

130. The Ascended King. Psalm 47. S.M.

All nations, clap your hands,

Let shouts of triumph ring,

For mighty over all the lands

The Lord Most High is King.

Above our mighty foes

He gave us power to stand,

And as our heritage He chose

The goodly promised land.

With shouts ascends our King,

With trumpet's stirring call;

Praise God, praise God, His praises sing,

For God is Lord of all.

O sing in joyful strains,

And make His glory known;

God over all the nations reigns,

And holy is His throne.

Our fathers' God to own

The kings of earth draw nigh,

For none can save but God alone,

He is the Lord Most High.

131. The Glory of the Church. Psalm 48. L.M.

The Lord is great; with worthy praise

Proclaim His power, His Name confess,

Within the city of our God,

Upon His mount of holiness.

Mount Zion, glorious and fair,

Gives joy to people in all lands;

The city of the mighty King

In majesty securely stands.

Within her dwellings for defense

Our God has made His presence known,

And hostile kings, in sudden fear,

Have fled as ships by tempests blown.

With our own eyes we have beheld

What oft our fathers told before,

That God Who in His Zion dwells

Will keep her safely evermore.

132. Meditation and Joyful Gratitude. Psalm 48. L.M.

Within Thy temple's sacred courts,

With loving and adoring thought,

We contemplate Thy grace, O God,

And all Thy deeds with mercy fraught.

Where'er Thy Name, O God, is known,

Where'er Thy glorious fame extends,

There also is Thy praise proclaims,

Far as the earth's remotest ends.

Thy hand is full of righteousness;

Let Zion's gladness then be great,

And let her daughters sing for joy

And all Thy judgments celebrate.

Encompass Zion, count her towers,

And mark her strong defenses well;

Consider all her palaces,

And to your sons her glory tell.

This mighty God forever lives

Our God and Saviour to abide,

And till our pilgrim days shall end

Will ever be faithful guide.

133. The Church of the Living God. Psalm 48. H.M.

Within Thy temple, Lord,

We think on mercies past;

Let earth all praise accord,

Long as Thy name shall last;

The righteous judgments of her King

Let Zion and her daughters sing.

About Mount Zion go,

Her towers and ramparts tell;

That ye her strength may know,

Mark her defenses well;

Her royal palaces behold

That ye her glories may unfold.

To all the coming race

Repeat the message o'er:

This mighty God of grace

Is ours for evermore;

Yea, He our Saviour will abide,

And unto death will be our guide.

134. Praise and Trust. Psalm 48. S.M.

Within Thy temple, Lord,

in that most holy place,

We on Thy lovingkindness dwell,

The wonders Thy grace.

Men sing Thy praise, O God,

Where'er Thy Name is known;

By every deed Thy hand hath wrought

Thy righteousness is shown.

Let Zion now rejoice,

And all her children sing;

Let them with thankfulness proclaim

The judgments of their King.

Mount Zion's walls behold,

About her ramparts go,

And number ye the lofty towers

That guard her from the foe.

Observe her palaces,

Mark her defenses well,

That to the sons that follow you

Her glories you may tell;

For God as our own God

Forever will abide,

And till life's journey close in death

Will be our faithful guide.

135. The Vanity of Trust in Riches. Psalm 49. 7s.

Hear this, all ye people, hear,

Earth's inhabitants, give ear;

All of high and low degree,

Rich and poor, give heed to me.

Truth with all my heart I seek,

And my mouth shall wisdom speak;

Hearken while in lyric strain

I make hidden wisdom plain.

Why should I to fear give way

When I see the evil day,

When with wickedness my foes

Shall surround me and oppose?

They that trust in treasured gold,

Though they boast of wealth untold,

None can bid his brother live,

None to God a ransom give.

If from death one would be free

And corruption never see,

Costly is life's ransom price,

Far beyond all sacrifice.

136. The Issues of Life. Psalm 49. 7s.

Dust to dust, the mortal dies,

Both the foolish and the wise;

None forever can remain,

Each must leave his hoarded gain.

Yet within their heart they say

That their houses are for aye,

That their dwellingplaces grand

Shall for generations stand.

To their lands they give their name

In the hope of lasting fame,

But man's honor quickly flies,

Like the lowly beast he dies.

Though such folly mark their way,

Men approve of what they say;

Death their shepherd, they the sheep

He within his fold will keep.

O'er them soon shall rule the just,

All their beauty turn to dust;

God my waiting soul shall save,

He will raise me from the grave.

Let no fear disturb your peace

Though one's house and wealth increase;

Death shall end his fleeting day,

He shall carry naught away.

Though in life he wealth attained,

Though the praise of men he gained,

He shall join those gone before,

Where the light shall shine no more.

Crowned with honor though he be,

Highly gifted, strong and free,

If he be not truly wise,

Man is like the beast that dies.

137. Acceptable Worship. Psalm 50. L.M.

The mighty God, Jehovah, speaks

And calls the earth from sea to sea;

From beauteous Zion God shines forth,

He comes and will not silent be;

Devouring flame before Him goes,

And dark the tempest round Him grows.

He calls aloud to heaven and earth

That He may justly judge His own;

My chosen saints together bring

Who sacrifice to Me alone;

The heavens His righteousness declare,

For God Himself as Judge is there.

Hear, O my people, I will speak,

Against thee I will testify;

Give ear to me, O Israel,

For God, thy covenant God, am I;

I do not spurn thy sacrifice,

Thy offerings are before My eyes.

I will receive from out thy fold

No offering for My holy shrine;

The cattle on a thousand hills

And all the forest beasts are Mine;

Each mountain bird to Me is known,

Whatever roams the field I own.

Behold, if I should hungry grow,

I would not tell My need to thee,

For all the world itself is Mine,

And all its wealth belongs to Me;

Why should I aught of thee receive,

My thirst or hunger to relieve?

Bring thou to God the gift of thanks,

And pay thy vows to God Most High;

Call ye upon My holy Name

In days when sore distress is nigh;

Deliverance I will send to thee,

And praises thou shalt give to Me.

138. Sins of Hypocrisy. Psalm 50. L.M.

Thus speaks the Lord to wicked men:

My statutes why do ye declare?

Why take My covenant in your mouth,

Since ye for wisdom do not care?

For ye my holy words profane

And cast them from you in disdain.

Ye have consented with the thief,

Ye have partaken with the vile,

Your mouths to evil words ye give,

Your tongues proclaim deceit and guile,

Ye glory in your brother's shame,

Your mother's son do ye defame.

Thus have ye done; I silence kept,

And this has been your secret thought,

That I was wholly as yourselves,

To take your evil deeds as nought;

I will reprove you and array

Your deeds before your eyes this day.

Consider this, who God forget,

Lest I destroy with none to free;

Who offers sacrifice of thanks,

He glorifies and honors Me;

To him who orders well his way

Salvation free I will display.

139. The Eternal Judgment. Psalm 50. S.M.

The mighty God, the Lord,

Has spoken unto all;

From rising to the setting sun

The nations hear His call.

From Zion His abode,

Where perfect beauty dwells,

The Lord His glory has displayed

In brightness that excels.

Our God shall surely come,

Nor silence shall He keep;

Devouring fire shall herald Him,

About Him storms shall sweep.

Then to the heavens above

He from His throne shall call,

The earth His kingly voice shall hear,

He is the Judge of all.

Let all my chosen saints

Before Me gathered be,

Those that by sacrifice have sealed

Their promise unto Me.

Then shall the heavens declare

His righteousness abroad,

Because the Lord Himself is Judge,

Yea, none is Judge but God.

140. Penitential Prayers. Psalm 51. 7s.

God be merciful to me,

On Thy grace I rest my plea;

Plenteous in compassion Thou,

Blot out my transgressions now;

Wash me, make me pure within,

Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.

My transgressions I confess,

Grief and guilt my soul oppress;

I have sinned against Thy grace

And provoked Thee to Thy face;

I confess Thy judgment just,

Speechless, I Thy mercy trust.

I am evil, born in sin;

Thou desirest truth within.

Thou alone my Saviour art,

Teach Thy wisdom to my heart;

Make me pure, Thy grace bestow,

Wash me whiter than the snow.

Broken, humbled to the dust

By Thy wrath and judgment just,

Let my contrite heart rejoice

And in gladness hear Thy voice;

From my sins O hide Thy face,

Blot them out in boundless grace.

141. Gracious Renewal and Testimony. Psalm 51. 7s.

Gracious God, my heart renew,

Make my spirit right and true;

Cast me not away from Thee,

Let Thy Spirit dwell in me;

Thy salvation's joy impart,

Steadfast make my willing heart.

Sinners then shall learn from me

And return, O God, to Thee;

Saviour, all my guilt remove,

And my tongue shall sing Thy love;

Touch my silent lips, O Lord,

And my mouth shall praise accord.

Not the formal sacrifice

Hath acceptance in Thy eyes;

Broken hearts are in Thy sight

More than sacrificial rite;

Contrite spirit, pleading cries,

Thou, O God, wilt not despise.

Prosper Zion in Thy grace

And her broken walls replace;

Then our righteous sacrifice

Shall delight Thy holy eyes;

Freewill offerings, gladly made,

On Thy altar shall be laid.

142. A Penitent's Plea. Psalm 51. 7s.

God be merciful to me,

On Thy grace I rest my plea;

Plenteous in compassion Thou,

Blot out my transgressions now;

Wash me, make me pure within,

Cleanse, O cleanse me from my sin.

I am evil, born in sin;

Thou desirest truth within.

Thou alone my Saviour art,

Teach Thy wisdom to my heart;

Make me pure, Thy grace bestow,

Wash me whiter than the snow.

Gracious God, my heart renew,

Make my spirit right and true;

Cast me not away from Thee,

Let Thy Spirit dwell in me;

Thy salvation's joy impart,

Steadfast make my willing heart.

Sinners then shall learn from me

And return, O God, to Thee;

Saviour, all my guilt remove,

And my tongue shall sing Thy love;

Touch my silent lips, O Lord,

And my mouth shall praise accord.

143. Prayer for Pardon and Cleansing. Psalm 51. C.M.

O God, according to Thy grace

Be merciful to me,

In Thy abounding love blot out

All my iniquity;

O wash me wholly from my guilt

And make me clean within,

For my transgressions I confess,

I ever see my sin.

Against Thee only have I sinned,

Done evil in Thy sight;

Lord, in Thy judgment Thou art just,

And in Thy sentence right.

Behold, in evil I was formed,

And I was born in sin,

But Thou wilt make me wise in heart,

Thou seekest truth within.

From all pollution make me clean,

Yea, whiter than the snow;

O let my broken heart rejoice

And gladness make me know;

Blot out all my iniquities,

And hide my sins from view;

Create in me a spirit right,

O God, my heart renew.

From out Thy presence cast me not,

Thy face no more to see;

Thy Holy Spirit and His grace

Take not away from me.

Restore me Thy salvation's joy,

My willing heart uphold;

Then sinners shall be turned to Thee

When I Thy ways unfold.

144. Pardon and Testimony. Psalm 51. C.M.

O God, the God that saveth me,

Remove my guilty stains,

And I will sing Thy righteousness

In grateful, joyous strains.

O Lord, now open Thou my lips,

Long closed by sin and shame;

My mouth shall show before the world

The glory of Thy Name.

No sacrifice dost Thou desire,

Else would I give it Thee;

Nor with appointed offerings

Wilt Thou delighted be.

A broken spirit is to God

A pleasing sacrifice;

A broken and a contrite heart

Thou, Lord, wilt not despise.

Do good to Zion in Thy grace,

Her ruined walls restore;

Then sacrifice of righteousness

Shall please Thee as of yore.

Thy people then with willing hands

And hearts that Thou hast blessed

Shall bring in thankful sacrifice

Their choicest gifts and best.

145. The Vindication of Righteousness. Psalm 52. L.M.

O mighty man, why wilt thou boast

Thyself in hateful cruelty,

When God Almighty is most kind,

And ever merciful is He?

Thy tongue deviseth wickedness,

A weapon treacherous and keen;

Thou lovest evil more than good,

And falsehood in thy sight is clean.

Since, O thou false, deceitful tongue,

In deadly words Thou findest joy,

The Lord shall pluck thee from thy place

And all thy wickedness destroy.

The good, confirmed in godly fear,

The pride and folly shall confess

Of those who make not God their strength,

But trust in wealth and wickedness.

I put my trust in God alone,

For evermore I trust His grace,

And like the trees within His courts

I flourish in a favored place.

With endless thanks, O Lord, to Thee,

Thy wondrous works will I proclaim,

And in the presence of Thy saints

Will ever hope in Thy good name.

146. The Folly of Unbelief. Psalm 53. S.M.

Fools in their heart have said,

There is no God of might;

Corrupt are they and base their deeds,

In evil they delight.

God looked from heaven above

On all the human race,

To see if any understood,

If any sought His face.

They all are gone aside,

Corruption doth abound;

There is not one that doeth good,

Not even one is found.

These men of evil deeds,

Will they no knowledge gain,

Who feed upon my people's woes,

And prayer to God disdain?

The day is drawing nigh

When they shall fear and quail,

For God shall scatter and destroy

Those who His saints assail.

Yea, God will put to shame

And make them flee away,

For He will cast them off in wrath

And fill them with dismay.

O would that Israel's help

Were out of Zion come!

O would that God might early bring

His captive people home.

When God from distant lands

His exiled ones shall bring,

His people shall exultant be,

And gladly they shall sing.

147. Our Saviour in Trial. Psalm 54. S.M.

O save me by Thy Name

And judge me in Thy might;

O God, now grant my urgent claim,

Acceptance in Thy sight.

Strong foes against me rise,

Oppressors seek my soul,

Who set not God before their eyes,

Nor own His just control.

Lo, God my helper is,

The Lord, my mighty friend;

He shall requite my enemies,

Their just destruction send.

My sacrifice of praise

To Thee I freely bring;

My thanks, O Lord, to Thee I raise

And of Thy goodness sing.

From troubles and from woes

Thou hast delivered me,

The overthrow of all my foes

Hast given me to see.

148. Earnest Appeal Against Enemies. Psalm 55. C.M.

Jehovah, to my prayer give ear,

Nor hide Thee from my cry;

Attend my sad complaint, and hear

My restless moan and sigh.

My enemies lift up their voice,

The violent oppress;

To do me wrong my foes rejoice,

And love my soul's distress.

Sore pained in heart I find no ease,

Death's terrors fill my soul,

Great fear and trembling on me seize,

And horrors o'er me roll.

O had I wings, I sigh and say,

Like some swift dove to roam,

Then would I hasten far away

And find a peaceful home.

Lo, wandering far my rest should be

In some lone desert waste;

I from the stormy wind would flee,

And to a shelter haste.

O Lord, their malice recompense,

Their wicked tongues confound,

For in the city violence

And bitter strife abound.

They walk her walls both night and day,

Within all vices meet;

Oppression, fraud, and crime hold sway,

Nor leave the crowded street.

No foreign foe provokes alarm,

But enemies within;

May God destroy their power to harm

And recompense their sin.

149. Confession of Trust. Psalm 55. C.M.

On God alone my soul relies,

And He will soon relieve;

The Lord will hear my plaintive cries

At morning, noon, and eve.

He has redeemed my soul in peace,

From conflict set me free;

My many foes are made to cease,

And strive no more with me.

The living God in righteousness

Will recompense with shame

The men who, hardened with success,

Forget to fear His Name.

All treacherous friends who overreach

And break their plighted troth,

Who hide their hate with honeyed speech

With such the Lord is wroth.

Upon the Lord thy burden cast,

To Him bring all thy care;

He will sustain and hold thee fast,

And give thee strength to bear.

God will not let His saints be moved;

Protected, they shall see

Their foes cut off and sin reproved;

O God, I trust in Thee.

150. Desire For Rest. Psalm 55. 8s.

O God, give Thou ear to my plea,

And hide not Thyself from my cry;

O hearken and answer Thou me,

As restless and weary I sigh.

O that I had wings like a dove,

For then I would fly far away

And seek for the rest that I love,

Where trouble no more could dismay.

Nay, soul, call on God all the day;

The Lord for Thy help will appear;

At eve, morn, and noon humbly pray,

And He thy petition will hear.

Thy burden now cast on the Lord,

And He shall thy weakness sustain;

The righteous who trust in His word

Unmoved shall forever remain.

151. Prayer for Deliverance. Psalm 56. 6s.

O God, be merciful,

Be merciful to me,

For man, with constant hate,

Would fain my ruin see.

My many enemies

Against me proudly fight;

To overwhelm my soul

They watch from morn to night.

What time I am afraid

I put my trust in Thee;

In God I rest, and praise

His word, so rich and free;

In God I put my trust,

I neither doubt nor fear,

For man can never harm

With God my helper near.

All day they wrest my words,

Their thoughts are full of hate;

They meet, they lurk, they watch,

As for my soul they wait;

Shall they by wickedness

Escape Thy judgment right?

O God of righteousness,

Destroy them in Thy might.

Thou knowest all my woes,

O treasure Thou my tears;

Are they not in Thy book,

Where all my life appears?

My foes shall backward turn

When I appeal to Thee,

For this I surely know,

That God is still for me.

In God, the Lord, I rest,

His word of grace I praise,

His promise stands secure,

Nor fear nor foe dismays;

In God I put my trust,

I neither doubt nor fear,

For man can never harm

With God my helper near.

Upon me are Thy vows,

O God, in Whom I live;

The sacrifice of praise

To Thee I now will give;

For Thou hast saved from death,

From falling kept me free,

That in the light of life

My walk may be with Thee.

152. Fear and Faith. Psalm 56. 6s.

What time I am afraid

I put my trust in Thee;

In God I rest, and praise

His Word, so rich and free.

In God I put my trust,

I neither doubt nor fear,

For man can never harm

With God my helper near.

In God, the Lord, I rest,

His word of grace I praise,

His promise stands secure,

Nor fear nor foe dismays;

Upon me are Thy vows,

O God, in Whom I live;

The sacrifice of praise

To Thee I now will give;

For Thou hast saved from death,

From falling kept me free,

That in the light of life

My walk may be with Thee.

153. Heroic Faith. Psalm 56. C.M.

O God, be merciful to me,

For men no mercy show;

With constant warfare pressing me

They seek my overthrow.

When foes invade, I safely rest,

Confiding in Thy word;

I will not dread what man can do,

My trust is in the Lord.

I take Thy vows upon me now,

O God, Who savest me;

The sacrifice of praise I bring

In gratitude to Thee.

My feet from falling and my soul

From death Thou hast restored,

And ever in the light of life

I walk before the Lord.

154. Danger and Rescue. Psalm 57. L.M.

O God, be merciful to me,

My soul for refuge comes to Thee;

Beneath Thy wings I safe will stay

Until these troubles pass away.

To God Most High shall rise my prayer,

To God Who makes my wants His care;

From heaven He will salvation send,

And me from every foe defend.

Great foes and fierce my soul alarm,

Inflamed with rage and strong to harm,

But God, from heaven His dwellingplace,

Will rescue me with truth and grace.

Be Thou, O God, exalted high,

Yea, far above the starry sky,

And let Thy glory be displayed

O'er all the earth Thy hands have made.

155. Assurance Amid Peril. Psalm 57. L.M.

My soul is grieved because my foes

With treacherous plans my way inclose;

But from the snares that they devise

Their own undoing shall arise.

My heart is steadfast, O my King,

My heart is tuned Thy praise to sing;

Awake, my soul, and swell the song,

Let vibrant harp the notes prolong.

Yea, I will early wake and sing,

A thankful hymn to Thee will bring,

For unto heaven Thy mercies rise,

Thy truth is lofty as the skies.

Be Thou, O God, exalted high,

Yea, far above the starry sky,

And let Thy glory be displayed

O'er all the earth Thy hands have made.

156. Wickedness and Retribution. Psalm 58. C.M.

Do ye, O men, speak righteousness

And upright judgment mete?

Nay, in your hearts is wickedness,

And in your hands deceit.

The wicked, from their earliest days,

In sin are gone astray,

With froward heart, in foolish pride,

From wisdom turned away.

The God of vengeance will destroy

The wicked from His sight;

The Lord will bring to nought their power

And scatter all their might.

The good shall triumph and rejoice,

And this shall be confessed:

On earth the God of justice reigns,

And righteousness is blessed.

157. A Cry for Help. Psalm 59. C.M.

Protect and save me, O my God,

From foes that seek my life,

And set me high, secure above

The rising tide of strife.

The workers of iniquity

Against me lie in wait;

Though I am innocent, O Lord,

They gather in their hate.

Behold their wickedness, O Lord,

To help me, O awake;

Lord God of Hosts, Thou, Israel's God,

Arise, and vengeance take.

My enemies with deadly rage

Renew their fierce attack;

They think the Lord will not regard,

But Thou wilt turn them back.

O God, my strength, on Thee I wait,

To Thee for refuge flee;

My God with mercy will defend,

Triumphant I shall be.

O God, our shield, let wickedness

And pride be put to shame,

Till all shall know that Thou dost rule

And all shall fear Thy Name.

Let wickedness that raged in power

Now rage in impotence;

But I will glory in Thy strength,

My refuge and defense.

When all the night of woe is past

And morning dawns at length,

Then I shall praise Thy grace, O God,

My refuge and my strength.

To Thee, O God most merciful,

My thankful song I raise;

My might, my strong secure abode,

I will proclaim Thy praise.

158. Defeat and Triumphant Hope. Psalm 60. C.M.

O God, Thou hast rejected us,

And hast afflicted sore;

Thou hast been angry, but in grace

O once again restore.

Lo, Thou hast torn and rent our land,

Thy judgments dread appall;

O heal her shattered strength before

She totter to her fall.

Through ways of trial and distress

Thy people Thou hast led,

A bitter cup Thou givest us

Of misery and dread.

A glorious banner Thou hast given

To those who fear Thy Name,

A banner to display abroad,

And thus the truth proclaim.

That Thy beloved may be saved

And from their foes set free,

Help with the might of Thy right hand,

In mercy answer me.

God in His holiness hath said:

I will triumphant be,

All heathen lands I claim as Mine,

And they shall bow to Me.

Now, therefore, who will lead us on

Sin's strongholds to possess?

No longer cast us off, O God,

But give our hosts success.

Give Thou Thy help against the foe

For help of man is vain;

Through God we shall do valiantly,

The victory He shall gain.

159. Communion with God. Psalm 61. C.P.M.

O God, regard my humble plea;

I cannot be so far from Thee

But Thou wilt hear my cry;

When I by trouble am distressed,

Then lead me on the Rock to rest

That higher is than I.

In Thee my soul hath shelter found,

And Thou hast been from foes around

The tower to which I flee.

Within Thy house will I abide;

My refuge sure, whate'er betide,

Thy sheltering wings shall be.

For Thou, O God, my vows hast heard,

On me the heritage conferred

Of those that fear Thy Name;

A blest anointing Thou dost give,

And Thou wilt make me ever live

Thy praises to proclaim.

Before Thy face shall I abide;

O God, Thy truth and grace provide

To guard me in the way;

So I will make Thy praises known,

And, humbly bending at Thy throne,

My vows will daily pay.

160. Confidence in God. Psalm 61. C.M.

O God, give ear unto my cry,

And to my voice attend;

Though far from home and from Thy house,

To Thee my prayers ascend.

When troubles overwhelm my heart,

Then Thou wilt hear my cry,

For safety lead me to the Rock

That higher is than I.

A refuge Thou hast been for me

When storms of trouble lower;

When foes assail, then Thou hast been

My strong defense and tower.

Within Thy holy temple, Lord,

I ever will abide;

Beneath the covert of Thy wings

In confidence I hide.

161. Dependence on God. Psalm 62. C.M.

My soul in silence waits for God,

My Saviour He has proved;

He only is my rock and tower;

I never shall be moved.

My enemies my ruin seek,

They plot with fraud and guile;

Deceitful, they pretend to bless,

But inwardly revile.

My soul, in silence wait for God;

He is my help approved,

He only is my rock an tower,

And I shall not be moved.

My honor is secure with God,

My Saviour He is known;

My refuge and my rock of strength

Are found in God alone.

On Him, ye people, evermore

Rely with confidence;

Before Him pour ye out your heart,

For God is our defense.

For surely men are helpers vain,

The high and the abased;

Yea, lighter than a breath are they

When in the balance placed.

Trust not in harsh oppression's power

Nor in unrighteous gain;

If wealth increase, yet on your gold

Ye set your hearts in vain.

For God has spoken o'er and o'er,

And unto me has shown,

That saving power and lasting strength

Belong to Him alone.

Yea, lovingkindness evermore

Belongs to Thee, O Lord;

And Thou according to his work

Dost every man reward.

162. God our Strength. Psalm 62. C.M.

My soul in silence waits for God,

My Saviour He has proved;

He only is my rock and tower;

I never shall be moved.

My honor is secure with God,

My Saviour He is known;

My refuge and my rock of strength

Are found in God alone.

For God has spoken o'er and o'er,

And unto me has shown,

That saving power and lasting strength

Belong to Him alone.

Yea, lovingkindness evermore

Belongs to Thee, O Lord;

And Thou according to his work

Dost every man reward.

163. Satisfaction in God. Psalm 63. C.M.

O Lord, my God, most earnestly

My heart would seek Thy face,

Within Thy holy house once more

To see Thy glorious grace.

Apart from Thee I long and thirst,

And nought can satisfy;

I wander in a desert land

Where all the streams are dry.

The lovingkindness of my God

Is more than life to me;

So I will bless Thee while I live

And lift my prayer to Thee.

In Thee my soul is satisfied,

My darkness turns to light,

And joyful meditations fill

The watches of the night.

My Saviour, 'neath Thy sheltering wings

My soul delights to dwell;

Still closer to Thy side I press,

For near Thee all is well.

My soul shall conquer every foe,

Upholden by Thy hand;

Thy people shall rejoice in God,

Thy saints in glory stand.

164. Spiritual Longing and Devotion. Psalm 63. C.P.M.

Thou art my God, O God of grace,

And earnestly I seek Thy face,

My heart cries out for Thee;

My spirit thirsts Thy grace to taste,

An exile in this desert waste

In which no waters be.

I long as in the times of old

Thy power and glory to behold

Within Thy holy place;

Because Thy tender love I see

More precious far than life to me,

My lips shall praise Thy grace.

Thus will I bless Thee while I live,

And with uplifted hands will give

Praise to Thy holy Name;

When by Thy bounty well supplied,

Then shall my soul be satisfied,

My mouth shall praise proclaim.

My lips shall in Thy praise delight

When on my bed I rest at night

And meditate on Thee;

Because Thy hand assistance brings,

Beneath the shadow of Thy wings

My heart shall joyful be.

165. Prayer for Protection. Psalm 64. C.M.

Hear, Lord, the voice of my complaint,

Preserve my life from fear,

Hide me from plotting enemies

And evil crowding near.

The workers of iniquity

Their deadly shafts prepare;

They aim at me their treacherous words;

O save me from their snare.

The wicked in their base designs

Grow arrogant and bold;

Conspiring secretly they think

That God will not behold;

They search out more iniquity,

Their thoughts and plans are deep,

But God will smite, for He is near

His saints to guard and keep.

The wicked, by their sins o'ercome,

Shall soon be brought to shame;

The hand of God shall yet appear,

And all shall fear His Name.

The just shall triumph in the Lord,

Their trust shall be secure,

And endless glory then shall crown

The upright and the pure.

166. Divine Grace Magnified. Psalm 65. L.M.

Praise waits in Zion, Lord, for Thee,

And unto Thee shall vows be paid;

O Thou that hearest those who cry,

To Thee by all shall prayer be made.

Against us sin has battled hard;

For help we look to Thee and pray;

Thou our transgressions wilt forgive,

Yea, Thou wilt take them all away.

How blest are they whom Thou dost choose

To come and in Thy courts abide;

Communing in Thy holy house,

With good we shall be satisfied.

By mighty deeds in righteousness

Prayer's answer surely comes from Thee,

O God our Saviour, God the trust

Of all Thy saints on land or sea.

Thy power has set the mountains firm,

O God Almighty, girt with strength;

At Thy command the waves are still,

The nations cease from war at length.

The tokens of Thy mighty power

Lead me in every clime to fear;

From east to west through all the earth

Thou sendest gladness far and near.

167. Harvest Thanksgiving. Psalm 65. L.M.

Thou visitest the earth with showers,

Thy boundless store supplies its need;

For fields enriched and well prepared

Thou dost provide the sower's seed.

The furrows where the seed is sown

Are softened by Thy gentle rain;

Thy gracious care and providence

Supply and bless the springing grain.

The year with goodness Thou dost crown,

Thy ways o'erflow with blessedness;

The hills and valleys, clothed with green,

Are joyful in their fruitfulness.

The pastures teem with flocks and herds,

The golden grain waves o'er the fields;

All nature, singing joyfully,

Her tribute of thanksgiving yields.

168. The Fatherly Goodness of God. Psalm 65. C.P.M.

Before Thee, Lord, a people waits

To praise Thy Name in Zion's gates,

To Thee shall vows be paid;

Thou hearer of the suppliant's prayer,

To Thee in need shall all repair

To seek Thy gracious aid.

How great my trespasses appear,

But Thou from guilt my soul wilt clear,

And my transgressions hide.

How blest Thy chosen, who by grace

Are brought within Thy dwellingplace

That they may there abide.

The goodness of Thy house, O Lord,

The joys Thy holy courts afford,

Our souls shall satisfy;

By deeds of might, in justice wrought,

The Lord will grant us what we sought,

Our Saviour, God Most High.

On Thy sustaining arm depend,

To earth's and sea's remotest end,

All men in every age;

Thy strength establishes the hills,

Thy word the roaring billows stills,

And calms the peoples' rage.

The tribes of earth's remotest lands

Behold the tokens of Thy hands

And bow in godly fear;

The east, where beams the morning light,

The west, in evening glories bright,

Rejoice, for Thou art near.

169. Harvest Blessings. Psalm 65. C.P.M.

Thou visitest the earth in love

And sendest showers from above,

Enriching all the land;

Thy streams exhaustless bless the field,

Preparing it the grain to yield

Provided by Thy hand.

The furrows, sown with living grain,

Are softened by Thy gentle rain

The springing corn to bless;

The year with goodness Thou dost crown,

Rich gifts in mercy sending down

To cheer the wilderness.

The hills and vales, with verdure clad

Are girt with joy, the earth is glad,

New life is all abroad;

With feeding flocks the pastures teem,

With golden grain the valleys gleam;

All nature praises God.

170. A Celebration of Divine Grace. Psalm 65. 7s and 6s.

Praise waits for Thee in Zion;

All men shall worship there

And pay their vows before Thee,

O God Who hearest prayer.

Our sins rise up against us,

Prevailing day by day,

But Thou wilt show us mercy

And take their guilt away.

How blest the man Thou callest

And bringest near to Thee,

That in Thy courts forever

His dwellingplace may be;

He shall within Thy temple

Be satisfied with grace,

And filled with all the goodness

Of Thy most holy place.

O God of our salvation,

Since Thou dost love the right,

Thou wilt an answer send us

In wondrous deeds of might.

In all earth's habitations,

On all the boundless sea,

Man finds no sure reliance,

No peace, apart from Thee.

171. God in Nature. Psalm 65. 7s and 6s.

Thy might sets fast the mountains;

Strength girds Thee evermore

To calm the raging peoples

And still the ocean's roar.

Thy majesty and greatness

Are through all lands confessed,

And joy on earth Thou sendest

Afar, from east to west.

To bless the earth Thou sendest

From Thy abundant store

The waters of the springtime,

Enriching it once more.

The seed by Thee provided

Is sown o'er hill and plain,

And Thou with gentle showers

Dost bless the springing grain.

The year with good Thou crownest,

The earth Thy mercy fills,

The wilderness is fruitful,

And joyful are the hills;

With corn the vales are covered,

The flocks in pastures graze;

All nature joins in singing

A joyful song of praise.

172. The Blessings of Grace. Psalm 65. C.M.

Praise wait in Zion, Lord, for Thee;

There we will pay our vow;

O Thou, the God that hearest prayer,

Before Thee all shall bow.

Against me my besetting sins

Prevail from day to day,

But Thou in Thy forgiving grace

Wilt take them all away.

O blest the man whom Thou dost choose,

And draw in love to Thee,

That in Thy sacred courts, O Lord,

He may a dweller be.

We surely shall be satisfied

With Thy abundant grace,

Yea, with the goodness of Thy house,

Of Thy most holy place.

173. Joyous Praise. Psalm 66. C.M.

All lands, to God in joyful sounds

Aloft your voices raise;

Sing forth the honor of His Name,

And glorious make His praise.

Say ye to God, How terrible

In all Thy works art Thou!

To Thee Thy foes by Thy great power

Shall be constrained to bow.

Yea, all the earth shall worship Thee,

And unto Thee shall sing;

To Thy great Name shall songs of joy

With loud hosannas ring.

O come, behold the works of God,

His mighty doings see;

In dealing with the sons of men

Most wonderful is He.

He led in safety through the flood

The people of His choice,

He turned the sea to solid ground;

In Him let us rejoice.

He rules forever by His might,

His eyes the nations try;

Let not the proud rebellious ones

Exalt themselves on high.

174. The Obligations of Grace. Psalm 66. C.M.

O all ye peoples, bless our God,

Aloud proclaim His praise,

Who safely holds our soul in life,

And steadfast makes our ways.

Thou, Lord, hast proved and tested us

As silver tried by fire,

Thy hand has made our burden great

And thwarted our desire.

Through pain and trouble Thou hast led,

And humbled all our pride;

But, in the end, to liberty

And wealth Thy hand did guide.

Here in Thy house I give to Thee

The life that Thou dost bless,

And pay the solemn vows I made

When I was in distress.

Come, ye that fear the Lord, and hear

What He has done for me;

My cry for help is turned to praise,

For He has set me free.

If in my heart I sin regard,

My prayer He will not hear;

But truly God has heard my voice,

My prayer has reached His ear.

O let the Lord, our gracious God,

Forever blessed be,

Who has not turned my prayer from Him,

Nor yet His grace from me.

O all ye peoples, bless our God,

Aloud proclaim His praise,

Who safely holds our soul in life,

And steadfast makes our ways.

175. Personal Testimony. Psalm 66. C.P.M.

Come, all ye people, bless our God

And tell His glorious praise abroad,

Who holds our soul in life,

Who never lets our feet be moved

And, though our faith He oft has proved

Upholds us in the strife.

We come with offerings to His house,

And here we pay the solemn vows

We uttered in distress;

To Him our all we dedicate,

To Him we wholly consecrate

The lives His mercies bless.

Come, hear, all ye that fear the Lord,

While I with grateful heart record

What God has done for me;

I cried to Him in deep distress,

And now His wondrous grace I bless,

For He has set me free.

The Lord, Who turns away the plea

Of those who love iniquity,

Has answered my request;

He has not turned away my prayer,

His grace and love He makes me share;

His Name be ever blest.

176. A Revived Church and Missions. Psalm 67. 7s and 6s.

O God, to us show mercy

And bless us in Thy grace;

Cause Thou to shine upon us

The brightness of Thy face;

That so Thy way most holy

On earth may soon be known,

And unto every people

Thy saving grace be shown.

O God, let all men praise Thee,

Let all the nations sing,

In every land let praises

And songs of gladness ring;

For Thou shalt judge the people

In truth and righteousness,

And through the earth the nations

Shall Thy just rule confess.

O God, let people praise Thee,

Let all the nations sing,

For earth in rich abundance

To us her fruit shall bring.

The Lord our God shall bless us,

Our God shall blessing send,

And all the earth shall fear Him

To its remotest end.

177. The Missionary Church. Psalm 67. L.M.

O God, be merciful and bless,

And let us see Thy shining face,

That all the earth may know Thy way,

And all men taste Thy saving grace.

O let the nations praise Thee, Lord,

Let all give thanks with glad accord.

O let the nations all be glad

And sing to God with joy and mirth,

For Thou shalt judge with equity

And lead the nations of the earth.

O let the nations praise Thee, Lord,

Let all give thanks with glad accord.

The earth has yielded her increase,

And God, yea, our own God, shall bless;

We shall be blest, and all the earth

Shall reverently His Name confess.

O let the nations praise Thee, Lord,

Let all give thanks with glad accord.

178. A Missionary Prayer. Psalm 67. S.M.

Lord, bless and pity us,

Shine on us with Thy face,

That all the earth Thy way may know

And men may see Thy grace.

Thy praise, O gracious God,

Let all the nations sing;

Let all men worship Thee with joy

And songs of gladness bring.

The nations Thou wilt judge

And lead them in Thy ways;

Let all men praise Thy Name, O God,

Let all the people praise.

The earth her fruit shall yield,

For God, our God, will bless;

We shall be blest, and all the world

His glory shall confess.

179. Invocation and Praise. Psalm 68. L.M.

Let God arise, and by His might

Let all His foes be put to flight;

But, O ye righteous, gladly sing,

Exult before your God and King.

Jehovah's praises sound abroad,

Rejoice before the living God;

Prepare the way that He may come

And make the desert places bloom.

A father of the fatherless,

A judge of widows in distress,

Is God, the God of boundless grace,

Who dwells within His holy place.

God frees the captive and He sends

The blessedness of home and friends,

And only those in darkness stay

Who will not trust Him and obey.

180. Manifold Mercies. Psalm 68. L.M.

God saved His people from distress

And led them through the wilderness;

Then mountains trembled in their place,

The heavens were bowed before His face.

With copious showers Thou didst assuage

The thirsting of Thy heritage,

Thy congregation dwelt secure;

Thou, God, art gracious to the poor.

The Lord sent forth His mighty word,

And shouts of victory were heard;

The women came, a mighty throng,

To join the glad triumphant song.

When God His chosen people led,

The kings and armies turned and fled;

The hosts of God victorious fought,

And home their spoils and trophies brought.

God's people rested, free from care,

In glorious peace and beauty fair;

Their mighty King did overthrow

The hostile kings like driven snow.

All mountains unto God belong,

But Zion's holy mountains strong

Above them all the Lord loves well,

And there He will forever dwell.

Great hosts to holy wars have trod,

The armies of the living God;

Among them He reveals His face,

The God of justice and of grace.

Thou hast ascended up on high

And captive led captivity;

They come with gifts, who did rebel,

That with them God the Lord might dwell.

181. God Our Deliverer. Psalm 68. L.M.

Blest be the Lord! for us He cares

And daily all our burden bears;

Our God is mighty, strong to save;

Jehovah frees us from the grave.

God's unrelenting enemies

No peace shall find in earth or seas;

His people shall triumphant go

Victorious over every foe.

With glorious pomp our King and God

Has entered into His abode,

With sacred minstrelsy and song,

While maidens with their timbrels throng.

Assemble ye before his face,

All ye that spring form Israel's race;

Ye chosen tribes, with one accord

Come ye, and bless your God, the Lord.

182. God the Conquering King. Psalm 68. L.M.

O Zion, 'tis thy God's command

That thou in strength securely stand;

O God, confirm and strengthen still,

Thy purposes in us fulfill.

O Thou, Whose glorious temple stands

In Zion, famed through heathen lands,

Kings shall Thy power and glory see,

And bring their presents unto Thee.

Thou wilt rebuke the fierce and strong

Who hate the right and choose the wrong,

And scatter those who peace abhor,

The nations that delight in war.

The heathen princes yet shall flee

From idols and return to Thee;

Earth's sinful and benighted lands

To God shall soon stretch out their hands.

Praise God and sing His matchless worth,

Ye kings and kingdoms of the earth;

He dwells within the heavenly height,

And utters forth His voice of might.

Ascribe ye strength to God on high,

His might transcendent fills the sky;

His glory and omnipotence

Remain His people's sure defense.

Forth from Thy dwellingplace, O God,

Thy awful glory shines abroad;

Thy people's strength is all from Thee;

Blest be Thy Name eternally.

183. Ascension Blessings. Psalm 68. 7s and 6s.

O Lord, Thou hast ascended

On high in might to reign;

Captivity Thou leadest

A captive in Thy train.

Rich gifts to Thee are offered

By men who did rebel,

Who pray that now Jehovah

Their God with them may dwell.

Blest be the Lord Who daily

Our heavy burden bears,

The God of our salvation

Who for His people cares.

Our God is near to help us,

Our God is strong to save;

The Lord alone is able

To ransom from the grave.

Sing unto God, ye nations,

Ye kingdoms of the earth;

Sing unto God, all people,

And praise His matchless worth.

He rides in royal triumph

Upon the heavens abroad;

He speaks, the mountains tremble

Before the voice of God.

All glory, might, and honor

Ascribe to God on high;

His arm protects His people

Who on His power rely.

Forth from Thy holy dwelling

Thy awful glories shine;

Thou strengthenest Thy people;

Unending praise be Thine.

184. Suffering and Prayer. Psalm 69. C.M.

Save me, O God, because the floods

Come in upon my soul;

I sink in depths where none can stand,

Deep waters o'er me roll.

My constant calling wearies me,

My throat is parched and dried;

My eyes grow dim while for my God

Still waiting I abide.

The foes who hate me unprovoked

Are strong and still increase,

Though to disarm their enmity

My right I yield for peace.

O God, my folly and my sin

Thy holy eye can see;

Yet save from shame, Lord God of Hosts,

Thy saints that wait on Thee.

Forbid, O God, our covenant God,

That those who seek Thy face

Should see Thy servant put to shame

And share in my disgrace,

It is for Thee I am reproached,

For Thee I suffer shame,

Until my brethren know me not,

And hated is my name.

It is my zeal for Thy abode

That has consumed my life;

Reproached by those reproaching Thee,

I suffer in the strife.

I wept, with fasting bowed my soul,

Yet that was made my shame;

When I in sackcloth clothed myself,

Their byword I became.

The men who sit within the gate

With slander do me wrong,

And they who linger at their cups

Make me their jest and song.

185. Petitions for Deliverance. Psalm 69. C.M.

In full assurance of Thy grace

To Thee my prayers ascend;

In Thy abounding love and truth,

O God, salvation send.

Preserve my sinking soul, I pray,

From tides of hatred save;

Let not the waters overflow,

Redeem me from the grave.

Because Thy mercy, Lord, is good,

O answer me in grace,

And in the riches of Thy love

O turn to me Thy face.

Hide not Thy face from my distress,

A speedy answer send;

Draw near to me, my soul redeem,

From all my foes defend.

Well known to Thee is my reproach,

My shame and my disgrace;

The adversaries of my soul

Are all before Thy face.

My heart is broken by reproach,

My soul is full of grief;

I looked in vain for comforters,

For pity and relief.

They gave me bitter gall for food,

And taunting words they spake;

They gave me vinegar to drink,

My burning thirst to slake.

Their peace and plenty be their snare,

In blindness let them grope;

Thy indignation on them pour,

And desolate their hope.

Because they proudly persecute

Those whom Thou, Lord, dost smite,

Let them be blotted from Thy book

And banished from Thy sight.

186. Anticipation of Answered Prayer. Psalm 69. C.M.

Though I am poor and sorrowful,

Hear Thou, O God, my cry;

Let Thy salvation come to me

And lift me up on high.

Then will I praise my God with song,

To Him my thanks shall rise,

And this shall please Jehovah more

Than offered sacrifice.

The meek shall see it and rejoice,

Ye saints, no more be sad;

For lo, Jehovah hears the poor

And makes His prisoners glad.

Let heaven and earth and seas rejoice,

Let all therein give praise,

For Zion God will surely save,

Her broken walls will raise.

In Zion they that love His Name

Shall dwell from age to age;

Yea, there shall be their lasting rest,

Their children's heritage.

187. Supplication and Testimony. Psalm 69. 10s.

Thy lovingkindness, Lord, is good and free,

In tender mercy turn Thou unto me;

Hide not Thy face from me in my distress,

In mercy hear my prayer, Thy servant bless.

Needy and sorrowful, to Thee I cry;

Let Thy salvation set my soul on high;

Then I will sing and praise Thy holy Name,

My thankful song Thy mercy shall proclaim.

With joy the meek shall see my soul restored,

Your heart shall live, ye saints that seek the Lord;

He helps the needy and regards their cries,

Those in distress the Lord will not despise.

Let heaven above His grace and glory tell,

Let earth and sea and all that in them dwell;

Salvation to His people God will give,

And they that love His Name with Him shall live.

188. A Suppliant's Urgent Prayer. Psalm 70. 11s and 8s.

Make haste, O my God, to deliver, I pray,

O Lord, to my rescue make haste;

Let those who would harm me be filled with dismay,

And in their own folly disgraced.

Let them be turned back in confusion, O Lord,

Who in my destruction would joy;

Let shame and defeat be their only reward

Who sneers and derision employ.

May all those who seek Thee, and make Thee their choice,

Great gladness and blessedness see;

May all those who love Thy salvation rejoice

And constantly magnify Thee.

I cry in deep need and Thy help I implore;

Make haste to the rescue, I pray;

My Saviour Thou art, and my strength evermore,

No longer Thy coming delay.

189. Prayer for Help. Psalm 70. S.M.

Make haste, O God, to save;

To help me, Lord, make haste;

Ashamed, confounded, they shall be

Who would my life lay waste.

They shall be put to shame

That in my hurt delight,

And backward in dishonor turned,

Their mocking to requite.

All they that seek Thy face

With joy in Thee abide,

And, loving Thy salvation, say,

Let God be magnified.

In need am I, and poor;

O God, make haste, I pray;

Thou art my Saviour and my help,

O Lord, make no delay.

190. Trustful Entreaty and Praise. Psalm 71. C.M.

In Thee, O Lord, I put my trust;

Shamed let me never be;

O save me in Thy righteousness,

Give ear, and rescue me.

Be Thou my rock, my dwellingplace,

Forever mine, as now;

Salvation Thou hast willed for me,

My rock and fortress, Thou.

Deliver me from wicked hands,

Save me from me unjust,

For Thou, Jehovah, art my hope,

From youth Thou art my trust.

Thou hast upheld me in Thy grace

From childhood's early days;

To Thee from Whom I life received

Will I give constant praise.

191. Abiding Confidence and Hope. Psalm 71. C.M.

Though troubles great o'ershadow me,

Thou art my refuge strong;

My mouth shall praise Thee all the day,

Thy honor be my song.

Cast me not off when hoary age

Becomes my weary lot,

And in the days of failing strength

Do Thou forsake me not.

My foes are strong and confident,

For I to them appear

As one forsaken by his God,

With none to help me near.

My God, be Thou not far from me,

Make haste to hear my call;

Ashamed, consumed be all my foes,

Dishonored let them fall.

But I will ever hope in Thee,

My ceaseless praise is Thine;

I will declare Thy countless deeds

Of truth and grace divine.

Yea, I will tell the mighty acts

Performed by God the Lord;

Thy righteousness, and Thine alone,

With praise I will record.

For from my early youth, O God,

By Thee have I been taught,

And faithfully have I declared

The wonders Thou hast wrought.

192. A Prayer of Faith. Psalm 71. C.M.

O gracious God, forsake me not

When I am old and gray,

That unto those that follow me

I may Thy might display.

Thy perfect righteousness, O God,

The height of heaven exceeds;

O who is like to Thee, Who hast

Performed such mighty deeds?

Thou Who hast sent me many griefs

Wilt yet my soul restore,

And out of sorrow's lowest depths

Wilt bring me forth once more.

O turn again and comfort me,

My waning strength increase,

And for Thy faithfulness, O God,

My praise shall never cease.

Thou Holy One of Israel,

To Thee sweet songs I raise;

The soul Thou hast redeemed from death

Shall give Thee joyful praise.

My enemies that seek my hurt

Thy help has put to shame;

My thankful tongue will ceaselessly

Thy righteousness proclaim.

193. The Reign of Christ. Psalm 72. C.M.

O God, to Thy Anointed King

Give truth and righteousness;

Thy people He will justly judge

And give the poor redress.

Then every fruitful mountain side

Shall yield its rich increase,

And righteousness in all the land

Shall bear the fruit of peace.

The poor man's cause He will maintain,

The needy He will bless,

And He will break the strength of those

Who would the poor oppress.

So men shall fear Thee while the sun

In daily splendor glows,

And through all ages, while the moon

On earth its light bestows.

Like rain upon the new-mown grass,

That falls refreshingly,

Like gentle showers that cheer the earth,

So shall His coming be.

The righteous in His glorious day

Shall flourish and increase;

The earth, until the moon shall fade,

Shall have abundant peace.

194. The Kingdom of Our Lord. Psalm 72. C.M.

His wide dominion shall extend

From sea to utmost sea,

And unto earth's remotest bounds

His peaceful rule shall be.

The tribes that in the desert dwell

Shall bow before His throne;

His enemies shall be subdued,

And He shall rule alone.

The kings shall come from distant lands

And islands of the sea;

Oblations they shall bring to him

And wait on bended knee.

Yea, all the kings shall bow to Him,

His rule all nations hail;

He will regard the poor man's cry

When other helpers fail.

The poor and needy He shall spare,

And save their souls from fear;

He shall redeem them from all wrong,

Their life to Him is dear.

So they shall live, and bring to Him

Their gifts of finest gold;

For Him shall constant prayer be made,

His praise each day be told.

195. Christ and His Cause. Psalm 72. C.M.

Abundant fields of grain shall wave

All white for harvesting,

And boundless joy and gladness fill

The city of the King.

His Name, enduring like the sun,

Shall ever be confessed;

All nations shall be blest in Him,

All men shall call Him blest.

Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God,

Eternal King of kings,

Who only is omnipotent,

Performing wondrous things.

Blest be His great and glorious Name

For evermore, Amen,

And let His glory fill the earth

From shore to shore. Amen.

196. Grateful Adoration. Psalm 72. C.M.

Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God,

Eternal King of kings,

Who only is omnipotent,

Performing wondrous things.

Blest be His great and glorious Name

For evermore, Amen,

And let His glory fill the earth

From shore to shore. Amen.

197. The Doxology. Psalm 72. C.M.

Now blessed be Jehovah God,

The God of Israel,

Who only doeth wondrous works,

In glory that excel.

And blessed be His glorious Name

To all eternity;

The whole earth let His glory fill.

Amen: So let it be.

198. The Blessings of Immanuel's Reign. Psalm 72. L.M.

O God, be Thy Anointed Son

With truth and righteousness endowed,

That justice may on earth be done,

The meek protected from the proud.

Then over mountain side and plain

Shall peace spring forth from righteousness;

The poor man's cause will He maintain,

And save the weak, that none oppress.

Then shall Thy fear on earth be known

Long as the sun and moon shall shine;

While endless generations run

Kingdom and glory shall be Thine.

Like copious rain in time of dearth,

So shall His gracious coming be;

As gentle showers that cheer the earth,

So shall He bring prosperity.

The just shall flourish in His day,

And evermore shall peace extend;

From sea to sea shall be His sway,

And to the earth's remotest end.

The desert lands to Him shall bow,

And all the islands of the sea,

And kings with gifts shall pay their vow,

His enemies shall bend the knee.

In great compassion for the weak

He ever will maintain their right,

Will help the poor and save the meek;

Their lives are precious in His sight.

199. The King and His Kingdom. Psalm 72. L.M.

His saints shall live, and to the King

Rich gifts in tribute shall be paid;

His praises men shall ever sing,

For Him shall endless prayer be made.

Abundant fields for harvest white

Already wave in every land,

And Zion's citizens delight

And prosper in their King's command.

His Name shall evermore abide,

In Him shall all the world be blest;

By all the nations far and wide

His praise shall ever be confessed.

Now blessed be the Mighty One,

Jehovah, God of Israel,

For He alone has wonders done,

And deeds in glory that excel.

And blessed be His glorious Name,

Long as the ages shall endure;

O'er all the earth extend His fame.

Amen, Amen, for evermore.

200. The Enthroned Christ. Psalm 72. 6s and 5s.

Christ shall have dominion

Over land and sea,

Earth's remotest regions

Shall His empire be;

They that wilds inhabit

Shall their worship bring,

Kings shall render tribute,

Nations serve our King.


Christ shall have dominion

Over land and sea,

Earth's remotest regions

Shall His empire be.

When the needy seek Him,

He will mercy show;

Yea, the weak and helpless

Shall His pity know;

He will surely save them

From oppression's might,

For their lives are precious

In His holy sight.

Ever and forever

Shall His Name endure,

Long as suns continue

It shall stand secure;

And in Him forever

All men shall be blest,

And all nations hail Him

King of kings confessed.

Unto God Almighty

Joyful Zion sings;

He alone is glorious,

Doing wondrous things.

Evermore, ye people,

Bless His glorious Name,

His eternal glory

Through the earth proclaim.

201. A Vindication of God's Ways. Psalm 73. 11s.

God loveth the righteous, His goodness is sure,

He never forsaketh the good and the pure;

Yet once my faith faltered, I envied the proud,

In doubt and disquiet my spirit was bowed.

The wicked are prospered and firm in their strength,

No pangs do they suffer, though death come at length;

They are not in trouble as other men are,

The plagues of their fellows they view from afar.

In garments of boasting and violence decked,

With wealth more abundant than heart could expect,

They scoff, and the helpless they proudly oppress,

The heavens and the earth they assume to possess.

Despising God's people, they cause them to drain

The cup of oppression, injustice, and pain;

They question God's knowledge and boldly defy

The might and the justice of God the Most High.

The wicked, grown wealthy, have comfort and peace,

While I, daily chastened, see troubles increase,

And, wronging God's children, I cried in my pain,

That clean hearts are worthless and pure hearts are vain.

I went to God's temple: my doubts were dispelled,

The end of life's journey I clearly beheld;

I saw in what peril ungodly men stand

With sudden destruction and ruin at hand.

As when one awaking forgetteth his dream,

So God will despise them, though great they may seem;

My envy was senseless, my grief was for nought,

Because I was faithless, and foolish my thought.

202. Guidance and Glory. Psalm 73. 11s.

In doubt and temptation I rest, Lord, in Thee;

My hand is in Thy hand, Thou carest for me;

My soul with Thy counsel through life Thou wilt guide,

And afterward make me in glory abide.


My God, I will extol Thee and ever bless Thy Name;

Each day will I give thanks to Thee And all Thy praise proclaim.

In glory Thou only my portion shalt be,

On earth for none other I long but for Thee;

My flesh and heart falter, but God is my stay,

The strength of my spirit, my portion for aye.

All they that forsake Thee must perish and die,

But near to my Saviour most blessed am I;

I make Thee my refuge, my Lord and my God;

Thy grace and Thy glory I publish abroad.

203. Life With God. Psalm 73. C.M.

In sweet communion, Lord, with Thee

I constantly abide;

My hand Thou holdest in Thy own

To keep me near Thy side.

Thy counsel through my earthly way

Shall guide me and control,

And then to glory afterward

Thou wilt receive my soul.

Whom have I, Lord, in heaven but Thee,

To Whom my thoughts aspire?

And, having Thee, on earth is nought

That I can yet desire.

Though flesh and heart should faint and fail,

The Lord will ever be

The strength and portion of my heart,

My God eternally.

To live apart from God is death,

'Tis good His face to seek;

My refuge is the living God,

His praise I long to speak.

204. God Our Only Good. Psalm 73. 6s and 4s.

O God, how good Thou art

To all the pure of heart,

Though life seems vain;

Burdened with anxious care,

I groped in dark despair,

Till in Thy house of prayer

All was made plain.

Ever, O Lord, with Thee,

All shall be well with me,

Held by Thy hand;

And Thou wilt guide my feet

By Thy own counsel sweet,

Till I, for glory meet,

In glory stand.

In earth or heaven above

Who is there that I love

Compared with Thee?

My heart may faint with fears,

But God my strength appears,

And will to endless years

My portion be.

O it is good that I

May still to God draw nigh,

As oft before;

The Lord Jehovah blest,

My refuge and my rest,

Shall be in praise confessed

For evermore.

205. The Church in Trial. Psalm 74. C.M.

O wherefore hast Thou cast us off,

O God, our God of old?

Why art Thou angry with Thy sheep,

The sheep of Thy own fold?

Remember Thy inheritance,

Thy Church, redeemed by grace;

Remember Zion's mount profaned,

Thy ancient dwellingplace.

In ruin long Thy temple lies;

Arise, O God of grace,

And see the ruin foes have wrought

Within Thy holy place.

Amid Thy courts are lifted high

The standards of the foe,

And impious hands with axe and fire

Have laid Thy temple low.

They have profaned the holy place

Where Thou hast set Thy Name,

The sanctuaries of our God

Are given to the flame.

We see no signs of power divine,

No prophet speaks for Thee,

And none can tell, and none can know,

How long these woes shall be.

How long, O God, shall blasphemy

And shame reproach our land?

Why dost Thou not destroy Thy foes

With Thy almighty hand?

O God, Thou art our King of old,

Salvation Thou hast wrought;

In safety through the mighty sea

Our fathers Thou hast brought.

With mighty arm Thou didst destroy

The pride of boastful man,

And for Thy people made a path

Where mighty waters ran.

The day is Thine, and Thine the night,

And Thine the shining sun;

At Thy command earth's bounds are set

And changing seasons run.

Mark how Thy enemies, O Lord,

Against Thee proudly speak;

Preserve Thy saints from wicked men,

Be mindful of the meek.

Fulfill, O Lord, Thy covenant,

Our strong protector be,

For in the earth are dark abodes

Of crime of cruelty.

Let not Thy saints be put to shame,

No longer in Thy sight

Permit Thy foes to vaunt themselves;

Lord, vindicate the right.

206. The Righteous Judgment of God. Psalm 75. C.M.

To Thee, O God, we render thanks,

To Thee give thanks sincere,

Because Thy wondrous works declare

That Thou art ever near.

Thy righteous judgment, Thou hast said,

Shall in due time appear,

And Thou Who didst establish it

Wilt fill the earth with fear.

Thou teachest meekness to the proud,

And makest sinners know

That none is judge but God alone,

To honor or bring low.

Jehovah holds a cup of wrath,

And holds it not in vain,

For all the wicked of the earth

Its bitter dregs shall drain.

The God of Israel I will praise

And all His glory show;

The righteous He will high exalt

And bring the wicked low.

207. Zion's Glory and Safety. Psalm 76. 8s and 7s.

God is known among His people,

Every mouth His praises fill;

From of old He hath established

His abode on Zion's hill;

There He broke the sword and arrow,

Bade the noise of war be still.

Excellent and glorious art Thou,

With Thy trophies from the fray;

Thou hast slain the valiant-hearted,

Wrapt in sleep of death are they;

When Thy anger once is risen,

Who can stand in that dread day.

When from heaven Thy sentence sounded,

All the earth in fear was still,

While to save the meek and lowly

God in judgment wrought His will;

E'en the wrath of men shall praise Thee,

Thy designs it shall fulfill.

Vow and pay ye to Jehovah,

Him your God forever own;

All men, bring your gifts before Him,

Worship Him, and Him alone;

Mighty kings obey and fear Him,

Princes bow before His throne.

208. Aspects of the Divine Character. Psalm 76. L.M.

Among His people God is known,

Most glorious in His might and grace;

He makes Jerusalem His throne,

Her peaceful hills His dwellingplace.

When God the righteous judge appeared

To save the meek from wrong and shame,

The earth stood still and greatly feared;

Then forth from heaven His sentence came.

The wrath of man shall praise the Lord,

Restrained by His almighty will;

Your vows to God the King record,

Your covenant made with Him fulfill.

Let all to Him their presents bring,

To Him Whom all the world should fear;

Ye kings and princes, own your King,

With reverence and with awe draw near.

209. Doubts Overcome by Faith. Psalm 77. L.M.

To God for help will I repair,

To God will I direct my prayer,

And surely He will answer me,

His great salvation I shall see.

In long-continued grief I stand

And seek the Lord with out-stretched hand;

I find no comfort for my soul,

The clouds of darkness o'er me roll.

I think of God and call to mind

His goodness, yet no peace I find;

I still pour out my sad complaints,

My burdened spirit almost faints.

With sleepless eyes and speechless grief

I search the past to find relief,

The former years when days were bright

And songs of gladness cheered my night.

My constant meditations bring

My heart to anxious questioning:

Has God cast off, and will He be

No longer merciful to me?

Has God forgotten to be kind?

Shall I His promise faithless find?

For me shall wrath henceforth replace

His tender mercies and His grace?

In weakness I was pressed with fear,

But better hopes my spirits cheer;

Past mercies lead me to rely

Upon the help of God Most High.

Thy deeds, O Lord, will I relate

And on Thy wonders meditate;

Thy way, O God, is just and right,

And none is like to Thee in might.

Among the nations Thou hast shown

Thy wondrous power and made it known;

Thou art the God that mightily

Redeemed and set Thy people free.

At sight of Thee the waters fled,

The quaking clouds their torrents shed,

The lightnings flashed, the thunder pealed,

The trembling earth her fear revealed.

Thy way, O God, was in the sea,

But, though Thy paths mysterious be,

Thy people Thou didst safely keep

As shepherds lead their helpless sheep.

210. Questionings and Comfort. Psalm 77. L.M.

To God will I direct my prayer,

And He will make my needs His care;

I trust Him still, though in my grief

No answer yet has brought relief;

With hands stretched out through all the night,

Uncomforted I sought for light.

The thought of God brought me no peace,

But rather made my fears increase;

With sleepless eyes and speechless pain

My fainting spirit grieved in vain;

The blessedness of long ago

Made deeper still my present woe.

Recalling days when faith was bright,

When songs of gladness filled my night,

I pondered o'er my grievous woes

And searching questioning arose:

Will God cast off, and nevermore

His favor to my soul restore?

I asked in fear and bitterness,

Will God forsake me in distress?

Shall I His promise faithless find?

Has God forgotten to be kind?

Has He in anger hopelessly

Removed His love and grace from me?

These doubts and fears that troubled me

Were born of my infirmity;

Though I am weak, God is most high,

And on His goodness I rely;

Of all His wonders I will tell,

And on His deeds my thoughts shall dwell.

211. The Wonderful Deeds of God. Psalm 77. L.M.

O God, most holy are Thy ways,

And who like Thee deserves my praise?

Thou only doest wondrous things,

The whole wide world Thy glory sings;

Thy outstretched arm Thy people saved,

Though sore distressed and long enslaved.

O God, from Thee the waters fled,

The depths were moved with mighty dread,

The swelling clouds their torrents poured,

And o'er the earth the tempest roared;

'Mid lightning's flash and thunder's sound

Great trembling shook the solid ground.

Thy way was in the sea, O God,

Through mighty waters, deep and broad,

None understood but God alone,

To man Thy footsteps were unknown;

But safe Thy people Thou didst keep,

Almighty Shepherd of Thy sheep.

212. Hallowed Memories. Psalm 77. C.M.

I thought upon the days of old,

The years departed long,

I held communion with my heart,

By night recalled my song.

My heart inquired with anxious care,

Will God forever spurn?

Shall we no more His favor see?

Will mercy never return?

Forever shall His promise fail?

Has God forgotten grace?

Has He withdrawn His tender love,

In anger hid His face?

These doubts are my infirmity,

My thoughts at once reply:

I call back years of God's right hand,

The years of God Most High.

I will commemorate, O Lord,

Thy wondrous deeds of old,

And meditate upon Thy works

Of power and grace untold.

O God, most holy is Thy way,

Most perfect, good, and right;

Thou art the only living God,

The God of wondrous might.

213. Lessons From the Past. Psalm 78. 10s and 11s.

My people, give ear, attend to my word,

In parables new deep truths shall be heard;

The wonderful story our fathers made known

To children succeeding by us must be shown.

Instructing our sons we gladly record

The praises, the works, the might of the Lord,

For He hath commanded that what He hath done

Be passed in tradition from father to son.

Let children thus learn from history's light

To hope in our God and walk in His sight,

The God of their fathers to fear and obey,

And ne'er, like their fathers, to turn from His way.

The story be told, to warn and restrain,

Of hearts that were hard, rebellious, and vain,

Of soldiers who faltered when battle was near,

Who kept not God's covenant nor walked in His fear.

God's wonderful works to them He had shown,

His marvelous deeds their fathers had known;

He made for their pathway the waters divide,

His glorious pillar of cloud was their guide.

He gave them to drink, relieving their thirst,

And forth from the rock caused water to burst;

Yet faithless they tempted their God, and they said,

Can He Who gave water supply us with bread?

Jehovah was wroth because they forgot

To hope in their God, and trusted Him not;

Yet gracious, He opened the doors of the sky

And rained down the manna in richest supply.

With bread from on high their need He supplied,

And more did He do when thankless they sighed;

The strong winds commanding from south and from east,

He sent them abundance of quail for their feast.

Though well they were filled, their folly they chose,

Till God in His wrath o'erwhelmed them with woes;

He slew of their strongest and smote their young men,

But still unbelieving they sinned even then.

Because of their sin He smote with His rod,

And then they returned and sought for their God;

Their Rock and Redeemer was God the Most High,

Yet false were their praises, their promise a lie.

Not right with their God in heart and in will,

They faithlessly broke His covenant still;

But He, in compassion, reluctant to slay,

Forgave them and oft turned His anger away.

His pity was great, though often they sinned,

For they were but flesh, a swift passing wind;

Yet though His compassion and grace they beheld,

They tempted and grieved Him and often rebelled.

They limited God, the Most Holy One,

And hindered the work His grace had begun;

The hand that was mighty to save they forgot,

The day of redemption remembering not.

Ungrateful and blind, no longer they thought

Of wonders and signs and mighty deeds wrought,

Of how all the rivers of Egypt ran red,

And plagues in God's anger were heaped on their head.

They thought not of how, their freedom to gain,

In Egypt's abodes the first-born were slain,

And how all God's people were led forth like sheep,

The flock He delighted in safety to keep.

214. Reminders from Israel's History. Psalm 78. 10s and 11s.

My people give ear, attend to my word,

In parables new deep truths shall be heard;

The wonderful story our fathers made known

To children succeeding by us must be shown.

Unharmed through the sea, where perished their foe,

He caused them with ease and safety to go;

His holy land gaining, in peace they were brought

To dwell in the mountain the Lord's hand had bought.

He gave them the land, a heritage fair;

The nations that dwelt in wickedness there

He drove out before them with great overthrow,

And gave to His people the tents of the foe.

Again they rebelled and tempted the Lord,

Unfaithful they turned to idols abhorred,

And God in His anger withdrew from them then,

No longer delighting to dwell among men.

He gave them to death in battle, although

His glory and strength were scorned by the foe;

Their young men were fallen, their maidens unwed,

Their priests slain in battle, none wept for the dead.

Then mercy awoke, the Lord in His might

Returned, and the foes were scattered in flight;

Again to His people His favor He showed,

And chose in Mount Zion to fix His abode.

His servant He called, a shepherd of sheep,

From tending His flock, the people to keep;

So David, their shepherd, with wisdom and might

Protected and fed them and led them aright.

215. Religious Training. Psalm 78. C.M.

O come, my people, to my law

Attentively give ear;

With willing heart and teachable

The words of wisdom hear.

My mouth shall speak in parables

Of hidden truths of old,

Which, handed down from age to age,

To us our fathers told.

We will not from their children hide

Jehovah's worthy praise,

But tell the greatness of His strength,

His wondrous works and ways.

A testimony and a law

The Lord our God decreed,

And bade our fathers teach their sons,

That they His ways might heed.

He willed that each succeeding race

His deeds might learn and know,

That children's children to their sons

Might all these wonders show.

Let children learn God's righteous ways

And on Him stay their heart,

That they may not forget His works

Nor from His ways depart.

216. The Church Under Discipline. Psalm 79. 8s and 7s.

In Thy heritage the heathen

Now, O God, triumphant stand;

They defile Thy holy temple,

They destroy Thy chosen land;

Ruthless, they have slain Thy servants,

They have caused Thy saints to mourn,

In the sight of all about us

We endure reproach and scorn.

O how long against Thy people

Shall Thy anger burn, O Lord?

On Thy enemies, the heathen,

Be Thy indignation poured;

Smite the kingdoms that defy Thee,

Calling not upon Thy Name;

They have long devoured Thy people,

And have swept Thy land with flame.

O remember not against us

Evil by our fathers wrought;

Haste to help us in Thy mercy,

Near to ruin we are brought;

Help us, God of our salvation,

For the glory of Thy Name;

For Thy Name's sake come and save us,

Take away our sin and shame.

Let Thy foes no longer scorn Thee,

Now avenge Thy servants slain;

Loose the prisoner, save the dying,

All Thy enemies restrain;

Then Thy flock, Thy chosen people,

Unto Thee their thanks shall raise,

And to every generation

We will sing Thy glorious praise.

217. Forgiving Mercy Besought. Psalm 79. S.M.

Remember not, O God,

The sins of long ago;

In tender mercy visit us,

Distressed and humbled low.

O Lord, our Saviour, help,

And glorify Thy Name;

Deliver us from all our sins

And take away our shame.

In Thy compassion hear

Thy prisoner's plaintive sigh,

And in the greatness of Thy power

Save those about to die.

Then, safe within Thy fold,

We will exalt Thy Name;

Our thankful hearts with songs of joy

Thy goodness will proclaim.

218. A Suppliant Church. Psalm 80. 10s.

O Thou great Shepherd of Thy chosen race,

Who leadest like a flock Thy Israel dear,

From out the cherubim reveal Thy face,

Before our host now let Thy might appear.

Come Thou, O God, to save us and restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

How long, O Lord, wilt Thou disdain our prayer?

For Thou hast fed us with the bread of tears,

And bitter sorrow Thou hast made us share;

The nations round us mock with scornful jeers.

O God of Hosts, Thy people now restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

A vine Thou broughtest forth from Egypt's land;

The nations were thrust out to give it room;

It took deep root, it spread on every hand,

The hills were covered with its shade and bloom;

Its boughs were like great cedars spreading wide;

They reached the sea, its roots the riverside.

Why hast Thou broken down its circling wall

That they may pluck who pass along the way?

Wild beasts from out the wood destroy it all

And feed upon Thy vine by night and day.

O God of Hosts, we pray Thee now, restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

Look down, behold and visit this Thy vine

Which Thou hast planted with Thy own right hand,

The branch Thou madest strong and owned it Thine,

For it is burned with fire, no more to stand;

Thy people perish in Thy anger sore

Because Thy face not shines on them no more.

O let Thy hand Thy chosen one sustain,

The son of man Thou madest strong to be;

So we shall faithful to Thy cause remain;

Revive Thou us, and we will call on Thee.

Jehovah, God of Hosts, again restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

219. Restoration and Revival. Psalm 80. 10s.

O Thou great Shepherd of Thy chosen race,

Who leadest like a flock Thy Israel dear,

From out the cherubim reveal Thy face,

Before our host now let Thy might appear.

Come Thou, O God, to save us and restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

O let Thy hand Thy chosen one sustain,

The son of man Thou madest strong to be;

So we shall faithful to Thy cause remain;

Revive Thou us, and we will call on Thee.

Jehovah, God of Hosts, again restore;

We shall be saved when shines Thy face once more.

220. Prayer for Restoring Grace. Psalm 80. 11s.

Great Shepherd Who leadest Thy people in love,

'Mid cherubim dwelling, shine Thou from above;

In might come and save us, Thy people restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

O haste, Lord, to hear us and pity our woes,

Affliction our portion, despised by our foes;

O Lord, God Almighty, in mercy restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

A place for Thy people Thou, Lord, didst prepare,

Thy vine deeply rooted rewarded Thy care;

Its branches like cedars, majestic and free,

Spread over the mountains from river to sea.

Thy vineyard no longer Thy tender care knows,

Defenseless, the victim and spoil of her foes;

O turn, we beseech Thee, all glory is Thine,

Look down in Thy mercy and visit Thy vine.

The branch of Thy planting is burned and cut down,

Brought nigh to destruction because of Thy frown;

The man of Thy right hand with wisdom endue,

The son of man strengthen Thy pleasure to do.

When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we will praise,

And nevermore, turning, depart from Thy ways;

O Lord God almighty, in mercy restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

221. Longing for Revival. Psalm 80. 11s.

Great Shepherd Who leadest Thy people in love,

'Mid cherubim dwelling, shine Thou from above;

In might come and save us, Thy people restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

O haste, Lord, to hear us and pity our woes,

Affliction our portion, despised by our foes;

O Lord, God Almighty, in mercy restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

When Thou shalt revive us Thy Name we will praise,

And nevermore, turning, depart from Thy ways;

O Lord God almighty, in mercy restore,

And we shall be saved when Thy face shines once more.

222. A Summons to Joyful Worship. Psalm 81. 8s and 7s.

Now to God, our Strength and Saviour,

Render praise and loudly sing;

In our fathers' God rejoicing,

All your noblest music bring.

Let the trumpet, far resounding,

This our festal day proclaim,

By our fathers' God appointed,

When from bondage Israel came.

I, Thy God, removed thy burdens,

When thou calledst, set Thee free,

Proved thee in the thirsty desert,

In the thunder answered thee.

O My people, hear My pleadings;

O that thou wouldst hearken now;

No strange worship shalt thou offer,

Nor to idols shalt thou bow.

I am God the Lord Who saved thee,

And from cruel bondage freed;

Open wide thy mouth of longing;

I will satisfy thy need.

But My people would not hearken,

Yea, they would not yield to Me;

So I left them in their blindness,

Their own counselors to be.

If my people would obey Me,

Gladly walking in My ways,

Soon would I, their foes subduing,

Fill their lips with songs of praise.

All the haters of Jehovah

Shall His clemency implore,

And the days of those that love Him

Shall endure forevermore.

Yea, with wheat the very finest

I their hunger will supply,

Bid the very rocks yield honey

That shall fully satisfy.

223. Responsibility of Civil Officers. Psalm 82. 7s and 6s.

Where'er His creatures gather

The unseen God is near;

Let rulers fear their Ruler,

Their Judge let judges fear.

How long, ye earthly judges,

Will ye pervert the right?

How long shall wicked persons

Have favor in your sight?

Do justice for the helpless,

The orphan's cause maintain;

Defend the poor and needy,

Oppressed and wronged for gain.

When rulers walk in darkness,

When judges truth forsake,

The cornerstones are crumbled,

The firm foundation's shake.

The Most High God has called you

And set you up on high,

But ye to Him must answer,

For ye like men must die.

Arise, O God Eternal,

Thou Judge of all the earth,

Through all Thy ransomed nations

Send now Thy justice forth.

224. The Foes of the Church. Psalm 83. C.M.

O God, no longer hold Thy peace,

No longer silent be;

Thy enemies lift up their head

To fight Thy saints and Thee.

Against Thy own, whom Thou dost love,

Their craft Thy foes employ;

They think to cut Thy people off,

Thy Church they would destroy.

Thy ancient foes, conspiring still,

With one consent agree,

And they who with Thy people strive

Make war, O God, with Thee.

O God, Who in our fathers' time

Didst smite our foes and Thine,

So smite Thy enemies today

Who in their pride combine.

Make them like dust and stubble blown

Before the whirlwind dire,

In terror driven before the storm

Of Thy consuming fire.

Confound them in their sin till they

To Thee for pardon fly,

Till in dismay they trembling own

That Thou art God Most High.

225. Delight in the House of God. Psalm 84. C.M.

How dear to me, O Lord of Hosts,

The place where Thou dost dwell;

The tabernacles of Thy grace

In pleasantness excel.

My spirit longs, yea, even faints,

Thy sacred courts to see;

My thirsting heart and flesh cry out,

O living God, for Thee.

Beneath Thy care the sparrow finds

A place of peaceful rest;

Where she may safely lay her young

The swallow finds a nest;

Then, Lord of Hosts, my King, my God,

Thy love will shelter me;

Beneath Thy altar's peaceful shade

My dwellingplace shall be.

Blest they who dwell within Thy house,

Their perfect strength Thou art;

Their joyful praise shall never cease,

Thy ways are in their heart.

Their tears of grief, like early rain,

Sweet springs of joy shall fill;

With strength renewed they journey safe

To Zion's holy hill.

226. Longings for Sanctuary Fellowship. Psalm 84. C.M.

O Lord of Hosts, to Thee I cry,

Our fathers' God, to Thee;

Let my petition reach Thy ear,

My prayer accepted be;

O God our shield, look Thou on us,

Reveal Thyself in grace,

And let Thy own anointed one

Behold Thee face to face.

A single day within Thy courts,

Where I Thy beauty see,

Is better than a thousand days,

My God, apart from Thee.

A lowly station in Thy house

Were dearer to my heart

Than in the tents of wickedness

To claim the chiefest part.

A sun and shield is God, the Lord,

To lighten and defend;

The Lord to such as look to Him

Will grace and glory send;

To those that walk in righteousness

No good will He deny;

O Lord of Hosts, how blest are they

Who on Thy grace rely.

227. Delight in Church Ordinances. Psalm 84. 7s and 6s.

O Lord of Hosts, how lovely

Thy tabernacles are;

For them my heart is yearning

In banishment afar.

My soul is longing, fainting.

Thy sacred courts to see;

My heart and flesh are crying,

O living God, for Thee.

Beneath Thy care the sparrow

Finds place for peaceful rest;

To keep her young in safety

The swallow finds a nest;

Then, Lord, my King Almighty,

Thy love will shelter me;

Beside Thy holy altar

My dwellingplace shall be.

Blest they who dwell in Zion,

Whose joy and strength Thou art;

Forever they will praise Thee,

Thy ways are in their heart.

Though tried, their tears like showers

Shall fill the springs of peace,

And all the way to Zion

Their strength shall still increase.

228. True Blessedness. Psalm 84. 7s and 6s.

Lord God of Hosts, in mercy

My supplication hear;

Almighty and all-faithful,

Our fathers' God, give ear;

Our shield and great defender,

No longer hide Thy face,

But look upon Thy servant,

Anointed by Thy grace.

In Thy blest courts to worship,

My God, a single day

Is better than a thousand

While far from Thee I stray;

Though in a lowly station,

The service of my Lord

I choose above all pleasures

That sinful ways afford.

A sun and shield forever

Is God, the Lord Most High;

To those who walk uprightly

No good will He deny;

His saints, His grace receiving,

Shall soon His glory see;

O Lord of Hosts, most blessed

Are they that trust in Thee.

229. Days in the Sanctuary. Psalm 84. L.M.

How lovely, Lord of Hosts, to me

The tabernacles of Thy grace;

O how I long, yea, faint to see

Thy hallowed courts, Thy dwelling place;

For Thee my heart and spirit sigh,

For Thee, O living God, I cry.

The sparrow has her place of rest;

The swallow, through Thy kindly care,

Has found where she may build her nest

And brood her young in safety there;

Thy altars as my rest I sing,

O Lord of Hosts, my God, my King.

Blest they who in Thy house abide,

They still to Thee shall render praise;

Blest they who in Thy strength confide,

And in whose hearts are Zion's ways;

Though passing through the vale of tears,

Like springs of joy Thy grace appears.

Advancing still from strength to strength,

They onward go where saints have trod,

Till every one appears at length

In Zion's courts before his God;

Jehovah, God of Hosts, give ear,

Our fathers' God, in mercy hear.

Upon us look, O God, our shield,

The face of Thy anointed see;

A thousand other days can yield

No gladness like one day with Thee;

Though only at Thy door I wait,

No tents of sin give joy so great.

Jehovah, God our Shield and Sun,

Will grace and glory surely give;

No good will He withhold from one

Who in His sight shall rightly live;

O Lord of Hosts, most blest is he

Who puts his steadfast trust in Thee.

230. Assurance of Blessing. Psalm 85. L.M.

Lord, Thou hast greatly blessed our land,

Thou hast brought back our captive band,

Thy pardoning grace has made us free

And covered our iniquity.

O Thou, Who in a former day

Didst turn Thy dreadful wrath away,

In grace Thy people, Lord, return,

And let Thy wrath no longer burn.

O will Thy anger never cease,

Forever shall Thy wrath increase?

Revive and quicken us once more,

And Thy salvation's joy restore.

To us Thy mercy now afford

And show us Thy salvation, Lord;

Yea, Thou wilt answer us in peace,

If from our folly we will cease.

The Lord's salvation will appear

To men of faith and godly fear,

And glory in our land shall dwell

When we shall heed God's precepts well.

Now truth agrees with mercy mild,

Now law and peace are reconciled;

Behold the truth from earth arise,

With justice shining from the skies.

The Lord will send His blessing down,

And harvests all our land shall crown;

Before Him righteousness abides,

And in His steps our feet He guides.

231. Encouragement in Prayer. Psalm 85. L.P.M.

Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy land,

Restored again Thy captive band;

Thy people's sins Thou pardoned hast,

And all their guilt hast covered o'er,

Removed from them Thy anger sore,

All Thy fierce wrath behind Thee cast.

In grace Thy people, Lord, return,

Nor longer let Thy anger burn;

Wilt Thou forever angry be?

Through ages shall Thy wrath survive?

Wilt Thou not us again revive,

That so we may rejoice in Thee?

O Lord, to us Thy mercy show,

And Thy salvation now bestow;

We wait to hear what God will say;

Peace to His people He will speak,

And to His saints, but let them seek

No more in folly's path to stray.

232. Expectancy of Grace. Psalm 85. L.P.M.

O Lord, to us Thy mercy show,

And Thy salvation now bestow;

We wait to hear what God will say;

Peace to His people He will speak,

And to His saints, but let them seek

No more in folly's path to stray.

His saving help is surely near

To those His holy Name that fear;

Thus glory dwells in all our land.

Now heavenly truth unites with grace,

And righteousness and peace embrace,

In full accord they ever stand.

Truth springing forth the earth shall crown,

And righteousness from heaven look down,

And God on us His goodness shed;

Our land shall then with plenty flow,

Before Him righteousness shall go,

And cause us in His steps to tread.

233. Confident Pleading. Psalm 86. L.M.

Bow down Thy ear, O Lord, and hear,

For I am poor and great my need;

Preserve my soul, for Thee I fear;

O God, Thy trusting servant heed.

O Lord, be merciful to me,

For all the day to Thee I cry;

Rejoice Thy servant, for to Thee

I lift my soul, O Lord Most High.

For Thou, O Lord, art good and kind,

And ready to forgive Thou art;

Abundant mercy they shall find

Who call on Thee with all their heart.

O Lord, incline Thy ear to me,

My voice of supplication heed;

In trouble I will cry to Thee,

For Thou wilt answer when I plead.

There is no God but Thee alone,

Nor works like Thine, O Lord Most High;

All nations shall surround Thy throne

And their Creator glorify.

In all Thy deeds how great Thou art!

Thou one true God, Thy way make clear;

Teach me with undivided heart

To trust Thy truth, Thy Name to fear.

234. Devout Prayers and Pleas. Psalm 86. L.M.

O Lord my God, my joyful heart

Will give Thee praise forevermore,

For rich in grace to me Thou art,

My soul from death Thou didst restore.

O God, the proud against me rise,

The wicked who delight in strife;

They set not Thee before their eyes,

They seek to take away my life.

In Thee, O Lord, all grace is found,

Thy people shall Thy mercy know;

Thy truth and goodness still abound,

To wrath and anger Thou art slow.

In mercy turn and look on me,

Thy servant true, Thy chosen one;

Let me Thy great salvation see,

And strengthen me my course to run.

Some token of Thy love bestow,

Which they who hate me now may see;

Let all, O Lord, be brought to know

That Thou dost help and comfort me.

235. Confiding Prayer. Psalm 86. 6s and 4s.

Lord, my petition heed,

Now help me in my need,

My Saviour be;

I am Thy Servant, Lord,

My trust is in Thy word,

Mercy to me afford,

I cry to Thee.

Comfort Thy servant now,

While at Thy throne I bow,

For Thou art love.

Thy pardoning grace is free;

Sinners who call on Thee

Thy tender mercy see,

O God above.

Lord, hear me when I pray,

While now in trouble's day

I seek Thy face.

To answer, Lord, is Thine;

Thou only art divine,

Most bright Thy glories shine,

O God of grace.

236. Desires and Aspirations. Psalm 86. 6s and 4s.

By all whom Thou hast made

Be praise and worship paid

Through earth abroad;

Thy Name be glorified,

There is not great beside,

Matchless Thy works abide,

For Thou art God.

Help me Thy will to do,

Thy truth I will pursue,

Teach me to fear;

Give me the single eye

Thy Name to glorify,

O Lord, my God Most High,

With heart sincere.

How great Thy love appears

That bade death's gloomy fears

No more dismay;

O God, to anger slow,

Save me from every foe,

Thy lovingkindness show,

Thy truth display.

Show me Thy mercy true,

Thy servant's strength renew,

Deliverance send;

To me Thy goodness show,

Thy comfort, Lord, bestow;

Let those that hate me know

Thou art my friend.

237. The Church of God. Psalm 87. 8s, 7s, 4.

238. The Church Universal. Psalm 87. 8s, 7s, 4.

Zion, founded on the mountains,

God, thy Maker, loves thee well;

He has chosen Thee, most precious,

He delights in Thee to dwell;

God's own city,

Who can all thy glory tell?

Heathen lands and hostile peoples

Soon shall come the Lord to know;

Nations born again in Zion

Shall the Lord's salvation show;

God Almighty

Shall on Zion strength bestow.

When the Lord shall count the nations,

Sons and daughters He shall see,

Born to endless life in Zion,

And their joyful song shall be,

"Blessed Zion,

All our fountains are in Thee."

239. The Church of Christ. Psalm 87. 7s.

Zion, on the holy hills,

God, thy Maker, loves thee well;

All thy courts His presence fills,

He delights in thee to dwell.

Wondrous shall thy glory be,

City blest of God, the Lord;

Nations shall be born in thee,

Unto life from death restored.

When the Lord the names shall write

Of thy sons, a countless throng,

God Most High will thee requite,

He Himself will make thee strong.

Then in song and joyful mirth

Shall Thy ransomed sons agree,

Singing forth throughout the earth,

"All my fountains are in thee."

240. An Outpouring of Sorrow. Psalm 88. 8s and 7s.

Lord, the God of my salvation,

Day and night I cry to Thee;

Let my prayer now find acceptance,

In Thy mercy answer me.

Full of troubles and affliction,

Nigh to death my soul is brought

Helpless, like one cast forever

From Thy care and from Thy thought.

Thou hast brought me down to darkness,

'Neath Thy wrath I am oppressed;

All the billows of affliction

Overwhelm my soul distressed.

Thou hast made my friends despise me,

And companionless I go,

Bound, and helpless in my bondage,

Pining in my bitter woe.

Unto Thee with hands uplifted

Daily I direct my cry;

Hear, O Lord, my supplication,

Hear and save me ere I die.

Wilt Thou wait to show Thy wonders

And Thy mercy to the dead?

Let me live to tell Thy praises,

By Thy lovingkindness led.

Still, O Lord, renewed each morning

Unto Thee my prayer shall be;

Cast me not away forever,

Let me now Thy favor see.

All my life is spent in sorrow,

Grief and terror always nigh,

Waves of wrath have surged about me;

Show Thy mercy ere I die.

Friend and lover are departed,

Dark and lonely is my way;

Lord, be Thou my friend and helper,

Still to Thee, O Lord, I pray.

Lord, the God of my salvation,

Day and night I cry to Thee;

Let my prayer now find acceptance,

In Thy mercy answer me.

241. The Mercies and Faithfulness of God. Psalm 89. L.M.

My song forever shall record

The tender mercies of the Lord;

Thy faithfulness will I proclaim,

And every age shall know Thy Name.

I sing of mercies that endure,

Forever builded firm and sure,

Of faithfulness that never dies,

Established changeless in the skies.

Behold God's truth and grace displayed,

For He has faithful covenant made,

And He has sworn that David's son

Shall ever sit upon his throne.

The heavens shall join in glad accord

To praise Thy wondrous works, O Lord;

Thy faithfulness shall praise command

Where holy ones assembled stand.

Who in the heavenly dwellings fair

Can with the Lord Himself compare?

Or who among the mighty shares

The likeness that Jehovah bears.

With fear and reverence at His feet

God's holy ones in council meet;

Yea, more than all about His throne

Must He be feared, and He alone.

O Thou Jehovah, God of Hosts,

What mighty one Thy likeness boasts?

In all Thy works and vast designs

Thy faithfulness forever shines.

The swelling sea obeys Thy will,

Its angry waves Thy voice can still;

Thy mighty enemies are slain,

Thy foes resist Thy power in vain.

The heavens and earth, by right divine,

The world and all therein are Thine;

The whole creation's wondrous frame

Proclaims its Maker's glorious Name.

242. God the Source of Joy. Psalm 89. L.M.

Almighty God, Thy lofty throne

Has justice for its cornerstone,

And shining bright before Thy face

Are truth and love and boundless grace.

With blessing is the nation crowned

Whose people know the joyful sound;

They in the light, O Lord, shall live,

The light Thy face and favor give.

Thy Name with gladness they confess,

Exalted in Thy righteousness;

Their fame and might to Thee belong,

For in Thy favor they are strong.

All glory unto God we yield,

Jehovah is our help and shield;

All praise and honor we will bring

To Israel's Holy One, our King.

243. Covenant Faithfulness. Psalm 89. L.M.

In vision to His saints God spake:

From out the people one I take,

A mighty leader, true and brave,

Ordained, exalted, strong to save.

My chosen servant I appoint,

With holy oil his head anoint;

My hand with him shall still remain,

My arm his strength shall well sustain.

No enemy shall him affright,

His adversaries I will smite,

My faithfulness to him will prove,

And nevermore My grace remove.

Yea, he shall triumph in My Name,

And great shall be his power and fame,

From sea to sea his mighty hand

Shall hold dominion o'er the land.

Thou art my Father, he shall cry,

My God, my rock of refuge high;

My firstborn son shall he be owned,

Above the kings of earth enthroned.

For him My mercy shall endure,

My covenant made with him is sure,

His throne and race I will maintain

Forever, while the heavens remain.

Should sons of his My laws forsake,

My just commands and statutes break,

Then, though My rod their sins reprove,

My mercy I will not remove.

Though they be chastened sore and tried,

My faithfulness shall yet abide;

My plighted word I will not break,

Nor change the promise that I spake.

My oath is steadfast, ever sure,

My servant's race shall still endure;

His throne forever firm shall stay

When sun and moon have passed away.

On Thy anointed wrath is poured

As if Thy covenant were abhorred;

Thou hast profaned is kingly crown,

His matchless strength is broken down.

He is reproached and spoiled of all,

His enemies upon him fall;

His beauty is consumed away,

Forgotten is his kingly sway.

Cut off in youth, his sacred name

Is covered now with deepest shame;

How long, O Lord, shall wrath abide?

Thy face forever wilt Thou hide?

Think on my life; O lord, take thought;

Hast Thou created man for nought?

What man that lives has power to save

His soul from death, and from the grave?

Where are Thy mercies which of old

Were in Thy promises foretold?

Remember, Lord, the bitter shame

Heaped on Thy own anointed's name.

Blest be the Lord for evermore,

Whose promise stands from days of yore.

His word is faithful now as then;

Blest be His Name. Amen, Amen.

244. The Cry of the Mortal. Psalm 90. 8s and 7s.

Lord, through all the generations

Of the children of our race,

In our fears and tribulations,

Thou hast been our dwellingplace.

Ere the vast and wide creation

By Thy word was caused to be,

Or the mountains held their station,

Thou art God eternally.

Each succeeding generation

At Thy mighty word appears;

Thou dost count in time's duration

One day as a thousand years.

Death, with swift and sudden warning,

Calls us from life's dream away,

Like the grass, green in the morning,

Withered ere the close of day.

In Thy wrath our spirits languish,

Sinful 'neath Thy searching eye;

All our days are passed in anguish,

In Thy wrath we pine and die.

Threescore years and ten we tarry,

Fourscore years the strong may stay,

Long the load of grief to carry,

Till at last we fly away.

Who can weigh Thy just displeasure,

Who can fear Thee as he ought?

Teach us now our days to measure

And to wisdom turn our thought.

Lord, return, regard our sadness;

With Thy servants now abide;

Fill our days with joy and gladness,

With Thy mercy satisfied.

Long the clouds of evil lower;

Bless us now with gladsome days;

Let Thy servants see Thy power,

Let their children learn Thy praise.

On us let the grace and beauty

Of the Lord our God remain,

Strengthen us for noble duty

That our work be not in vain.

245. The Lord Our Dwelling-Place. Psalm 90. L.M.

Lord, Thou hast been our dwelling-place

Through all the ages of our race;

Before the mountains had their birth,

Or ever Thou hast formed the earth,

From everlasting Thou art God,

To everlasting our abode.

At Thy command man fades and dies

And newborn generations rise;

A thousand years are passed away,

And all to Thee are but a day;

Yea, like the watches of the night,

With Thee the ages wing their flight.

Man soon yields up his fleeting breath

Before the swelling tide of death;

Like transient sleep his seasons pass,

His life is like the tender grass,

Luxuriant 'neath the morning sun,

And withered ere the day is done.

Man in Thy anger is consumed,

And unto grief and sorrow doomed;

Before Thy clear and searching sight

Our secret sins are brought to light;

Beneath Thy wrath we pine and die,

Our life expiring like a sigh.

For threescore years and ten we wait,

Or fourscore years if strength be great;

But grief and toil attend life's day,

And soon our spirits fly away;

O who with true and reverent thought

Can fear Thy anger as he ought?

246. A Pilgrim's Prayers. Psalm 90. L.M.

O teach Thou us to count our days

And set our hearts on wisdom's ways;

Turn, Lord, to us in our distress,

In pity now Thy servants bless;

Let mercy's dawn dispel our night,

And all our day with joy be bright.

O send the day of joy and light,

For long has been our sorrow's night;

Afflicted through the weary years,

We wait until Thy help appears;

With us and with our sons abide,

In us let God be glorified.

So let there be on us bestowed

The beauty of the Lord our God;

The work accomplished by our hand

Establish Thou and make it stand;

Yea, let our hopeful labor be

Established evermore by Thee.

247. God Our Help and Hope. Psalm 90. C.M.

O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast,

And our eternal home.

Under the shadow of Thy throne

Thy saints have dwelt secure;

Sufficient is Thine arm alone,

And our defense is sure.

Before the hills in order stood,

Or earth received her frame,

From everlasting Thou art God,

To endless years the same.

A thousand ages in Thy sight

Are like an evening gone,

Short as the watch that ends the night

Before the rising sun.

Time, like an everrolling stream,

Bears all its sons away;

They fly forgotten, as a dream

Dies at the opening day.

O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Be Thou our guard while troubles last,

And our eternal home.

248. Overshadowing Protection. Psalm 91. L.M.

The man who once has found abode

Within the secret place of God

Shall with Almighty God abide,

And in His shadow safely hide.

I of the Lord my God will say,

He is my refuge and my stay;

To Him for safety I will flee,

In Him my constant trust shall be.

The Lord with His protecting care

Shall keep thee from the hidden snare;

When fearful plagues around prevail

Thy life the scourge shall not assail.

Thou shalt beneath His wings abide,

And safe within His care confide;

His faithfulness shall ever be

A sure protection unto thee.

No nightly terrors shall alarm,

No deadly shaft by day shall harm,

Nor pestilence that walks by night,

Nor plagues that waste in noonday light.

At Thy right hand, though thousands die,

No harm shall unto thee come nigh;

But thou secure, unharmed, shalt see

What wicked men's reward shall be.

249. The Reward of Perfect Trust. Psalm 91. L.M.

Because Thy trust is God alone,

Thy refuge is the Highest One,

No evil shall upon thee come,

Nor plague approach thy guarded home.

Angelic guards at His commands

Will bear thee safely in their hands,

Will keep thee, lest, if left alone,

Thou dash Thy foot against the stone.

Though fierce and treacherous foes assail,

Their power and wrath shall not prevail;

Their cruel strength, their venomed spite,

Thou shalt o'ercome with conquering might.

Because on Me he set his love,

I will his constant Saviour prove,

And since to him My Name is known,

I will exalt him as My own.

As oft as he shall call on Me,

Most gracious shall My answer be;

I will be with him in distress,

And in his trouble I will bless.

Complete deliverance I will give,

And honor him while he shall live;

Abundant life I will bestow,

To him My full salvation show.

250. The Duty of Praise. Psalm 92. L.M.

How good it is to thank the Lord,

And praise to Thee, Most High, accord,

To show Thy love with morning light,

And tell Thy faithfulness each night;

Yea, good it is Thy praise to sing,

And all our sweetest music bring.

O Lord, with joy my heart expands

Before the wonders of Thy hands;

Great works, Jehovah, Thou hast wrought,

Exceeding deep Thy every thought;

A foolish man knows not their worth,

Nor he whose mind is of the earth.

When as the grass the wicked grow,

When sinners flourish here below,

Then is there endless ruin nigh,

But Thou, O Lord, art throned on high;

Thy foes shall fall before Thy might,

The wicked shall be put to flight.

Thou, Lord, hast high exalted ma

With royal strength and dignity;

With Thy anointing I am blest,

Thy grace and favor on me rest;

I thus exult o'er all my foes,

O'er all that would my cause oppose.

The righteous man shall flourish well,

And in the house of God shall dwell;

He shall be like a goodly tree,

And all his life shall fruitful be;

For righteous is the Lord and just,

He is my Rock, in Him I trust.

251. Joyful Worship. Psalm 92. 8s and 7s.

It is good to sing Thy praises

And to thank Thee, O Most High,

Showing forth Thy lovingkindness

When the morning lights the sky.

It is good when night is falling

Of Thy faithfulness to tell,

While with sweet, melodious praises

Songs of adoration swell.

Thou hast filled my heart with gladness

Through the works Thy hands have wrought;

Thou hast made my life victorious,

Great Thy works and deep Thy thought.

Thou, O Lord, on high exalted,

Reignest evermore in might;

All Thy enemies shall perish,

Sin be banished from Thy sight.

But the good shall live before Thee,

Planted in Thy dwelling-place,

Fruitful trees and ever verdant,

Nourished by Thy boundless grace.

In His goodness to the righteous

God His righteousness displays;

God my rock, my strength and refuge,

Just and true are all His ways.

252. The Divine Rule and Power. Psalm 93. S.M.

Jehovah sits enthroned

In majesty most bright,

Appareled in omnipotence,

And girded round with might.

The world established stands

On its foundations broad;

His throne is fixed, He reigns supreme,

The everlasting God.

The floods have lifted up

Their voice in majesty,

But mighty is the Lord our God

Above the raging sea.

Thy testimonies, Lord,

In faithfulness excel,

And holy must Thy servants be

Who in Thy temple dwell.

253. God the Righteous Judge. Psalm 94. L.M.

O Lord, Thou Judge of all the earth,

To Whom all vengeance doth belong,

Arise and show Thy glory forth,

Requite the proud, condemn the wrong.

How long, O Lord, in boastful pride

Shall wicked men triumphant stand?

How long shall they afflict Thy saints

And devastate Thy chosen land?

The widow and the fatherless

They slay, and helpless strangers smite;

The faithful God they do not fear,

They say the Lord will not requite.

Be wise, ye fools and brutish men;

Shall not He see Who formed the eye?

Shall not He hear Who formed the ear,

And judge, Who reigneth, God Most High?

The Lord will judge in righteousness,

From Him all truth and knowledge flow;

The foolish thoughts of wicked men,

How vain they are the Lord doth know.

That man is blest whom Thou, O Lord,

With chastening hand dost teach Thy will,

For in the day when sinners fall

That man in peace abideth still.

The Lord will not cast off His own,

Nor His inheritance forsake;

Just judgment shall at length prevail,

And upright hearts shall courage take.

Who will arise for my defense

Against the wicked in the land?

Against iniquity and wrong

What man for me will valiant stand?

Unless the Lord had been my help,

My life had quickly passed away;

But when my foot had almost slipped,

O Lord, Thy mercy was my stay.

Amid the doubts that fill my mind

Thy comforts, Lord, bring joy to me;

Can wickedness, though throned in might,

Have fellowship, O Lord, with Thee?

The wicked, in their might arrayed,

Against the righteous join their power,

But to the Lord I flee for help,

He is my refuge and my tower.

Our God, the refuge of His saints,

Will fight against iniquity;

Avenger of the innocent

The Lord omnipotent will be.

254. An Invitation to Worship. Psalm 95. L.M.

O come before the Lord, our King,

And in His presence let us sing;

Let us in glad and joyful lays

The Rock of our salvation praise;

Before Him come with thankful song,

In joyful psalms His praise prolong.

Almighty power the Lord maintains,

Exalted over all He reigns;

He holds the valleys in His hand,

He makes the mighty mountains stand;

To Him belong both land and sea,

Creator of the world is He.

O come and let us worship now,

Before our Maker let us bow;

We are His sheep and He our God,

He feeds our souls in pastures broad;

He safely leads us in the way;

O come and heed His voice today.

Take heed and harden not your heart

As did your fathers, nor depart

From God to follow in their ways;

For with complaints instead of praise,

With doubt instead of faith confessed,

They put their mercy to the test.

Take heed that ye provoke Him not

As did your fathers, who forgot,

With erring heart, God's holy ways

And grieved Him all their sinful days;

To whom in wrath Jehovah sware,

My promised rest they shall not share.

255. Adoration and Submission. Psalm 95. 8s and 7s.

Now with joyful exultation

Let us sing Jehovah's praise,

To the Rock of our salvation

Loud hosannas let us raise;

Thankful tribute gladly bringing,

Let us come before Him now,

And, with psalms His praises singing,

Joyful in His presence bow.

For, how great a God, and glorious,

Is Jehovah Whom we sing;

Over idol-gods victorious,

Great is He, our God and King.

In His hand are earth's deep places,

His the strength of all the hills,

His the sea whose bounds He traces,

His the land His bounty fills.

To the Lord, such might revealing,

Let us come with reverence meet,

And, before our Maker kneeling,

Let us worship at His feet.

He is our own God and leads us,

We the people of His care;

With a shepherd's hand He feeds us

As His flock in pastures fair.

While He proffers peace and pardon

Let us hear His voice today,

Lest, if we our hearts should harden,

We should perish in the way;

Lest to us, so unbelieving,

He in judgment shall declare:

Ye, so long My Spirit grieving,

Never in My rest can share.

256. Worship and Its Motives. Psalm 95. C.M.

O come and to Jehovah sing,

To Him our voices raise;

Let us in our most joyful songs

The Lord our Saviour praise.

Before His presence let us come

With praise and thankful voice;

Let us sing psalms to Him with grace,

With grateful hearts rejoice.

Jehovah is a mighty King,

Above all gods His throne;

The depths of earth are in His hand,

The mountains are His own.

To Him the spacious sea belongs,

He made its waves and tides;

And by His hand the rising land

Was formed, and still abides.

O come, and bowing down to Him

Our worship let us bring;

Yea, let us kneel before the Lord,

Our Maker and our King.

257. The Evangel of the Kingdom. Psalm 96. C.M.

O sing a new song to the Lord,

Sing all the earth to God;

In daily praises bless His Name

And tell His grace abroad.

Among the nations far and wide

His glory celebrate;

To all the peoples of the earth

His wondrous works relate.

The Lord is great above all gods,

Let glad hosannas rise;

The heathen gods are idols vain;

Jehovah made the skies.

Great honor is before His face,

And majesty divine;

Within His holy dwellingplace

Both strength and beauty shine.

Let all the peoples of the earth

Give glory to the Lord,

Give Him the glory due His Name

And strength to Him accord;

With offerings come ye to His courts,

In holy beauty bow,

Let all the earth with reverence come

And serve Jehovah now.

To all the nations of the earth

The blessed tidings bring;

Tell all the world Jehovah reigns,

The universal King.

The world shall therefore stand unmoved,

Established by His might;

And just is He to judge the wrong

And vindicate the right.

Let heaven and earth and sounding sea

To Him glad tribute bring;

Let field and wood and all therein

Before Jehovah sing;

For, lo, He comes to judge the earth,

And all the world shall see

His everlasting faithfulness,

His truth and equity.

258. The Message of Redemption. Psalm 96. L.M.

O sing a new song to the Lord,

Sing all the earth and bless His Name;

From day to day His praise record,

The Lord's redeeming grace proclaim.

Tell all the world His wondrous ways,

Tell heathen nations far and near;

Great is the Lord, and great His praise,

And Him alone let nations fear.

The heathen gods are idols vain;

The shining heavens the Lord supports;

Both light and honor lead His train,

While strength and beauty fill His courts.

Let every tongue and every tribe

Give to the Lord due praise and sing;

All glory unto Him ascribe,

Come, throng His courts, and offerings bring.

O fear and bow, adorned with grace,

And tell each land that God is King;

The earth He founded in its place,

And justice to the world will bring.

Let heaven be glad, let earth rejoice,

The teeming sea resound with praise;

Let waving fields lift high their voice,

And all the trees their anthem raise.

So let them shout before our God,

For, lo, He comes, He comes with might,

To wield the scepter and the rod,

To judge the world with truth and right.

259. The Universal King. Psalm 96. 11s, 10, 9.

Sing to the Lord, sing His praise, all ye peoples,

New be your song as new honors ye pay;

Sing of His majesty, bless Him forever,

Show His salvation from day to day.

Tell of His wondrous works, tell of His glory,

Till through the nations His Name is revered;

Praise and exalt Him, for He is almighty,

God over all let the Lord be feared.

Vain are the heathen gods, idols and helpless;

God made the heavens, and His glory they tell;

Honor and majesty shine out before Him,

Beauty and strength in His temple dwell.

Give unto God Most High glory and honor,

Come with your offerings and humbly draw near;

In holy beauty now worship Jehovah,

Tremble before Him with godly fear.

Make all the nations know God reigns forever;

Earth is established as He did decree;

Righteous and just is the King of the nations,

Judging the people with equity.

Let heaven and earth be glad; waves of the ocean,

Forest and field, exultation express;

For God is coming, the Judge of the nations,

Coming to judge in His righteousness.

260. Divine Sovereignty. Psalm 97. L.M.

Jehovah reigns; let earth be glad

And all the isles their joy make known;

With clouds and darkness He is clad,

On truth and justice rests His throne.

Consuming fire destroys His foes,

Around the world his lightnings blaze;

The trembling earth His presence know,

The mountains melt before His gaze.

The heavens His righteousness proclaim,

Through earth His glory shines abroad;

From idol-worship turn with shame

And bow before the living God.

Thy Church rejoices to behold

Thy judgments in the earth, O Lord;

Thy glory to the world unfold,

Supreme o'er all be Thou adored.

All ye that truly love the Lord,

Hate sin, for He is just and pure;

To saints His help He will accord

And keep them in His love secure.

For good men light and joy are sown

To bless them in the harvesttime;

Ye saints, your joy in God make known

And ever praise His Name sublime.

261. The Victories of Jesus Christ. Psalm 98. 8s and 7s.

Sing a new song to Jehovah

For the wonders He hath wrought;

His right hand and arm most holy

Triumph to His cause have brought.

In His love and tender mercy

He hath made salvation known,

In the sight of every nation

He His righteousness hath shown.

Truth and mercy toward His people

He hath ever kept in mind,

And His full and free salvation

He hath shown to all mankind.

Sing, O earth, sing to Jehovah,

Praises to Jehovah sing;

With the swelling notes of music

Shout before the Lord, the King.

Seas with all your fullness thunder,

All earth's peoples now rejoice;

Floods and hills in praise uniting

To the Lord lift up your voice.

For, behold, Jehovah cometh,

Robed in justice and in might;

He alone will judge the nations,

And His judgment shall be right.

262. A Salvation for the World. Psalm 98. 6s and 5s.

Unto God our Saviour

Sing a joyful song;

Wondrous are His doings,

For His arm is strong.

He has wrought salvation,

He has made it known,

And before the nations

Is His justice shown.

Joyful, all ye people,

Sing before the Lord;

Shout and sing His praises

Now in glad accord;

With the harp and trumpet

Joyful praises bring;

Come, rejoice before Him,

God, the Lord, your King.

Waves of mighty ocean,

Earth with fulness stored,

Floods and fields and mountains,

Sing before the Lord;

For He comes with justice,

Evil to redress,

And to judge the nations

In His righteousness.

263. The Glad Tidings. Psalm 98. 6s and 5s.

Unto God our Saviour

Sing a joyful song;

Wondrous are His doings,

For His arm is strong.

He has wrought salvation,

He has made it known,

And before the nations

Is His justice shown.

He remembers mercy,

Faithful to His own,

And our God's salvation

All the earth has known.

Joyful, all ye people,

Sing before the Lord;

Shout and sing His praises

Now in glad accord.

Waves of mighty ocean,

Earth with fulness stored,

Floods and fields and mountains,

Sing before the Lord;

For He comes with justice,

Evil to redress,

And to judge the nations

In His righteousness.

264. Missionary Triumphs. Psalm 98. L.M.

Come, let us sing before the Lord

New songs of praise with sweet accord,

For wonders great by Him are done,

His mighty arm has victory won.

The great salvation of our God

Is seen through all the earth abroad;

Before the nations' wondering sight

He has revealed His truth and right.

He called to mind the truth and grace

Bestowed upon His chosen race,

And unto earth's remotest bound

Glad tidings of salvation sound.

All lands, to God lift up your voice,

Sing praise to Him, with shouts rejoice;

With voice of joy and loud acclaim

Let all unite and praise His Name.

Praise ye the Lord with harp and song,

With voice of psalms His praise prolong;

In swelling chorus gladly sing

And shout before the Lord the King.

Let earth be glad, let oceans roar,

And praises sound from shore to shore;

Let floods and hills with glad accord

Show forth their joy before the Lord.

For, lo, He comes; at His command

All nations shall in judgment stand;

In justice robed, and throned in light,

The Lord shall judge, dispensing right.

265. The Majesty and Holiness of God. Psalm 99. C.M.

Jehovah reigns in majesty;

Let all the nations quake.

He dwells between the cherubim;

Let earth's foundations shake.

Supreme in Zion is the Lord,

Exalted gloriously;

Ye nations, praise His name with awe,

The Holy One is He.

The mighty King loves justice well,

And equity ordains;

He rules His people righteously

And faithfulness maintains.

O magnify the Lord our God,

Let Him exulted be;

In worship at His footstool bow,

The Holy One is He.

When priests and prophets called on God,

He their petitions heard;

His cloudy pillar led them on,

And they obeyed His word.

Though sending judgments for their sins,

He pardoned graciously;

Exalt the Lord and worship Him,

The Holy One is He.

266. The Holiness of God. Psalm 99. 12s, 13, 10.

God is King forever: let the nations tremble;

Throned above the cherubim, by all the earth adored;

He is great in Zion, high above all peoples;

Praise Him with fear, for holy is the Lord.

Merciful as mighty, He delights in justice,

For He reigns in righteousness and rules in equity;

Worship and exalt Him, bowing down before Him,

Perfect in power and holiness is He.

Holy men of old in Him alone confided;

He forgave their sins, although they felt His chastening rod;

In His holy temple worship and adore Him,

Faithful and holy is the Lord our God.

267. God the Righteous King. Psalm 99. S.M.

Jehovah reigns supreme:

Let nations tremble now;

He dwells between the cherubim:

Let earth before Him bow.

The Lord in Zion reigns

O'er all the earth abroad;

Ye nations, praise His glorious Name,

For holy is our God.

The King Almighty lives

Just judgment to maintain;

He rules His people righteously

And makes His justice plain.

Exalt ye now the Lord,

Our God in praises laud,

And at His footstool worship Him,

For holy is our God.

268. Thanksgiving and Praise. Psalm 100. L.M.

All people that on earth do dwell,

Sing to the Lord with cheerful voice;

Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell,

Come ye before Him and rejoice.

Know that the Lord is God indeed;

Without our aid He did us make;

We are His flock, He doth us feed,

And for His sheep He doth us take.

O enter then His gates with joy,

Within His courts His praise proclaim;

Let thankful songs your tongues employ,

O bless and magnify His Name.

Because the Lord our God is good,

His mercy is forever sure;

His truth at all times firmly stood,

And shall from age to age endure.

269. Universal Praise. Psalm 100. 8s.

All people that dwell on the earth,

Your songs to Jehovah now raise;

Come, serve Him with gladness and joy,

Approach Him with anthems of praise.

Know ye that Jehovah is God,

Our Sovereign and Maker is He;

His people, forever His own,

The sheep of His pasture are we.

With thankfulness enter His gates,

His praise in His temple proclaim;

Your voices in thanksgiving raise,

And bless ye His glorious Name.

For gracious and good is the Lord,

His mercy to us never ends;

His faithfulness, true to His word,

Through ages unending extends.

270. Gladness in Worship. Psalm 100. C.M.

O make a joyful noise, ye lands,

And serve the Lord with fear;

With gladness wait His high commands,

And with a song draw near.

Know that the Lord is God alone;

He made us and will keep,

For His we are, and not our own,

His people and His sheep.

With glad thanksgiving throng His gates,

His goodness to proclaim;

Within His courts, where mercy waits,

Give thanks and bless His Name.

For He is good, and time shall prove

His mercies ever sure,

And while the ages onward move

His truth shall still endure.

271. Godly Resolves. Psalm 101. 7s and 6s.

Of mercy and of justice

My thankful song shall be;

O Lord, in joyful praises

My song shall rise to Thee.

Within my house I purpose

To walk in wisdom's ways;

O Lord, I need Thy presence;

How long wilt Thou delay?

On what is base and evil

I will not set my heart;

Transgressors' ways abhorring,

With them I take no part.

No froward man or evil

Shall my companion be;

I will not suffer slander

Or pride or treachery.

The faithful and the upright

Shall minister to me;

The lying and deceitful

My favor shall not see.

I will in daily judgment

All wickedness reward,

And cleanse from evildoers

The city of the Lord.

272. Affliction and Appeal. Psalm 102. L.M.

Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry

Have ready access unto Thee;

When in distress to Thee I fly,

O hide not Thou Thy face from me.

Attend, O Lord, to my desire,

O haste to answer when I pray,

For grief consumes my strength like fire,

My days as smoke pass swift away.

My heart is withered like the grass,

And I forget my daily bread;

In lonely grief my days I pass

And sad my thoughts upon my bed.

My foes reproach me all the day,

My drink is tears, my bread is grief,

For in Thy wrath I pine away,

My days are like a fading leaf.

273. The Deliverance of Zion. Psalm 102. L.M.

Thou, O Jehovah, shalt endure,

Thy throne forever is the same;

And to all generations sure

Shall be Thy great memorial Name.

The time for Zion's help is near,

The time appointed in Thy love;

O let Thy gracious aid appear,

Look Thou in mercy from above.

O Lord, regard the prayer of those

Who love the walls of Zion well,

Whose hearts are heavy for her woes,

Who sad amid her ruins dwell.

Thy power and glory shall appear,

And Zion's walls shall be restored;

Then all the kings of earth shall fear

And heathen nations serve the Lord.

The Lord has heard and answered prayer

And saved His people in distress;

This to the coming age declare,

That they His holy Name may bless.

The Lord, exalted on His throne,

Looked down from heaven with pitying eye

To still the lowly captive's moan

And save His people doomed to die.

All men in Zion shall declare

His gracious Name with one accord,

When kings and nations gather there

To serve and worship God the Lord.

274. Mortality and Immortality. Psalm 102. L.M.

Before my journey is complete

My vigor fails, my years decline;

My God, O spare me, I entreat;

The days of life are wholly Thine.

O cut not short my life's brief day,

O Thou Whose years eternal run,

Thou Who didst earth's foundations lay,

Creator of the stars and sun.

The earth and heavens shall pass away,

Like vesture worn and laid aside,

But changeless Thou shalt live for aye,

Thy years forever shall abide.

Thy servants' children shall remain

For evermore before Thy face;

Enduring honor they shall gain,

Established ever in Thy grace.

275. The Covenant God and His Church. Psalm 102. 7s.

Thou, O Lord, art God alone;

Everlasting is Thy throne;

Through the ages men shall sing

Praise to heaven's eternal King.

Thou, enthroned above the skies,

Wilt for Zion's help arise;

Let Thy grace to her appear,

For the promised time is near.

If with love compassionate

We, Thy servants, mourn her state,

Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,

Help in Zion's need afford?

Lord, Thy glory shall appear,

Kings and nations then shall fear;

And Thy Name shall be adored

When Thy Zion is restored.

This all ages shall record

For the glory of the Lord;

Thou dost hear the humble prayer,

For the helpless Thou dost care.

Thou eternal art, and great,

Heaven and earth Thou didst create,

Heaven and earth shall pass away,

Changeless Thou shalt live for aye.

As one lays a garment by,

Thou wilt change the starry sky

Like a vesture worn and old,

But Thy years shall ne'er be told.

Thou wilt make Thy servants' race

Ever live before Thy face,

And forever at Thy side

Children's children shall abide.

276. The Church and Her Head. Psalm 102. 7s.

Thou, O Lord, art God alone;

Everlasting is Thy throne;

Through the ages men shall sing

Praise to heaven's eternal King.

Thou, enthroned above the skies,

Wilt for Zion's help arise;

Let Thy grace to her appear,

For the promised time is near.

If with love compassionate

We, Thy servants, mourn her state,

Wilt not Thou, O gracious Lord,

Help in Zion's need afford?

Lord, Thy glory shall appear,

Kings and nations then shall fear;

And Thy Name shall be adored

When Thy Zion is restored.

277. Thankful Joy and Praise. Psalm 103. C.M.

O praise and bless the Lord, my soul,

His wondrous love proclaim;

Join heart and voice and all my powers

To bless His holy Name.

O praise and bless the Lord, my soul,

And ever thankful be;

Forget not all the benefits

He has bestowed on thee.

He freely pardons all thy sins,

And He is strong to save;

He heals Thy sickness, soothes thy pain,

And ransoms from the grave.

He crowns thee with His grace and love,

And with His strength endued,

Thou mountest up with eagle's wings,

Thy joyous youth renewed.

The Lord will judge in righteousness

For all that are oppressed;

To all His saints His gracious acts

And ways are manifest.

The Lord is ever merciful,

And unto anger slow;

His lovingkindness and His grace

In rich abundance flow.

He will not chide for evermore,

He turns His wrath away;

He has not strictly marked our sins,

Our evil to repay.

As heaven is high above the earth,

So great His mercy proves;

As far from us as east from west

He all our sin removes.

278. The Fatherly Love of God. Psalm 103. C.M.

The tender love a father has

For all his children dear,

Such love the Lord bestows on them

Who worship Him in fear.

The Lord remembers we are dust,

And all our frailty knows;

Man's days are like the tender grass,

And as the flower he grows.

The flower is withered by the wind

That smites with blighting breath;

So man is quickly swept away

Before the blast of death.

Unchanging is the love of God,

From age to age the same,

Displayed to all who do His will

And reverence His Name.

Those who His gracious covenant keep

The Lord will ever bless;

Their children's children shall rejoice

To see His righteousness.

279. The Universal Debt of Praise. Psalm 103. C.M.

Established in the highest heavens

The Lord has set His throne,

And over all His kingdom rules,

For He is God alone.

Ye angels that excel in strength,

Bless ye the Lord, your God;

Ordained to hear and do His will,

Proclaim His praise abroad.

Bless ye the Lord, all ye His hosts

That serve the Lord, your King,

And wait His pleasure to perform,

To Him your praises bring.

Bless ye the Lord, all ye His works

In His dominion broad,

And, never ceasing, O my soul,

Bless thou the Lord, thy God.

280. The Tender Mercies of God. Psalm 103. 8s and 7s.

O my soul, bless thou Jehovah,

All within me bless His Name;

Bless Jehovah and forget not

All His mercies to proclaim.

He forgives all thy transgressions,

Heals thy sicknesses and pains;

He redeems thee from destruction,

And His love thy life sustains.

He with tender mercies crowns thee,

Satisfies thy full request,

So that like the tireless eagle

Thou with youth renewed art blessed.

Righteous is the Lord in judgment

Unto all that are oppressed;

To His people He has ever

Made His goodness manifest.

Yea, the Lord is full of mercy

And compassion for distress,

Slow to anger and abundant

In His grace and tenderness.

He will not be angry alway,

Nor will He forever chide;

Though we oft have sinned against Him

Still His love and grace abide.

As the heavens are high above us,

Great His love to us has proved;

Far as east from west is distant,

He has all our sins removed.

As a father loves his children,

Feeling pity for their woes,

So the Lord to those who fear Him

Mercy and compassion shows.

281. A Mindful God. Psalm 103. 8s and 7s.

Mindful of our human frailty

Is the God in Whom we trust;

He Whose years are everlasting,

He remembers we are dust.

Man is like the tender flower,

And His days are like the grass,

Withered where it lately flourished

By the blighting winds that pass.

Changeless is Jehovah's mercy

Unto those who fear His Name,

From eternity abiding

To eternity the same.

All the faithful to His covenant

Shall behold His righteousness;

He will be their strength and refuge,

And their children's children bless.

282. The Blessed and Only Potentate. Psalm 103. 8s and 7s.

In the heavens the Lord Almighty

Fixed His everlasting throne;

Over all is His dominion,

He is God, and He alone.

Bless the Lord, ye mighty angels,

Ye that hearken to His voice,

All His gracious word fulfilling;

Ever bless Him and rejoice.

Bless the Lord, all ye His servants,

Ministers of God Most High;

Ye His hosts, that do His pleasure,

God your Maker glorify.

Bless the Lord, all things created;

Be His holy Name adored

All throughout His wide dominion;

O my soul, bless thou the Lord.

283. Motives to Gratitude. Psalm 103. 11s and 10s.

284. The Wonders of Divine Grace. Psalm 103. 11s and 10s.

O come, my soul, bless thou the Lord thy Maker,

And all within me bless His holy Name;

Bless thou the Lord, forget not all His mercies,

His pardoning grace and saving love proclaim.


Bless Him, ye angels, wondrous in might,

Bless Him, His servants that in His will delight.

Good is the Lord, and full of kind compassion,

Most slow to anger, plenteous in love;

Rich is His grace to all that humbly seek Him,

Boundless and endless as the heavens above.

His love is like a father's to his children,

Tender and kind to all who fear His Name,

For well He knows our weakness and our frailty,

He knows that we are dust, He knows our frame.

We fade and die like flowers that grow in beauty,

Like tender grass that soon will disappear;

But evermore the love of God is changeless,

Still shown to those who look to Him in fear.

High in the heavens His throne is fixed forever,

His kingdom rules o'er all from pole to pole;

Bless ye the Lord through all His wide dominion,

Bless His most holy Name, O thou my soul.

285. The Greatness of God in Nature. Psalm 104. 10s and 11s.

My soul, bless the Lord! the Lord is most great;

With glory arrayed, majestic His state;

The light is His garment, the skies are His shade,

And over the waters His courts He has laid.

He rides on the clouds, the wings of the storm,

The lightening and wind His mission perform;

The earth He has founded her station to keep,

And wrapped as a vesture about her the deep.

O'er mountain and plain the dark waters raged;

His voice they obeyed, the floods were assuaged;

Uplifting the mountains He ordered a bound,

Forbidding the waters to cover the ground.

He causes the springs of water to flow

In streams 'mid the hills and valleys below;

Beside them with singing the birds greet the day,

And there the beasts gather their thirst to allay.

286. A Faithful Creator. Psalm 104. 10s and 11s.

He waters the hills with rain from the skies,

And plentiful grass and herbs He supplies,

Supplying the cattle, and blessing man's toil

With bread in abundance, with wine and with oil.

The trees which the Lord has planted are fed,

And over the earth their branches are spread;

They keep in their shelter the birds of the air,

The life of each creature the Lord makes His care.

The seasons are fixed by wisdom divine,

The slow changing moon shows forth God's design;

The sun in his circuit his Maker obeys,

And running his journey hastes not nor delays.

The Lord makes the night, when, leaving the lair,

The lions creep forth, God's bounty to share;

The Lord makes the morning, when beasts steal away

And men are beginning the work of the day.

How many and wise Thy works are, O Lord!

The earth with the wealth of wisdom is stored,

The sea bears in safety the ships to and fro,

And creatures unnumbered it shelters below.

Thy creatures all look to Thee for their food;

Thy hand opens wide, they gather the good;

Thy face Thou concealest, in anguish they yearn;

Their breath Thou withholdest, to dust they return.

287. A Meditation on Providence. Psalm 104. 10s and 11s.

Thy Spirit, O Lord, makes life to abound;

The earth is renewed and fruitful the ground;

To God ascribe glory and wisdom and might,

Let God in His creatures forever delight.

Before the Lord's might earth trembles and quakes,

The mountains are rent and smoke from them breaks;

The Lord I will worship through all of my days,

Yea, while I have being my God I will praise.

Rejoicing in God, my thought shall be sweet,

While sinners depart in ruin complete;

My soul, bless Jehovah, His Name be adored,

Come, praise Him, ye people, and worship the Lord.

288. The Creator Glorified. Psalm 104. C.M.

O Lord, how manifold the works

In wisdom wrought by Thee;

The wealth of Thy creation fills

The earth and mighty sea.

Let God rejoice in all His works,

And let His works proclaim

For evermore their Maker's praise

And glorify His Name.

While life shall last, my thankful lips

A song to God will raise,

And while my being I possess,

My Maker will I praise.

My heart shall think upon His grace

In meditation sweet;

My soul, rejoicing in the Lord,

His praises shall repeat.

289. The Unfailing Faithfulness of God. Psalm 105. C.M.

O praise the Lord, His deeds make known,

And call upon His Name;

Sing ye to Him, His praises sing,

His wondrous works proclaim.

Let hearts rejoice that seek the Lord,

His holy Name adore;

Seek ye Jehovah and His strength,

Seek Him for evermore.

Ye children of God's covenant,

Who of His grace have heard,

Forget not all His wondrous deeds

And judgments of His word.

The Lord our God is God alone,

All lands His judgments know;

His promise He remembers still,

While generations go.

While yet our fathers were but few,

Sojourners in the land,

He sware that Canaan should be theirs,

And made His covenant stand.

He suffered none to do them wrong

In all their pilgrim way;

Yea, for their sake were kings reproved

And covered with dismay.

His stern command restrained their foes

And filled them with alarm:

Touch not My own anointed ones,

Nor do my prophets harm.

He wholly broke the staff of bread

And called for famine sore,

And He prepared His people's way

By sending one before.

Then Joseph, sold to slavery,

With cruel chains was bound;

Till his prediction came to pass,

Distress and grief he found.

The king released him from his bonds

And made him rule the land,

Subjecting chiefs and senators

To his controlling hand.

To Egypt Israel followed then,

And there grew great and strong,

Until their friends became their foes

And did them grievous wrong.

God sent His servant Moses then,

And Aaron, whom He chose;

Great signs and wonders they displayed

To terrify their foes.

In darkness they were taught to fear

God's great and holy Name;

On man and beast, on vine and field,

His awful judgment came.

He smote the firstborn in the land,

The chief of all their strength,

Enriched His people with the spoil

And brought them forth at length.

He led them forth in health and strength,

None weak in all their band,

And Egypt, filled with fear, rejoiced

To see them leave the land.

He spread a cloud to cover them,

Most glorious and bright,

And made a fiery pillar shine

To give them light by night.

At their request He sent them quails,

And bread of heaven bestowed;

And from the rock, to quench their thirst,

The living waters flowed.

His sacred word to Abraham

He kept, though waiting long,

And brought His chosen people forth

With joy and thankful song.

The lands and toil of wicked men

He gave them to possess,

That they might keep His holy laws;

Jehovah praise and bless.

290. Praise and Confession. Psalm 106. C.M.

Praise ye the Lord, for He is good;

Give thanks and bless His Name;

His lovingkindness changes not,

From age to age the same.

What tongue can tell His mighty deeds,

His wondrous works and ways?

O who can show His glory forth,

Or utter all His praise?

The Lord will bless and prosper those,

Yea, blest indeed are they,

Whose ways are just, who constantly

His righteous law obey.

O Lord, remember me in grace,

Let me salvation see;

The grace Thou showest to Thy saints,

That grace reveal to me.

Let me behold Thy people's good

And in their joy rejoice;

With Thy triumphant heritage

Let me lift up my voice.

In evil we have gone astray,

And sinful is our race;

Rebelliously our fathers walked,

Forgetful of Thy grace.

Though they rebelled, yet for their help

In saving strength He came

To make His power almighty known

And glorify His Name.

He brought them safely through the sea

And overwhelmed their foes;

Their faith was stirred, and for the time

Their songs of praise arose.

Forgetful soon, they tempted God,

Nor for His counsel cared;

He sent them leanness in their souls,

Whilst they earth's bounties shared.

With envy they regarded those

Whom God to them had sent;

The opening earth, the kindling flame,

Brought awful punishment.

A golden image they adorned,

And worshiped at its shrine;

Thus they despised the living God

And scorned His love divine.

291. Sin and Divine Patience. Psalm 106. C.M.

Their God and Saviour they forgot,

Their helper and their stay,

But Moses plead the promised grace

And turned God's wrath away.

Yea, they despised the pleasant land,

The promised land of God,

And tempted Him to make them fall

And scatter them abroad.

They sacrificed to heathen gods,

And God their sin repaid;

Then holy wrath avenged the wrong,

And so the plague was stayed.

The Lord approved the righteous act

Of him who sin abhorred,

And honored him for evermore

With just and great reward.

By wicked strife they angered God,

His wrath they did provoke;

And, stirred by their rebellious cries,

Their leader rashly spoke.

Ensnared, they served the heathen gods,

And by them were beguiled;

The blood of children sacrificed

The very land defiled.

Against His own inheritance

Jehovah's wrath arose,

His chosen people He condemned

To serve their heathen foes.

Though from their harsh oppressors' hand

Ofttimes He set them free,

Rebellious still, they were brought low

In their iniquity.

When unto God they cried, He heard

And turned again His face,

In boundless love remembering

The covenant of His grace.

He even touched their captor's hearts,

And made their very foes

Compassionate and pitiful

To feel his people's woes.

Save us, O Lord, our gracious God,

From alien lands reclaim,

That we may triumph in Thy praise

And bless Thy holy Name.

Blessed be the Lord our covenant God,

All praise to Him accord;

Let all the people say, Amen.

Praise ye, praise ye the Lord.

292. Redeeming Love. Psalm 107. 7s.

Praise the Lord, for He is good,

For His mercies ever sure

From eternity have stood,

To eternity endure;

Let His ransomed people raise

Songs to their Redeemer's praise.

From captivity released,

From the south and from the north,

From the west and from the east,

In His love He brought them forth,

Ransomed out of every land

From the adversary's hand.

Wandering in the wilderness,

Far they roamed the desert way,

Found no settled dwellingplace

Where in peace secure to stay,

Till with thirst and hunger pressed

Courage sank within their breast.

To Jehovah then they cried

In their trouble, and He saved,

He Himself became their guide,

Let them to the rest they craved

By a pathway straight and sure,

To a city strong, secure.

Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,

Gracious in His works and ways,

Wondrous in redeeming love;

Longing souls He satisfies,

Hungry hearts with good supplies.

293. Emancipation from Spiritual Slavery. Psalm 107. 7s.

Rebels, who had dared to show

Proud contempt of God Most High,

Bound in iron and in woe,

Shades of death and darkness nigh,

Humbled low with toil and pain,

Fell, and looked for help in vain.

To Jehovah then they cried

In their trouble, and He saved,

Threw the prison open wide

Where they lay to death enslaved,

Bade the gloomy shadows flee,

Broke their bonds and set them free.

Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,

Gracious in His works and ways,

Wondrous in redeeming love;

Iron bars He breaks like clay,

And the brazen gates give way.

294. Praise for Gracious Deliverances. Psalm 107. 7s.

Men who walk in folly's way,

And to evil turn aside,

Find that sorrow will repay

Those who wisdom's laws defied;

Down to death's dark portals led,

They abhor their daily bread.

To Jehovah then they cry

In their trouble, and He saves,

Sends compassionate reply,

Gives the health their spirit craves,

Rescues them with gracious aid

From the snares their folly laid.

Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,

Gracious in His works and ways,

Wondrous in redeeming love;

Let them all thank offerings bring,

Celebrate His deeds and sing.

295. The Sovereign of the Sea. Psalm 107. 7s.

They that traffic on the sea,

While unceasing watch they keep,

See Jehovah's majesty

And His wonders in the deep;

For He bids the stormwind fly,

Lifting ocean's waves on high.

By the billows heavenward tossed,

Down to dreadful depths again,

Troubled much, their courage lost,

Reeling, they like drunken men

Find their skill and power o'erthrown;

None can save but God alone.

To Jehovah then they cry

In their trouble, and He saves,

Drives the darkness from the sky,

Calms the storm and stills the waves,

Makes their sad forebodings cease,

To their haven guides in peace.

Sons of men, awake to praise

God the Lord Who reigns above,

Gracious in His works and ways,

Wondrous in redeeming love;

Praise Him where the people meet,

Praise Him in the elders' seat.

296. Providential Visitations. Psalm 107. 7s.

Springs and streams no longer bless

All the dry and thirsty land;

Fertile fields in verdant dress

God converts to desert sand;

For that they who dwell therein

Turn to wickedness and sin.

Once again the waters well,

All the desert blossoms fair;

There He makes the hungry dwell,

There a city they prepare,

Plant their vines and sow their fields,

And the earth her increase yields.

Now He blesses them indeed,

They are greatly multiplied;

On the hills their cattle feed,

Fast increasing, spreading wide;

Then again they are brought low

Through oppression, grief, and woe.

His contempt the princes taste;

Driven out they helpless fly,

Wandering in the trackless waste;

But He lifts the needy high,

Where no evil shall annoy,

And with children gives him joy.

When His righteous judgments come,

Strong to bless and to destroy,

All iniquity is dumb,

All the righteous sing for joy;

Who Jehovah wisely heed,

In His works His mercy read.

297. The Praise of the Redeemed. Psalm 107. C.M.

O praise the Lord, for He is good,

His mercies still endure;

Thus let His ransomed testify,

From all their foes secure.

He has redeemed His captive saints

From adversaries' hands,

Has gathered them and brought them back

In peace from hostile lands.

They wandered in the wilderness

By want and hunger pressed;

In trouble then they cried to God,

He saved their souls distressed.

He made the way before them plain,

Himself became their guide;

He brought them to a city strong

Wherein they might abide.

O praise the Lord, ye sons of men,

For all His goodness shown;

O praise Him for the wondrous works

To you He has made known.

The longing soul that turns to Him

He fully satisfies;

He fills with good each hungering one

That for His mercy cries.

298. Gratitude and Confidence. Psalm 108. 6s and 4s.

My steadfast heart, O God,

Will sound Thy praise abroad

With tuneful string;

The dawn shall hear my song,

Thy praise I will prolong,

And where Thy people throng

Thanksgiving bring.

Thy truth and tender love

Are high as heaven above;

Thy help we crave.

Be Thou exalted high

Above the lofty sky;

Lest Thy beloved die,

O hear and save.

God's word shall surely stand;

His Name through every land

Shall be adored;

Lord, who shall lead our host?

Thy aid we covet most,

In Thee is all our boast,

Strong in the Lord.

299. Exultant Confidence. Psalm 108. S.M.

My heart is fixed, O God,

A grateful song I raise;

Awake, O harp, in joyful strains,

Awake, my soul, to praise.

Among the nations, Lord,

To Thee my song shall rise;

Thy truth is great above the heavens,

Thy mercies reach the skies.

Above the heavens, O God,

And over all the earth,

Let men exult Thy glorious Name

And tell Thy matchless worth.

Stretch forth Thy mighty hand

In answer to our prayer,

And let Thy own beloved ones

Thy great salvation share.

The holy God hath said,

All lands shall own My sway;

My people shall My glory share,

The heathen shall obey.

O who will lead our hosts

To triumph o'er the foe,

If Thou shalt cast us off, O God,

Nor with our armies go?

The help of man is vain,

Be Thou our helper, Lord;

Through Thee we shall do valiantly

If Thou Thy aid afford.

300. Divine Retribution for Evil. Psalm 109. L.M.

O God, Whom I delight to praise,

To Thee my cry for help I raise;

Be Thou my friend and advocate

When foes assail with bitter hate.

Against me slanderous words are flung

From many a false and lying tongue;

Without a cause men hurl at me

The shafts of deadly enmity.

My good with evil they repay,

My love turns not their hate away;

The part of vengeance, Lord, is Thine,

To pray, and only pray, is mine.

Since love appeals to him in vain,

The slave of sin let him remain;

Against him let his foe be turned,

His sin be judged, his prayer be spurned.

Let sudden death upon him break,

His office let another take,

His children and his widowed wife

Pursue the homeless beggar's life.

Let creditors consume his toil

And strangers make his wealth their spoil;

Let none in pity heed his claim,

Cut off his race, blot out his name.

His parents' sins be not forgot

Till Thou from earth his memory blot

Since he remembered not to show

Compassion to the sons of woe.

He cursing loved and blessing loathed;

Unblest, with cursing he is clothed;

For thus the justice of the Lord

My adversaries will reward.

O God, the Lord, for Thy Name's sake

Let me of Thy good grace partake;

My need is great, and great Thou art

To heal my wounded, stricken heart.

With failing strength I fast and pine,

Like shadows swift my days decline,

And when my foes my weakness see

They shake the head in scorn at me.

O Lord my God, Thy help I crave,

In Thy great loving-kindness save;

Before my foes Thy mercy show;

That Thou dost help me make them know.

What though they curse, if Thou wilt bless?

Then joy shall banish my distress,

And shame shall overwhelm the foes

Who would thy servant's way oppose.

Thanksgiving to the Lord I raise,

The multitudes shall hear my praise,

For by the needy God will stand

To save them from oppression's hand.

301. Supplication and Trust. Psalm 109. C.M.

O Lord, my God, for Thy Name's sake

In mercy deal with me;

Because Thy kindness is so great,

From trouble set me free.

O Thou Who art my Lord and God,

Thy gracious help extend,

And for Thy lovingkindness' sake

O save me and defend.

My voice shall greatly bless the Lord

And sing His worthy praise,

And I amid the multitude

My thankful song shall raise.

The Lord be praised, for ever near

The helpless poor He stands,

Protecting them with wondrous power

From their oppressors' hands.

302. Our Lord Jesus. Psalm 110. 8s and 7s.

The Lord unto His Christ hath said,

In glory I enthrone Thee

Till all Thy foes, in triumph led,

Their sovereign King shall own Thee;

From Zion shall Jehovah send

Thy scepter, till before Thee bend

The knees of proud rebellion.

Thy people will be gladly Thine

When Thou shalt come victorious,

In holy beauty Thou shalt shine

Like morning fair and glorious;

The word of God shall not depart:

The King of Righteousness Thou art,

A Royal Priest forever.

The Lord at Thy right hand shall smite

Earth's kings in indignation,

And He shall judge with sovereign right

Throughout His wide creation;

While living streams His strength sustain,

The Christ the victory shall gain,

Head over all exalted.

303. Christ Our Priest-King. Psalm 110. C.M.

The Lord unto His Christ hath said,

Sit Thou at My right hand

Until I make Thy enemies

Submit to Thy command.

A scepter prospered by the Lord

Thy mighty hand shall wield;

From Zion Thou shalt rule the world,

And all Thy foes shall yield.

Thy people will be gladly Thine

When Thou shalt come in might

Like dawning day, like hopeful youth,

With holy beauty bright.

A priesthood that shall never end

The Lord hath given Thee;

This He hath sworn, and evermore

Fulfilled His word shall be.

Thou subdue the kings of earth

With God at Thy right hand;

The nations Thou shalt rule in might

And judge in every land.

The Christ, refreshed by living streams,

Shall neither faint nor fall,

And He shall be the glorious Head,

Exalted over all.

304. The Marvelous Works of God. Psalm 111. L.M.

O give the Lord whole-hearted praise,

To Him thanksgiving I will bring;

With all His people I will raise

My voice and of His glory sing.

His saints delight to search and trace

His mighty works and wondrous ways;

Majestic glory, boundless grace,

And righteousness His work displays.

The wondrous works that God has wrought

His people ever keep in mind,

His works with grace and mercy fraught,

Revealing that the Lord is kind.

God's promise shall forever stand,

He cares for those who trust His word;

Upon His saints His mighty hand

The wealth of nations has conferred.

His works are true and just indeed,

His precepts are forever sure;

In truth and righteousness decreed

They shall for evermore endure.

From Him His saints' redemption came;

His covenant sure no change can know;

Let all revere His holy Name

In heaven above and earth below.

In reverence and in godly fear

Man finds the gate to wisdom's ways;

The wise His holy Name revere;

Through endless ages sound His praise.

305. The Blessed Life. Psalm 112. L.M.

How blest the man who fears the Lord

And greatly loves God's holy will;

His children share his great reward,

And blessings all their days shall fill.

Abounding wealth shall bless his home,

His righteousness shall still endure,

To him shall light arise in gloom,

For he is merciful and pure.

The man whose hand the weak befriends

In judgment shall his cause maintain;

A peace unmoved his life attends,

And long his memory shall remain.

Of evil tidings not afraid,

His trust is in the Lord alone;

His heart is steadfast, undismayed,

For he shall see his foes o'erthrown.

With kind remembrance of the poor,

For their distress his gifts provide;

His righteousness shall thus endure,

His name in honor shall abide.

To shame the wicked shall be brought,

While righteous men shall favor gain;

Unrighteous hopes shall come to naught,

Its due reward shall sin obtain.

306. The Glory and Condescension of God. Psalm 113. L.M.

Praise God, ye servants of the Lord,

Praise, praise His Name with one accord;

Bless ye the Lord, His Name adore

From this time forth, forevermore.

From rising unto setting sun

Praised be the Lord, the Mighty One;

He reigns o'er all, supreme in might,

Above the heavens in glory bright.

On whom but God can we rely,

The Lord our God Who reigns on high,

Who condescends to see and know

The things of heaven and earth below?

He lifts the poor and makes them great,

With joy He fills the desolate;

Praise ye the Lord and bless His Name,

His mercy and His might proclaim.

307. Bondage and Deliverance. Psalm 114. L.M.

When Israel out of Egypt went,

From people of a speech unknown,

The Lord among His people dwelt,

And there He set His royal throne.

The sea beheld and fled away,

The Jordan's waters backward turned,

The lofty mountains and the hills

With trembling awe our God discerned.

What aileth thee, O troubled sea?

Thou Jordan, why thy riven tide?

Ye mountains and ye little hills,

Why thus dismayed on every side?

O tremble, earth, before the Lord,

In presence of Jehovah fear,

Beneath Whose touch the flinty rock

Became a fount of waters clear.

308. The Living and True God. Psalm 115. L.M.

Not unto us, O Lord of heaven,

But unto Thee be glory given;

In love and truth Thou dost fulfill

The counsels of Thy sovereign will;

Though nations fail Thy power to own,

Yet Thou dost reign, and Thou alone.

The idol gods of heathen lands

Are but the work of human hands;

They cannot see, they cannot speak,

Their ears are deaf, their hands are weak;

Like them shall be all those who hold

To gods of silver and of gold.

Let Israel trust in God alone,

The Lord Whose grace and power are known;

To Him your full allegiance yield,

And He will be your help and shield;

All those who fear Him God will bless,

His saints have proved His faithfulness.

All ye that fear Him and adore,

The Lord increase you more and more;

Both great and small who Him confess,

You and your children He will bless;

Yea, blest are ye of Him Who made

The heavens, and earth's foundations laid.

The heavens are God's since time began,

But He hath given the earth to man;

The dead praise not the living God,

But we will sound His praise abroad,

Yea, we will ever bless His Name;

Praise ye the Lord, His praise proclaim.

309. Benediction Upon the God-Fearing. Psalm 115. C.M.

The Lord Who has remembered us

His blessing will bestow;

All those who fear His holy Name,

His loving care shall know.

For small and great who fear His Name

The Lord has good in store;

Ye and your children, blest of God,

Shall prosper more and more.

The great Creator blesses you

With gifts of boundless worth;

The heavens He claims, but gives to man

Dominion in the earth.

The silent dead praise not the Lord,

The grave no song can raise;

But we will bless Him evermore,

Let all proclaim His praise.

310. Redemption and Grateful Love. Psalm 116. L.M.

I love the Lord, for my request

And humble plea He makes His care;

In Him through life my faith shall rest,

For He both hears and answers prayer.

Brought nigh to death and full of grief,

The Lord's salvation I besought;

He heard my cry, He sent relief,

My soul from depths of woe He brought.

Most kind and righteous is the Lord,

Our God is merciful indeed,

Delighting ever to afford

His help to me in time of need.

Return unto thy rest, my soul,

The Lord has richly dealt with thee,

Delivered thee from death's control,

From sin and sorrow set thee free.

Since He has freed my eyes from tears

And kept my feet from evil ways,

Redeemed from life's distressing fears,

With Him I walk, and Him I praise.

In my affliction and my pain,

When fears alarmed and hopes deceived,

I found all human helpers vain,

But in the Lord my soul believed.

311. The Living Sacrifice. Psalm 116. L.M.

What shall I render to the Lord

For all His benefits to me?

How shall my soul by grace restored

Give worthy thanks, O Lord, to Thee?

Salvation's cup of blessing now

I take, and call upon God's Name;

Before His saints I pay my vow

And here my gratitude proclaim.

His saints the Lord delights to save,

Their death is precious in His sight;

He has redeemed me from the grave,

And in His service I delight.

With thankful heart I offer now

My gift, and call upon God's Name;

Before His saints I pay my vow

And here my gratitude proclaim.

Within His house, the house of prayer,

I dedicate myself to God;

Let all His saints His grace declare

And join to sound His praise abroad.

312. Granted Prayers. Psalm 116. C.M.

I love the Lord Who heard my cry

And granted my request;

In Him Who hears and answers prayer

My trust through life shall rest.

With deadly sorrows compassed round,

My heart was full of grief;

Then to the Lord I made my prayer

That He would send relief.

The Lord is just and merciful,

And gracious to the meek;

He saved me when I cried to Him,

Though I was poor and weak.

Return unto thy rest, my soul,

No longer troubled be;

The Lord sustains thee, and has dealt

Most graciously with thee.

Before my Saviour I will live,

From death He saved my soul,

My eyes from tears, my feet from falls,

And He has made me whole.

In my affliction this I found,

That human help deceived,

But ever faithful was the Lord

In Whom my soul believed.

313. Consecration and Dedication. Psalm 116. C.M.

What shall I render to the Lord,

What shall my offering be,

For all the gracious benefits

He has bestowed on me?

Salvation's cup my soul will take

While to the Lord I pray,

And with His people I will meet,

My thankful vows to pay.

Not lightly does the Lord permit

His chosen saints to die;

From death Thou hast delivered me,

Thy servant, Lord, am I.

The sacrifice of praise I bring

While to the Lord I pray,

And with His people I will meet,

My thankful vows to pay.

Within His house, the house of prayer,

My soul shall bless the Lord,

And praises to His holy Name

Let all His saints accord.

314. World-Wide Worship. Psalm 117. L.M.

With thankful voice praise ye the Lord,

Jehovah's praise in song record;

Yea, all ye people everywhere,

Jehovah's worthy praise declare.

For lovingkindness ever great

Toward us and all who on Him wait,

For truth to endless years the same,

Praise ye Jehovah's holy Name.

315. The Universal Fellowship of Worship. Psalm 117. 8s and 7s.

Praise Jehovah, all ye nations,

All ye people, praise proclaim;

For His grace and lovingkindness

O sing praises to His Name.

For the greatness of His mercy

Constant praise to Him accord;

Evermore His truth endureth;

Hallelujah, praise the Lord.

316. The World-Wide Praise of God. Psalm 117. 6s and 4s.

All men on earth that live,

To God all glory give,

Praise ye the Lord;

His lovingkindness bless,

His constant faithfulness

And changeless truth confess;

Praise ye the Lord.

317. God an All-Sufficient Helper. Psalm 118. C.M.

O praise the Lord, for He is good;

Let all in heaven above

And all His saints on earth proclaim

His everlasting love.

In my distress I called on God;

In grace He answered me,

Removed my bonds, enlarged my place,

From trouble set me free.

The Lord with me, I will not fear

Though human might oppose;

The Lord my helper, I shall be

Triumphant o'er my foes.

No trust in men, or kings of men,

Can confidence afford,

But they are strong, and sure their trust,

Whose hope is in the Lord.

Though nations compass me about,

The swarming hosts of sin,

Yet in the Name of God the Lord

I shall the victory win.

The Lord hath helped and kept me safe

When foes were fierce and strong;

The Lord my Saviour is become,

He is my strength and song.

Salvation's joyful song is heard

Where'er the righteous dwell;

For them God's hand is strong to save

And doeth all things well.

I shall not die, but live and tell

The wonders of the Lord;

He hath not given my soul to death,

But chastened and restored.

318. Thoughts for the Sanctuary. Psalm 118. C.M.

The glorious gates of righteousness

Throw open unto me,

And I will enter them with praise,

O Lord, my God, to Thee.

This is Thy templegate, O Lord,

The just shall enter there;

My Saviour, I will give Thee thanks,

O Thou that hearest prayer.

The stone rejected and despised

Is now the cornerstone;

How wondrous are the ways of God,

Unfathomed and unknown!

In this the day that Thou hast made

Triumphantly we sing;

Send now prosperity, O Lord,

O Lord, salvation bring.

Hosanna! Ever blest be He

That cometh in God's Name,

The blessing of Jehovah's house

Upon you we proclaim.

The light of joy to shine on us

The Lord our God hath made;

Now be the precious sacrifice

Upon His altar laid.

O Lord, my God, I praise Thy Name,

All other names above;

O give Him thanks, for He is good

And boundless is His love.

319. Deliverance and Victory. Psalm 118. L.M.

Give thanks and praise to God above,

For everlasting is His love;

Praise Him, ye saints, your Saviour praise,

Forever good in all His ways.

Let all His servants tell abroad

The neverfailing grace of God;

Let all who fear Jehovah's Name

His everlasting love proclaim.

In bondage of distress and grief

To God I cried, and sought relief;

In wondrous love He heard my plea

And set my soul at liberty.

Though foes assail I will not fear,

For at my side the Lord is near;

The Lord my helper, I shall win

The victory o'er the hosts of sin.

Who put their trust in God Most High

On everlasting strength rely;

Their confidence shall pass away

Who make the arm of flesh their stay.

320. Thankfulness and Triumphant Joy. Psalm 118. L.M.

Ye gates of peace and joy untold,

Ye gates of righteousness, unfold,

That I may enter in and raise

A song of thankfulness and praise.

Within Thy gates, O God of grace,

Thy saints shall find a dwellingplace;

My thanks and praise to Thee I bear,

My Saviour, Who hast heard my prayer.

What wondrous things the Lord hath wrought!

The stone the builders set at naught,

Established by no human hand,

The chiefest cornerstone doth stand.

In this the day the Lord hath made

To Him be joyful honors paid;

Let us Thy full salvation see,

O Lord, send now prosperity.

Hosanna! Praise to Him proclaim

Who cometh in Jehovah's Name;

May blessing from God's dwellingplace

Descend on us in boundless grace.

321. The Blessings of Obedience. Psalm 119. L.M.

How blest the perfect in the way

Who from God's law do not depart,

Who, holding fast the word of truth,

Seek Him with undivided heart.

Yea, they are kept from paths of sin

Who walk in God's appointed way;

Thy precepts Thou hast given us

That we should faithfully obey.

My wavering heart is now resolved

Thy holy statutes to fulfill;

No more shall I be brought to shame

When I regard Thy holy will.

To Thee my praise sincere shall rise

When I Thy righteous judgments learn;

Forsake me not, but be my guide,

And from Thy truth I will not turn.

322. Guidance for Youth. Psalm 119. L.M.

How shall the young direct their way?

What light shall be their perfect guide?

Thy word, O Lord, will safely lead,

If in its wisdom they confide.

Sincerely I have sought Thee, Lord,

O let me not from Thee depart;

To know Thy will and keep from sin

Thy word I cherish in my heart.

O blessed Lord, teach me Thy law,

Thy righteous judgments I declare;

Thy testimonies make me glad,

For they are wealth beyond compare.

Upon Thy precepts and Thy ways

My heart will meditate with awe;

Thy word shall be my chief delight,

And I will not forget Thy law.

323. Our Pilgrimage Guide. Psalm 119. C.M.

Thy servant, blest by Thee, shall live

And keep Thy word with awe;

Lord, open Thou my eyes to see

The wonders of Thy law.

A pilgrim in the earth am I,

Thy will to me reveal;

To know Thy truth my spirit yearns,

Consumed with ardent zeal.

Thou dost rebuke the proud, O Lord,

Who hate Thy holy Name;

But since I keep Thy righteous law,

Deliver me from shame.

I on Thy statutes meditate,

Though evil men deride;

Thy faithful word is my delight,

My counselor and guide.

324. Our Only Source of Help. Psalm 119. C.M.

My grieving soul revive, O Lord,

According to Thy word;

To Thee my ways I have declared,

And Thou my prayer hast heard.

Teach me to know Thy holy way

And think upon Thy deeds;

In grief I ask for promised grace

According to my needs.

Keep me from falsehood, let Thy law

With me in grace abide;

The way of faithfulness I choose,

Thy precepts are my guide.

I cleave unto Thy truth, O Lord;

From shame deliver me;

In glad obedience I will live

Through strength bestowed by Thee.

325. Instruction in the Divine Law. Psalm 119. L.M.

Teach me, O Lord, Thy way of truth,

And from it I will not depart;

That I may steadfastly obey,

Give me an understanding heart.

In Thy commandments make me walk,

For in Thy law my joy shall be;

Give me a heart that loves Thy will,

From discontent and envy free.

Turn Thou my eyes from vanity,

And cause me in Thy ways to tread;

O let Thy servant prove Thy word

And thus to godly fear be led.

Turn Thou away reproach and fear;

Thy righteous judgments I confess;

To know Thy precepts I desire,

Revive me in Thy righteousness.

326. Promised Mercies. Psalm 119. C.M.

Thy promised mercies send to me,

Thy great salvation, Lord;

So shall I answer those who scoff;

My trust is in Thy word.

My hope is in Thy judgment, Lord;

Take not Thy truth from me,

And in Thy law forevermore

My daily walk shall be.

And I will walk at liberty

Because Thy truth I seek;

Thy truth before the kings of earth

With boldness I will speak.

The Lord's commands, which I have loved,

Shall still new joy impart;

With reverence I will hear Thy laws

And keep them in my heart.

327. Comfort in Affliction. Psalm 119. 8s and 7s.

Lord, Thy word to me remember,

Thou hast made me hope in Thee;

This my comfort in affliction

That Thy word hath quickened me.

Mocked by those who are unrighteous,

Still to Thy commands I cleave;

Thinking on Thy former judgments,

Help and comfort I receive.

Wicked men Thy law forsaking

Stirred my indignation strong,

For in all my pilgrim journey

Thy commandments are my song.

Thou hast been my meditation

And Thy law hath been my guide;

I have kept Thy righteous precepts,

And have found them true and tried.

328. God the Portion of the Soul. Psalm 119. S.M.

Thou art my portion, Lord;

Thy words I ever heed;

With all my heart Thy grace I seek,

Thy promises I plead.

I thought upon my ways,

Thy testimonies learned;

With earnest haste, and waiting not,

To Thy commands I turned.

While snares beset my path,

Thy law I keep in view;

At midnight I will give Thee praise

For all Thy judgments true.

All those who fear Thy Name

Shall my companions be;

Thy mercy fills the earth, O Lord;

Thy statutes teach Thou me.

329. The Divine Goodness. Psalm 119. S.M.

Thou, Lord, hast dealt well with Thy servant,

Thy promise is faithful and just;

Instruct me in judgment and knowledge,

For in Thy commandments I trust.

Before my affliction I wandered,

But now Thy good word I obey;

O Thou, Who art holy and gracious,

Now teach me Thy statutes, I pray.

The proud have assailed me with slander;

The precepts shall still be my guide;

Thy law is my joy and my treasure,

Though sinners may boast in their pride.

Affliction has been for my profit,

That I to Thy statutes might hold;

Thy law to my soul is more precious

Than thousands of silver and gold.

330. Illumination and Testimony. Psalm 119. L.M.

Thou, Who didst make and fashion me,

O make me wise, Thy law to learn;

Then they that fear Thee shall be glad

When they my hope in God discern.

Thou, Lord, art just in all Thy ways,

And faithful Thou chastenest me;

I pray Thee, let Thy promised grace

Thy servant's help and comfort be.

Show mercy, Lord, that I may live,

For in Thy law is all my joy;

While those who wrong me are rebuked,

Thy precepts shall my thought employ.

Let those that fear Thee turn to me,

Thy truth to them will I proclaim;

Instruct my heart to keep Thy law,

That I may not be put to shame.

331. Patient Endurance and Submission. Psalm 119. C.M.

My soul for Thy salvation faints,

But still I hope in Thee;

I long to see Thy promised help,

When Thou shalt comfort me.

Thy statutes I do not forget,

Though wasting grief I know;

Thy servant's days are few, O Lord;

When wilt Thou judge my foe?

The proud, disdainful of Thy law,

Entrap me wrongfully;

O Thou, Whose law is just and true,

Help and deliver me.

Almost consumed, yet from Thy law

I have not turned away;

In lovingkindness give me strength,

That I may still obey.

332. The Immutable Word. Psalm 119. L.M.

Forever settled in the heavens,

Thy word, O Lord, shall firmly stand;

Thy faithfulness shall never fail;

The earth abides at Thy command.

Thy word and works unmoved remain,

Thy every purpose to fulfill;

All things are Thine and Thee obey,

And all as servants wait Thy will.

I should have perished in my woe

Had not I loved Thy law divine;

That law I never can forget;

O save me, Lord, for I am Thine.

The wicked would destroy my soul,

But on Thy truth I muse with awe;

Imperfect I have found all else,

But boundless is Thy wondrous law.

333. The Profit of Bible Study. Psalm 119. 7s.

How I love Thy law, O Lord!

Daily joy its truths afford;

In its constant light I go,

Wise to conquer every foe.

Thy commandments in my heart

Truest wisdom can impart;

To my eyes Thy precepts show

Wisdom more than sages know.

While my heart Thy word obeys,

I am kept from evil ways;

From Thy law, with Thee to guide,

I have never turned aside.

Sweeter are Thy words to me

Than all other good can be;

Safe I walk, Thy truth my light,

Hating falsehood, loving right.

334. The Enlightening Power of the Word. Psalm 119. L.M.

Thy word sheds light upon my path;

A shining light, it guides my feet;

Thy righteous judgments to observe

My solemn vow I now repeat.

In my distress I plead with Thee,

Send help according To Thy word;

Accept my sacrifice of praise

And make me know Thy judgments, Lord.

In danger oft and nigh to death,

Thy law remembered is my aid;

The wicked seek my overthrow,

Yet from Thy truth I have not strayed.

Thy precepts are my heritage,

For daily they my heart rejoice;

To keep Thy statutes faithfully

Shall ever be my willing choice.

335. Devotion to the Divine Law. Psalm 119. L.M.

Deceit and falsehood I abhor,

But love Thy law, Thy truth revealed;

My steadfast hope is in Thy word;

Thou art my refuge and my shield;

The paths of sin I have not trod,

But kept the precepts of my God.

According to Thy gracious word

Uphold me, Lord, deliver me;

O do not let me be ashamed

Of patient hope and trust in Thee;

O hold Thou me, and I shall stand

And ever follow Thy command.

The froward Thou hast set at nought

Who vainly wander from the right;

The wicked Thou dost count as dross;

Thy just decrees are my delight;

For fear of Thee I stand in awe

And reverence Thy most holy law.

336. Watching and Eager Longing. Psalm 119. 8s and 7s.

I have followed truth and justice;

Leave me not in deep distress;

Be my help and my protection,

Let the proud no more oppress.

For Thy word and Thy salvation,

Lord, my eyes with longing fail;

Teach Thy statutes to Thy servants,

Let Thy mercy now prevail.

I am Thine, O give me wisdom,

Make me know Thy truth, I pray;

Sinners have despised Thy statutes;

Now, O Lord, Thy power display.

Lord, I love Thy good commandments

And esteem them more than gold;

All Thy precepts are most righteous;

Hating sin, to these I hold.

337. The Wondrous Testimonies of God. Psalm 119. L.M.

Thy wondrous testimonies, Lord,

My soul will keep and greatly praise;

Thy word, by faithful lips proclaimed,

To simplest minds the truth conveys.

I thirst for Thy commandments, Lord,

And for Thy mercy press my claim;

O look on me, and show the grace

Displayed to all who love Thy Name.

Direct my footsteps in Thy word,

From sin's dominion save my soul,

From man's oppression set me free,

That I may yield to Thy control.

O make Thy face to shine on me,

And teach me all Thy laws to keep;

Because Thy statutes are despised,

With overwhelming grief I weep.

338. True Love for the Word. Psalm 119. C.M.

O Lord, Thy perfect righteousness

Is in Thy judgment shown;

In Thy unchanging faithfulness

Thy truth Thou hast made known.

Because Thy foes forget Thy law

My soul is greatly stirred;

Thy servant loves the purity

Of Thy most holy word.

Though I am humble and despised,

I strive Thy will to do;

Eternal is Thy righteousness,

And all Thy law is true.

Delight amid distress and pain

Do Thy commandments give;

Thy word is righteous evermore,

Teach me that I may live.

339. Importunate Prayer. Psalm 119. S.M.

O Lord, my earnest cry

Thy listening ear has heard;

With Thy salvation answer me,

And I will keep Thy word.

At early dawn I prayed,

Thy promises my trust;

At night I thought upon Thy word,

Most holy and most just.

O hear me in Thy grace,

In mercy quicken me;

The wicked plan to do me harm,

But they are far from thee.

Thou, Lord, art near to me,

And true are Thy commands;

Of old Thy testimonies show

Thy truth eternal stands.

340. Divine Help Invoked. Psalm 119. L.M.

Regard my grief and rescue me,

For I do not forget Thy laws;

As Thou hast promised, save me, Lord;

Redeem my soul, and plead my cause.

Far is salvation from the men

Who do not seek Thy statutes, Lord;

Great are Thy mercies, quicken me

According to Thy holy word.

I bear the spite of many foes,

Yet from Thy law I do not swerve;

I saw the faithless and was grieved,

For they Thy word do not observe.

Behold how I Thy precepts love!

In kindness, Lord, revive Thou me;

The sum of all Thy word is truth,

Thy word abides eternally.

341. Praise and Perfect Peace. Psalm 119. C.M.

Though mighty foes assail me, Lord,

I fear not them, but Thee;

As boundless wealth and priceless spoil,

Thy word rejoices me.

Deceit and falsehood I abhor,

But in Thy law delight;

Throughout the day I praise Thy Name,

For all Thy ways are right.

Great peace has he who loves Thy law,

Unmoved, he safely stands;

For Thy salvation I have hoped

And followed Thy commands.

Thy testimonies I have kept,

They are my chief delight;

Observant of Thy law and truth,

I walk before Thy sight.

342. Longing and Confession. Psalm 119. L.M.

O let my supplicating cry

By Thee, my gracious Lord, be heard;

Give wisdom and deliver me

According to Thy faithful word.

Instructed in Thy holy law,

To praise Thy word I lift my voice;

O Lord, be Thou my present help,

For Thy commandments are my choice.

For Thy salvation I have longed,

And in Thy law is my delight;

Enrich my soul with life divine,

And help me by Thy judgments right.

Thy servant like a wandering sheep

Has lost the path and gone astray;

Restore my soul and lead me home,

For Thy commands I would obey.

343. The False Tongue. Psalm 120. L.M.

I cried to God in my distress,

And by the Lord my prayer was heard;

O save me, Lord, from lying lips

And from the false, deceitful word.

What woe for falsehood can atone,

Or punish the deceitful tongue,

The tongue whose speech consumes like fire,

Whose words like deadly shafts are flung?

Alas for me, whose lot is cast

With those who find their joy in strife!

With those who hate the paths of peace

I long have dwelt and spent my life.

In thought and act I am for peace,

Peace I pursue and ever seek;

But those about me are for strife,

Though I in love and kindness speak.

344. Quiet Trust. Psalm 121. C.M.

I to the hills will lift my eyes;

O whence shall come my aid?

My help is from the Lord alone,

Who heaven and earth has made.

He will not let thy foot be moved,

Thy guardian never sleeps;

With watchful and unslumbering care

His own He safely keeps.

Thy faithful keeper is the Lord,

Thy shelter and thy shade;

'Neath sun or moon, by day or night,

Thou shalt not be afraid.

From evil He will keep thee safe,

For thee He will provide;

Thy going out, thy coming in,

Forever He will guide.

345. Our Unsleeping Guardian. Psalm 121. 7s.

346. Unwavering Trust in God. Psalm 121. 7s.

To the hills I lift my eyes;

Whence shall help for me arise?

From the Lord shall come my aid,

Who the heaven and earth has made.

He will guide through dangers all,

Will not suffer thee to fall;

He Who safe His people keeps

Slumbers not and never sleeps.

Thy protector is the Lord,

Shade for thee He will afford;

Neither sun nor moon shall smite,

God shall guard by day and night.

He will ever keep thy soul,

What would harm He will control;

In the home and by the way

He will keep thee day by day.

347. The Watchful Care of God. Psalm 121. 10s and 4s.

Unto the hills around do I lift up

My longing eyes;

O whence for me shall my salvation come,

From whence arise?

From God the Lord doth come my certain aid,

From God the Lord Who heaven and earth hath made.

He will not suffer that thy foot be moved,

Safe shalt thou be;

No careless slumber shall His eyelids close

Who keepeth thee;

Behold He sleepeth not, He slumbereth ne'er,

Who keepeth Israel in His holy care.

Jehovah is Himself thy keeper true;

Thy changeless shade

Jehovah, evermore on thy right hand,

Himself hath made;

And thee no sun by day shall ever smite,

No moon shall harm thee in the silent night.

From every evil shall He keep thy soul,

From every sin;

Jehovah shall preserve thy going out,

Thy coming in;

Above thee watching, He Whom we adore

Shall keep thee henceforth, yea, for evermore.

348. Attachment to the Church. Psalm 122. C.M.

With joy and gladness in my soul

I hear the call to prayer;

Let us go up to God's own house

And bow before Him there.

We stand within thy sacred walls,

O Zion, blest for aye,

Wherein the people of the Lord

United homage pay.

They come to learn Jehovah's will,

His mighty deeds to own,

For there is judgment's royal seat,

Messiah's kingly throne.

O pray that Zion may be blest

And have abundant peace,

For all that love thee in their hearts

Shall prosper and increase.

I pray the Lord that peace may still

Within thy walls abound,

And ever in thy palaces

Prosperity be found.

Yea, for the sake of friends and kin,

My heart desires thy peace,

And for the house of God the Lord

My care shall never cease.

349. Love for the Lord's House. Psalm 122. 10s.

My heart was glad to hear the welcome sound,

The call to seek Jehovah's house of prayer;

Our feet are standing here on holy ground,

Within thy gates, thou city grand and fair.

God's people to Jerusalem repair

To hear His word and worship Him with praise;

The throne of justice stands eternal there,

Messiah's throne through endless length of days.

Let earnest prayer be made for Zion's peace;

Thy sons who hold thee dear shall prosper well;

May blessing in thy palaces increase

And peace within thy walls forever dwell.

For all my brethren and companion's sakes

My prayer shall be, Let peace in thee abide;

Since God the Lord in thee His dwelling makes,

To thee my love shall never be denied.

350. Devotion to the Church. Psalm 122. L.M.

With joy I heard my friends exclaim,

Come, let us in God's temple meet;

Within thy gates, O Zion blest,

Shall ever stand our willing feet.

How beautiful doth Zion stand,

A city built compact and fair;

The people of the Lord unite

With joy and praise to worship there.

They come to learn the will of God,

To pay their vows, His grace to own,

For there is judgment's royal seat,

Messiah's sure and lasting throne.

For Zion's peace let prayer be made;

May all that love thee prosper well;

Within thy walls let peace abide,

And gladness with thy children dwell.

For sake of friends and kindred dear,

My heart's desire is Zion's peace,

And for the house of God, the Lord,

My loving care shall never cease.

351. Attentive Waiting. Psalm 123. L.M.

To Thee, O Lord, I lift my eyes,

O Thou enthroned above the skies;

As servants watch their master's hand,

Or maidens by their mistress stand,

So to the Lord our eyes we raise,

Until His mercy He displays.


To Thee, O Lord, I lift my eyes,

O Thou enthroned above the skies.

O Lord, our God, Thy mercy show,

For man's contempt and scorn we know;

Reproach and shame Thy saints endure

From wicked men who dwell secure;

Man's proud contempt and scorn we know;

O Lord, our God, Thy mercy show.

352. Escape from Enemies. Psalm 124. C.M.

Had not the Lord been Israel's help

When angry foes assailed,

Had not the Lord been on our side,

Our righteous cause had failed.

Without His help the waters proud

Had overwhelmed our soul,

But, praised be God, the waves of wrath

Are under His control.

We are escaped, as from the snare

A bird in safely flies;

The snare is broken and our souls

In liberty arise.

Our help is in the glorious Name,

The Name of matchless worth,

Of Him to Whom all power belongs,

The Lord of heaven and earth.

353. Divine Deliverance. Psalm 124. 10s.

Now Israel may say, and that in truth,

If that the Lord had not our right maintained,

If that the Lord had not with us remained,

When cruel men against us rose to strive,

We surely had been swallowed up alive.

Yea, when their wrath against us fiercely rose,

The swelling tide had o'er us spread its wave,

The raging stream had then become our grave,

The surging flood, in proudly swelling roll,

Most surely then had overwhelmed our soul.

Blest be the Lord Who made us not their prey;

As from the snare a bird escapeth free,

Their net is rent and so escaped are we;

Our only help is in Jehovah's Name,

Who made the earth and all the heavenly frame.

354. Our Sure Defense. Psalm 125. C.M.

Like Zion's steadfast mount are they

Who in the Lord confide;

Secure, immovable they stand,

Forever to abide.

As round about Jerusalem

The mountains give defense,

Jehovah is His people's guard,

Their lasting confidence.

No tyrant's scepter o'er the good

Shall undisturbed abide,

Lest righteous men, oppressed by wrong,

To evil turn aside.

O Thou Jehovah, to the good

Thy goodness now impart,

Thy lovingkindness show to them

That upright are in heart.

All those that turn from righteousness

With wayward, wandering feet,

With sinners God will lead them forth,

The sinner's doom to meet.

O Thou Who are Thy people's shield,

Their helper and their guide,

Upon them let Thy grace and peace

Forevermore abide.

355. Protecting Grace. Psalm 125. 7s and 6s.

356. The Divine Protection. Psalm 125. 7s and 6s.

All who with heart confiding

Depend on God alone,

Like Zion's mount abiding,

Shall ne'er be overthrown.

Like Zion's city bounded

By guarding mountains broad,

His people are surrounded

Forever by their God.

No scepter of oppression

Shall hold unbroken sway,

Lest unto base transgression

The righteous turn away.

Thy favor be imparted

To godly men, O Lord;

Bless all that are pure-hearted,

The good with good reward.

The men who falsehood cherish,

Forsaking truth and right,

With wicked men shall perish,

God will their sin requite.

From sin Thy saints defending,

Their joy, O Lord, increase

With mercy never ending

And everlasting peace.

357. Rescue from Spiritual Bondage. Psalm 126. L.M.

When Zion in her low estate

Was brought from bondage by the Lord,

In ecstasy we sang for joy,

By grace and wondrous love restored.

The Lord in greatly blessing us

Before the world His power displays;

Yea, great things God has done for us,

And filled our hearts with joy and praise.

O Lord, refresh us by Thy grace,

Revive and quicken all our powers,

As failing streams are made to flow,

Replenished by abundant showers.

The sower bearing precious seed

May weep as in his toil he grieves,

But he shall come again with joy

In harvest time with golden sheaves.

358. Deliverance and Restoration. Psalm 126. H.M.

When in His might the Lord

Arose to set us free,

And Zion was restored

From her captivity,

In transports then of joy and mirth

We praised the Lord of all the earth.

The nations saw with fear

The might of God displayed,

When He at last drew near

To give His people aid;

Great things for us the Lord has wrought,

And gladness to our hearts has brought.

Again refresh us, Lord,

With Thy reviving love,

And be Thy blessing poured

In mercy from above;

By grace revive our hearts again,

As streams refreshed by copious rain.

Although with bitter tears

The sower bears his seed,

When harvest time appears

He shall be glad indeed;

For they that in the sowing weep

Shall yet in joy and gladness reap.

359. Conscious Dependence on God. Psalm 127. L.M.

Unless the Lord the house shall build,

The weary builders toil in vain;

Unless the Lord the city shield,

The guards a useless watch maintain.

In vain you rise ere morning break,

And late your nightly vigils keep,

And of the bread of toil partake;

God gives to His beloved sleep.

Lo, children are a great reward,

A gift from God in very truth;

With arrows is his quiver stored

Who joys in children of his youth.

And blest the man whose age is cheered

By stalwart sons and daughters fair;

No enemies by him are feared,

No lack of love, no want of care.

360. Family Happiness. Psalm 128. 8s and 7s.

Blest the man that fears Jehovah,

Walking ever in His ways;

By thy toil thou shalt be prospered

And be happy all thy days.

In thy wife thou shalt have gladness,

She shall fill thy home with good,

Happy in her loving service

And the joys of motherhood.

Joyful children, sons and daughters,

Shall about thy table meet,

Olive plants, in strength and beauty,

Full of hope and promise sweet.

Lo, on him that fears Jehovah

Shall this blessedness attend,

For Jehovah out of Zion

Shall to thee His blessing send.

Thou shalt see God's kingdom prosper

All thy days, till life shall cease,

Thou shalt see thy children's children;

On Thy people, Lord, be peace.

361. Conflict and Victory. Psalm 129. L.M.

Through all the years, may Israel say,

My bitter foes have oft assailed,

Have sought my hurt in fierce array,

Yet over me have not prevailed.

Though scars of conflict and distress

Remain to tell of trials past,

Jehovah in His righteousness

Has safely brought us through at last.

The foes of Zion shall be brought

To hopeless flight and put to shame;

Their wicked plans shall come to nought

And all mankind forget their name.

To them no kindly friend shall say,

God bless you now and speed you well;

No grateful heart for them shall pray,

May God's rich blessing on you dwell.

362. Redemption and Forgiveness. Psalm 130. 10s and 4s.

From out the depths I cry, O Lord, to Thee;

Lord, hear my call;

I love Thee, Lord, for Thou dost heed my plea,

Forgiving all;

If Thou shouldst mark our sins, who then could stand?

But grace and mercy dwell at Thy right hand.

I wait for God, the Lord, and on His word

My hope relies;

My soul still waits and looks unto the Lord

Till light arise;

I look for Him to drive away my night,

Yea, more than watchmen look for morning light.

Hope in the Lord, ye waiting saints, and He

Will well provide,

For mercy and redemption full and free

With Him abide;

From sin and evil, mighty though they seem,

His arm almighty will His saints redeem.

363. Waiting Upon God. Psalm 130. 8s and 7s.

From the depths do I invoke THee,

Lord, to me incline Thy ear;

To my voice be Thou attentive,

And my supplication hear.

Lord, if Thou shouldst mark transgressions,

In Thy presence who shall stand?

But with Thee there is forgiveness,

That Thy Name may fear command.

For Jehovah I am waiting,

And my hope is in His word,

In His word of promise given;

Yea, my soul waits for the Lord.

For the Lord my soul is waiting

More than watchers in the night,

More than they for morning watching,

Watching for the morning light.

Hope in God, ye waiting people;

Mercies great with Him abound;

With the Lord a full redemption

From the guilt of sin is found.

364. Penitence and Hope. Psalm 130. 8s and 4.

From out the depths I cry to Thee;

O let Thy ear attentive be,

Hear Thou my supplicating plea,

Have mercy, Lord.

If marked by Thee our sin appeared,

Who, Lord, could stand in judgment cleared?

Forgiveness, that Thou mayst be feared,

There is with Thee.

I wait for Thee, my soul doth wait,

Thy word my hope in every strait;

None watch, O Lord, at morning's gate

As I for Thee.

O Israel, hope thou in the Lord,

His mercy will thy faith reward,

He full redemption will accord

From all thy sin.

365. Pardoning Mercy. Psalm 130. 8s, 5, 3.

From the depths my prayer ascendeth

Unto God on high;

Hear, O Lord, my supplication

And my cry.

None can stand unscathed and blameless

In Thy judgement just,

But the contrite in Thy mercy

Humbly trust.

Lord, my hope is in Thy promise,

And I wait for Thee

More than they who watch for morning,

Light to see.

With the Lord is tender mercy,

And redeeming love;

Israel, look for full salvation

From above.

366. Humility and Meekness. Psalm 131. S.M.

Not haughty is my heart,

Not lofty is my pride;

I do not seek to know the things

God's wisdom hath denied.

With childlike trust, O Lord,

In Thee I calmly rest,

Contented as a little child

Upon its mother's breast.

Ye people of the Lord,

In Him alone confide;

From this time forth and evermore

His wisdom be your guide.

367. God and His Church. Psalm 132. 8s and 7s.

Gracious Lord, remember David,

How he made Thy house his care,

How he vowed to seek no pleasure

Till Thy house he should prepare.

Lord, remember his devotion;

Restless in his courts he trod

Till he found a habitation

Fit for Israel's might God.

Far away God's ark was resting;

It is with His people now;

We will go into His temple,

At His footstool we will bow.

With the ark Thy might revealing,

Enter, Lord, into Thy rest;

Let Thy priests be clothed with justice,

Let Thy joyful saints be blest.

Let the king behold Thy favor

For Thy servant David's sake,

Unto whom a sacred promise,

Sure and faithful, Thou didst make.

If his children keep Thy covenant

And Thy testimony own,

Then, as Thou, O Lord, hast promised,

They shall sit upon his throne.

Thou, the Lord, hast chosen Zion,

Thou hast ever loved her well;

This My resting place forever,

Here, Thou sayst, I choose to dwell.

Surely I will bless and help her,

Feed her poor, her saints make glad,

And her priests shall stand before Me

In salvation's garments clad.

I will cause the might of David

Ever more and more to grow,

On the path of My Anointed

I will make a lamp to glow;

All His enemies shall perish,

I will cover them with shame,

But His crown shall ever flourish,

Blessed be His holy Name.

368. The House of God. Psalm 132. L.M.

Arise, O Lord, our God, arise

And enter now into Thy rest;

O let this house be Thy abode,

Forever with Thy presence blest.

Thy gracious covenant, Lord, fulfill,

Turn not away from us Thy face;

Establish Thou Messiah's throne

And let Him reign within this place.

Thy Zion Thou hast chosen, Lord,

And Thou hast said, I love her well,

This is my constant restingplace,

And here will I delight to dwell.

I will abundantly provide

For Zion's good, the Lord hath said;

I will supply her daily need

And satisfy her poor with bread.

Salvation shall adorn her priests,

Her saints shall shout with joy divine,

Messiah's power shall be revealed,

His glory in His Church shall shine.

369. Brotherly Love. Psalm 133. C.M.

How pleasant and how good it is

When brethren in the Lord

In one another's joy delight

And dwell in sweet accord.

Such love is like anointing oil

In consecration poured;

Such love is like the morning dew,

With sweet refreshment stored.

To those who dwell in brotherhood

The Lord His blessing sends,

He crowns them with the crown of life,

Of life that never ends.

370. The Communion of the Saints. Psalm 133. C.P.M.

How good and pleasant is the sight

When brethren make it their delight

To dwell in blest accord;

Such love is like anointing oil

That consecrates for holy toil

The servants of the Lord.

Such love in peace and joy distils,

As o'er the slopes of Hermon's hills

Refreshing dew descends;

The Lord commands His blessing there,

And they that walk in love shall share

In life that never ends.

371. The Unity of Brotherhood. Psalm 133. 8s and 7s.

Behold, how pleasant and how good

That we, one Lord confessing,

Together dwell in brotherhood,

Our unity expressing.

'Tis like the oil on Aaron's head,

The seal of ordination,

That o'er his robes the sweetness shed

Of perfect consecration.

Behold, how pleasant and how good

That we, one Lord confessing,

Together dwell in brotherhood,

Our unity expressing.

'Tis like the dew from Hermon fair

On Zion's hill descending;

The Lord commands His blessing there

In life that is unending.

372. Doxology and Benediction. Psalm 134. C.P.M.

Come, all ye servants of the Lord,

Lift up your voice with one accord

Jehovah's Name to bless;

Ye that are standing night by night

Within the house of His delight,

His glorious Name confess.

Yea, in His place of holiness

Lift up your hands the Lord to bless;

And unto you be given,

The joys that Zion doth afford,

The richest blessings of the Lord

Who made the earth and heaven.

373. Incentives to Praise. Psalm 135. 9s and 8s.

O praise ye the Name of Jehovah,

Proclaim ye His glory abroad;

O praise Him, ye servants appointed

To stand in the house of our God.

O praise ye the Lord for His goodness;

'Tis pleasant His praises to sing;

His people, His chosen and precious,

Your praises with gratitude bring.

I know that the Lord is almighty,

Supreme in dominion is He,

Performing His will and good pleasure

In heaven and in earth and the sea.

His hand guides the clouds in their courses,

The lightning flames forth at His will,

The wind and the rain He releases

His sovereign designs to fulfill.

To ransom His people from bondage

Great wonders and signs He displayed;

He smote all the firstborn of Egypt,

Till Pharaoh made haste and obeyed.

Great nations and kings that opposed Him

Were smitten by God's mighty hand;

Their riches He gave to His people,

And made them inherit the land.

Thy Name shall abide, O Jehovah,

Through all generations renowned;

The Lord is the judge of His people,

His mercies forever abound.

Men's idols of gold and of silver

Can speak not, nor hearken, nor see;

Like them shall their makers be helpless,

Unblest shall their worshipers be.

Ye people who worship Jehovah,

His praises with gladness proclaim;

His servants, and all ye that fear Him,

Sing praise to His glorious Name.

O Church of Our God, sing His praises,

For with you and in you He dwells;

O sing Hallelujahs before Him,

Whose glory all praises excels.

374. Adoration of God. Psalm 135. 9s and 8s.

O praise ye the Name of Jehovah,

Proclaim ye His glory abroad;

O praise Him, ye servants appointed

To stand in the house of our God.

O praise ye the Lord for His goodness;

'Tis pleasant His praises to sing;

His people, His chosen and precious,

Your praises with gratitude bring.

I know that the Lord is almighty,

Supreme in dominion is He,

Performing His will and good pleasure

In heaven and in earth and the sea.

Ye people who worship Jehovah,

His praises with gladness proclaim;

His servants, and all ye that fear Him,

Sing praise to His glorious Name.

O Church of Our God, sing His praises,

For with you and in you He dwells;

O sing Hallelujahs before Him,

Whose glory all praises excels.

375. Invitations to Praise. Psalm 135. L.M.

Exalt the Lord, His praise proclaim;

All ye His servants, praise His Name,

Who in the Lord's house ever stand

And humbly serve at His command.

The Lord is good, His praise proclaim;

Since it is pleasant, praise His Name;

Who in the Lord's house ever stand

And humbly serve at His command.

I know the Lord is high in state,

Above all gods our Lord is great;

The Lord performs what He decrees,

In heaven and earth, in depths and seas.

He makes the vapors to ascend

In clouds from earth's remotest end;

The lightnings flash at His command,

He holds the tempest in His hand.

Forever praise and bless His Name,

And in the Church His praise proclaim;

In Zion is His dwellingplace;

Praise ye the Lord, show forth His grace.

376. Enduring Mercy. Psalm 136. 7s.

Praise Jehovah for His love,

God of gods, enthroned above;

Praise the mighty King of kings,

Who alone doth wondrous things;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

God by wisdom framed the skies,

Made the earth from ocean rise,

Gave the sun by day for light,

Moon and stars to rule the night;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

He made Egypt's greatness vain,

Caused their firstborn to be slain,

Brought forth Israel from their land,

Stretching out His mighty hand;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

God the sea asunder clave,

Brought His people through the wave,

Drowned their foes beneath the deep,

Through the desert led His sheep;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

Mighty kings of mighty name

He destroyed and put to shame,

Made their land a heritage

For His saints from age to age;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

God remembered all our woe,

Rescued us from every foe,

Food to all He doth supply,

Praise the Lord enthroned on high;

For His mercy doth endure,

Ever faithful, ever sure.

377. Divine Love. Psalm 136. L.M.

O thank the Lord, the Lord of love,

O thank the God, all gods above;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

O thank the mighty King of kings,

Whose arm has done such wondrous things;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

His wisdom gave the heavens their birth,

And on the waters spread the earth;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

He taught yon glorious lights their way,

He made the sun to rule the day;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

He set the moon, with milder light,

And shining stars to rule the night;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

He thought on us amid our woes,

And rescued us from all our foes;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

Give thanks to heaven's Almighty King,

Who daily feeds each living thing;

His tender mercies ever sure

To all eternity endure.

378. The Unfailing Mercy of God. Psalm 136. 8s and 7s.

Give thanks to God, for good is He,

His grace abideth ever;

To Him all praise and glory be,

His mercy faileth never.

His wondrous works with praise record,

His grace abideth ever;

The only God, the sovereign Lord,

Whose mercy faileth never.

His wisdom made the heavens to be,

His grace abideth ever;

He spread the earth above the sea,

His mercy faileth never.

Praise Him Whose sun doth bring the day,

His grace abideth ever;

The moon and stars His might display,

Whose mercy faileth never.

He helped us in our deepest woes,

His grace abideth ever;

He ransomed us from all our foes,

His mercy faileth never.

Each creature's need doth He supply,

His grace abideth ever;

Give thanks to God, enthroned on high,

Whose mercy faileth never.

379. Memories of Zion. Psalm 137. L.M.

By Babel's streams we sat and wept,

For memory still to Zion clung;

The winds alone our harpstrings swept,

That on the drooping willows hung.

There our rude captors, flushed with pride,

A song required to mock our wrongs;

Our spoilers called for mirth and cried,

Come, sing us one of Zion's songs.

Not songs but sighs to us belong

When Zion's walls in ruin lie;

How shall we sing Jehovah's song

While in an alien land we die?

O Zion fair, God's holy hill,

Wherein our God delights to dwell,

Let my right hand forget her skill

If I forget to love thee well.

If I do not remember thee,

Then let my tongue from utterance cease,

If any earthly joy to me

Be dear as Zion's joy and peace.

Remember, Lord, the dreadful day

Of Zion's cruel overthrow;

How happy he who shall repay

The bitter hatred of her foe.

380. Remembrance of Church Privileges. Psalm 137. 10s.

By Babel's riverside we sat in tears,

Remembering Zion's pride in former years,

While on the weeping willows there were hung

The harps our grief had silenced and unstrung.

For they who led us there a captive throng

Required that we prepare for them a song;

Yea, there our captors asked for mirth and praise,

Required a song of Zion's happy days.

O how shall we thus sing at their command

Songs of the Lord, our King, in this strange land?

O Zion, if I e'er forget thy woe,

Let my right hand its skill no longer know.

Yea, let my tongue, I pray, all silent be,

If I do not alway remember thee;

If I prefer not thee, though in thy grief,

Above all other joys my very chief.

381. Exultation in God. Psalm 138. L.M.

With grateful heart my thanks I bring,

Before the great Thy praise I sing;

I worship in Thy holy place

And praise Thee for Thy truth and grace;

For truth and grace together shine

In Thy most holy word divine.

I cried to Thee and Thou didst save,

Thy word of grace new courage gave;

The kings of earth shall thank Thee, Lord,

For they have heard Thy wondrous word;

Yea, they shall come with songs of praise,

For great and glorious are Thy ways.

O Lord, enthroned in glory bright,

Thou reignest in the heavenly height;

The proud in vain Thy favor seek,

But Thou hast mercy for the meek;

Through trouble though my pathway be,

Thou wilt revive and strengthen me.

Thou wilt stretch forth Thy mighty arm

To save me when my foes alarm;

The work Thou hast for me begun

Shall by Thy grace be fully done;

Forever mercy dwells with Thee;

O Lord, my Maker, think on me.

382. A Vision of God. Psalm 139. L.M.

Lord, Thou hast searched me, and dost know

Where'er I rest, where'er I go;

Thou knowest all that I have planned,

And all my ways are in Thy hand.

My words from Thee I cannot hide,

I feel Thy power on every side;

O wondrous knowledge, awful might,

Unfathomed depth, unmeasured height!

Where can I go apart from Thee,

Or whither from Thy presence flee?

In heaven? it is Thy dwelling fair;

In death's abode? lo, Thou art there.

If I the wings of morning take,

And far away my dwelling make,

The hand that leadeth me is Thine,

And my support Thy power divine.

If deepest darkness cover me,

The darkness hideth not from Thee;

To Thee both night and day are bright,

The darkness shineth as the light.

383. The Lord Our Maker. Psalm 139. L.M.

All that I am I owe to Thee,

Thy wisdom, Lord, hath fashioned me;

I give my Maker thankful praise,

Whose wondrous works my soul amaze.

Ere into being I was brought,

Thy eye did see, and in Thy thought

My life in all its perfect plan

Was ordered ere my days began.

Thy thoughts, O God, how manifold,

More precious unto me than gold!

I muse on their infinity,

Awaking I am still with Thee.

The wicked Thou wilt surely slay,

From me let sinners turn away;

They speak against the Name divine,

I count God's enemies as mine.

Search me, O God, my heart discern,

Try me, my inmost thought to learn;

And lead me, if in sin I stray,

To choose the everlasting way.

384. The Searcher of Hearts. Psalm 139. C.M.

O Lord, my inmost heart and thought

Thy searching eye doth see;

Where'er I rest, where'er I go,

My ways are known to Thee.

Each spoken word, each silent thought,

Thou, Lord, dost understand;

Before me and behind art Thou,

Restraining by Thy hand.

If I the wings of morning take

To some remotest land,

Still I shall be upheld by Thee

And guided by Thy hand.

From Thee, O Lord, I cannot hide,

Though darkness cover me;

The darkness and the light of day

Are both alike to Thee.

Search me, O God, and know my heart,

Try me, my thoughts to know;

O lead me, if in sin I stray,

In paths of life to go.

385. Peril and Prayer. Psalm 140. 7s and 6s.

Deliver me from evil,

Preserve me, Lord, from wrong;

Against the foes that gather

Be Thou my helper strong.

From those who plot to hurt me

And spread their treacherous snare

Preserve me, Lord, and keep me

Safeguarded in Thy care.

O Lord, I have confessed Thee

To be my God alone;

O hear my supplication

And be Thy mercy shown;

O God the Lord, my Saviour,

My shield amid the strife,

Let not the wicked triumph

Who plot against my life.

Let evil smite the evil

And cause their overthrow;

The needy and afflicted

The Lord will help, I know;

Thy saints, redeemed from evil,

Their thanks to Thee shall give;

The righteous and the upright

Shall in Thy presence live.

386. Prayerful Desire. Psalm 141. L.M.

O Lord, make haste to hear my cry,

To Thee I call, on Thee rely;

Incline to me a gracious ear,

And, when I call, in mercy hear.

When in the morning unto Thee

I lift my voice and bring my plea,

Then let my prayer as incense rise

To God enthroned above the skies.

When unto Thee I look and pray

With lifted hands at close of day,

Then as the evening sacrifice

Let my request accepted rise.

Guard Thou my thoughts, I Thee implore,

And of my lips keep Thou the door;

Nor leave my sinful heart to stray

Where evil footsteps lead the way.

O righteous God, Thy chastisement,

Though sent through foes, in love is sent;

Though grievous, it will profit me,

A healing ointment it shall be.

While wickedness my foes devise,

To Thee my constant prayer shall rise;

When their injustice is o'erthrown

My gentleness shall still be shown.

Brought nigh to death and sore distressed,

O Lord, my God, in Thee I rest;

Forsake me not, I look to Thee,

Let me Thy great salvation see.

Themselves entangled in their snare,

Their own defeat my foes prepare;

O keep me, Lord, nor let me fall,

Protect and lead me safe through all.

387. Our Only Saviour. Psalm 142. L.M.

To God my earnest voice I raise,

To God my voice imploring prays;

Before His face my grief I show

And tell my trouble and my woe.

When gloom and sorrow compass me,

The path I take is known to Thee,

And all the toils that foes do lay

To snare Thy servant in his way.

All unprotected, lo, I stand,

No friendly guardian at my hand,

No place of flight or refuge near,

And none to whom my soul is dear.

O Lord, my Saviour, now to Thee,

Without a hope besides, I flee,

To Thee, my shelter from the strife,

My portion in the land of life.

Be Thou my help when troubles throng,

For I am weak and foes are strong;

My captive soul from prison bring,

And thankful praises I will sing.

The righteous then shall gather round

To share the blessing I have found,

Their hearts made glad because they see

How richly God has dealt with me.

388. Christ our Refuge and Portion. Psalm 142. L.M.

To Thee, O Lord, I humbly cry,

To Thee my supplication make,

To Thee I bring my sad complaint,

To Thee my bitter grief I take.

Thou knowest, Lord, my deep distress,

The lonely path, the hidden snare,

How refuge faileth, friends forsake,

And no man for my soul doth care.

My prayer is unto Thee, O Lord,

No refuge but in Thee I know,

No portion but in Thee I find;

Lord, in my need Thy mercy show.

Be Thou my Saviour, O my Lord,

For I am weak and foes are strong;

My captive soul from prison bring,

And glad shall be my thankful song.

Around me shall the righteous throng,

And crowned with joy Thy saints shall be,

Their hearts made glad because the Lord

In richest grace hath dealt with me.

389. Contrite Trust. Psalm 143. 6s.

Lord, hear me in distress,

Regard my suppliant cry,

And in Thy faithfulness

And righteousness reply.

In judgment do not cause

Thy servant to be tried;

Before Thy holy laws

No man is justified.

The enemy has sought

My soul in dust to tread;

To darkness I am brought,

Forgotten as the dead.

My spirit, crushed with grief,

Is sad and overborne;

My heart finds no relief,

But desolate I mourn.

Recalling former days

And all Thy wondrous deeds,

The memory of Thy ways

To hope and comfort leads.

To Thee I stretch my hands,

Let me not plead in vain;

I wait as weary lands

Wait for refreshing rain.

My failing spirit see,

O Lord, to me make haste;

Hide not Thy face from me,

Lest bitter death I taste.

O let the morn return,

Let mercy light my day;

For Thee in faith I yearn,

O guide me in the way.

Lord, save me from my foe,

To Thee for help I flee;

Teach me Thy way to know,

I have no God but Thee.

By Thy good Spirit led

From trouble and distress,

My erring feet shall tread

The path of uprightness.

O Lord, for Thy Name's sake

Revive my fainting heart;

My soul from trouble take,

For just and true Thou art.

Remove my enemy,

My cruel foe reward;

In mercy rescue me

Who am Thy servant, Lord.

390. Earnest Desire and Supplication. Psalm 143. 6s.

Lord, hear me in distress,

Regard my suppliant cry,

And in Thy faithfulness

And righteousness reply.

In judgment do not cause

Thy servant to be tried;

Before Thy holy laws

No man is justified.

To Thee I stretch my hands,

Let me not plead in vain;

I wait as weary lands

Wait for refreshing rain.

O let the morn return,

Let mercy light my day;

For Thee in faith I yearn,

O guide me in the way.

By Thy good Spirit led

From trouble and distress,

My erring feet shall tread

The path of uprightness.

O Lord, for Thy Name's sake

Revive my fainting heart;

My soul from trouble take,

For just and true Thou art.

391. Reliance and Supplication. Psalm 143. C.M.

When morning lights the eastern skies,

O Lord, Thy mercy show;

On Thee alone my hope relies,

Let me Thy kindness know.

Teach me the way that I should go;

I lift my soul to Thee;

For refuge from the cruel foe

To Thee, O Lord, I flee.

Thou art my God, to Thee I pray,

Teach me Thy will to heed;

And in the right and perfect way

May Thy good Spirit lead.

For Thy Name's sake, O gracious Lord,

Revive my soul and bless,

And in Thy faithfulness and love

Redeem me from distress.

392. Trustful Praise and Prayer. Psalm 144. C.P.M.

Blest be the Lord, my rock, my might,

My constant helper in the fight,

My shield, my righteousness,

My strong high tower, my Saviour true,

Who doth my enemies subdue,

My shelter in distress.

Lord, what is man, what hath he wrought,

The son of man, that in Thy thought

To hold him Thou shouldst deign?

For man is like a breath, a sigh,

His days on earth as quickly fly

As shadows o'er the plain.

Lord, bow Thy heavens, in might descend,

Touch Thou the hills, the mountains rend,

And they shall smoke and flame;

As arrows send Thy lightnings out

To put Thy enemies to rout,

And fill Thy foes with shame.

Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me

From trouble's dark and raging sea,

And from the alien throng,

Whose mouth but vanity doth speak,

Whose hand of strength against the weak

Is filled with craft and wrong.

Now will I sing a glad new song,

Thy praise, O God, I will prolong,

For Thou hast heard my prayer;

Salvation Thou dost give to kings,

Thy own dost keep, with sheltering wings,

From hurtful sword and snare.

O Thou to Whom in trust I flee,

Stretch forth Thy hand and rescue me

From all the alien throng,

Whose mouth but vanity doth speak,

Whose hand of strength against the weak

Is filled with craft and wrong.

393. National Prosperity. Psalm 144. C.P.M.

O happy land, whose sons in youth,

In sturdy strength and noble truth,

Like plants in vigor spring;

Whose daughters fair, a queenly race,

Are like the cornerstones that grace

The palace of a king.

O happy land, when flock and field

Their rich, abundant increase yield,

And blessings multiply;

When plenty all thy people share,

And no invading foe is there,

And no distressful cry.

O happy people, favored land,

To whom the Lord with liberal hand

Hath thus His goodness shown;

Yea, surely is that people blest

By whom Jehovah is confessed

To be their God alone.

394. Our Glorious King. Psalm 145. C.M.

I will extol Thee, O my God,

And praise Thee, O my King;

Yea, every day and evermore

Thy praises I will sing.

Great is the Lord, our mighty God,

And greatly to be praised;

His greatness is unsearchable,

Above all glory raised.

Each generation to the next

Shall testimony bear,

And to Thy praise, from age to age,

Thy wondrous acts declare.

Upon Thy glorious majesty

And honor I will dwell,

And all Thy grand and glorious works

And all Thy greatness tell.

Thy mighty acts and terrible

Shall men with awe confess;

Of Thy great goodness they shall sing,

And perfect righteousness.

Most gracious and compassionate

Is God Who reigns above;

His wrath is ever slow to rise,

Unbounded is His love.

395. The Kingdom of Grace. Psalm 145. C.M.

The Lord, our God, is good to all,

From Him all blessing flows;

On all His works His tender love

And mercy He bestows.

By all Thy works Thou shalt be praised,

And by Thy saints be blest;

Thy glorious kingdom and Thy power

Shall ever be confessed.

The praises of Thy mighty deeds

Through all the earth shall ring,

To show the glorious majesty

Of heaven's eternal King.

Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord,

Thy throne shall ever stand;

All generations to the end

Shall bow to Thy command.

396. The Goodness of God. Psalm 145. C.M.

The Lord is strong to help the weak,

Upholding those that fall,

Restoring those bowed down with grief,

And doing good to all.

Thy creatures look to Thee for food,

From day to day supplied,

And Thou dost for their sustenance

With open hand provide.

The Lord is right in all His ways,

His works His love declare,

And He is nigh to every one

That breaths the trustful prayer.

The hope of those that fear His Name

The Lord will satisfy;

Their mighty Saviour He will be

When unto Him they cry.

All those that set their love on Him

Shall full salvation know,

But wicked men and wicked ways

The Lord will overthrow.

My mouth shall bless the Lord my God

And all His praise proclaim;

Let all unite for evermore

To bless His holy Name.

397. The Greatness and Grace of God. Psalm 145. L.M.

O Lord, Thou art my God and King,

And I will ever bless Thy Name;

I will extol Thee every day,

And evermore Thy praise proclaim.

The Lord is greatly to be praised,

His greatness is beyond our thought;

From age to age the sons of men

Shall tell the wonders God has wrought.

Upon Thy glorious majesty

And wondrous works my mind shall dwell;

Thy deeds shall fill the world with awe,

And of Thy greatness I will tell.

Thy matchless goodness and Thy grace

Thy people shall commemorate,

And all Thy truth and righteousness

My joyful song shall celebrate.

The Lord our God is rich in grace,

Most tender and compassionate;

His anger is most slow to rise,

His lovingkindness is most great.

The Lord is good in all His ways,

His creatures know His constant care;

To all His works His love extends,

All men His tender mercies share.

Thy works shall give Thee thanks, O Lord,

Thy saints Thy mighty acts shall show,

Till o'er the earth the sons of men

Thy kingdom, power, and glory know.

Eternal is Thy kingdom, Lord,

Forever strong and ever sure;

While generations rise and die

Shall Thy dominion still endure.

398. Divine Grace and Compassion. Psalm 145. L.M.

The Lord uphold the faltering feet

And makes the weak securely stand;

The burdened ones, bowed down with grief,

Are helped by His most gracious hand.

The eyes of all upon Thee wait;

By Thee their wants are all supplied;

Thy open hand is bountiful,

And every soul is satisfied.

The Lord is just in all His ways,

In all His works the Lord is kind,

And all that call on Him in truth

In Him a present helper find.

He will fulfill thy heart's desire

Of those that fear Him and obey;

Their cry the Lord will surely hear,

And He will save them when they pray.

His great salvation they shall know

Who love the Lord's most holy Name;

The wicked He will overthrow

And put His enemies to shame.

My mouth shall speak the glorious praise

Of Him Whom heaven and earth adore;

Let all exult His holy Name

Forever and for evermore.

399. The Excellency of God. Psalm 145. 7, 6s, 8.

My God, I will extol Thee

And ever bless Thy Name;

Each day will I give thanks to Thee

And all Thy praise proclaim.

Great is the Lord and mighty,

And highly to be praised;

His greatness is unsearchable,

Above our knowledge raised.

To every generation

Thy glory shall be told,

Thy honor and Thy majesty

In memory I will hold;

Thy mighty power and greatness

Shall all mankind confess,

And tell the story of Thy love,

And sing Thy righteousness.

The Lord is very gracious

And most compassionate;

His anger is most slow to rise,

His mercy is most great;

On all His helpless creatures

His tender mercies rest;

By all His works He shall be praised,

By all His saints be blest.

The glory of His kingdom

Proclaimed abroad shall be,

That all may know His mighty deeds

And glorious majesty;

His kingdom is eternal,

His throne shall stand secure,

And His dominion without end

Through ages shall endure.

400. Trust and Praise. Psalm 146. 8s and 7s.

Hallelujah, praise Jehovah,

O my soul, Jehovah praise;

I will sing the glorious praises

Of my God through all my days.

Put no confidence in princes,

Nor for help on man depend;

He shall die, to dust returning,

And his purposes shall end.

Happy is the man that chooses

Israel's God to be his aid;

He is blest whose hope of blessing

On the Lord his God is stayed.

Heaven and earth the Lord created,

Seas and all that they contain;

He delivers from oppression,

Righteousness He will maintain.

Food He daily gives the hungry,

Sets the mourning prisoner free,

Raises those bowed down with anguish,

Makes the sightless eyes to see.

Well Jehovah loves the righteous,

And the stranger He befriends,

Helps the fatherless and widow,

Judgment on the wicked sends.

Over all God reigns forever,

Through all ages He is King;

Unto Him, thy God, O Zion,

Joyful hallelujahs sing.

401. The One True Helper. Psalm 146. L.M.

Praise ye the Lord, His praise proclaim,

And, O my soul, bless thou His Name;

Yea, I will sound His praise abroad

And ever bless the Lord, my God.

Trust not in man who soon must die,

But on the living God rely;

Most blest the man whose help is He

That made the heaven and earth and sea.

His truth unchanged shall ever stand,

He saves from strong oppression's hand,

In Him the sad a helper find,

He feeds the poor and heals the blind.

Thy God shall reign for evermore,

Praise Him, O Zion, and adore;

The Lord is heaven's eternal King,

To Him all praise and honor bring.

402. Reasons for Praise. Psalm 147. 7s and 6s.

O sing ye Hallelujah!

'Tis good our God to praise;

'Tis pleasant and becoming

To Him our songs to raise;

He builds the walls of Zion,

He seeks her wandering sons,

He binds their wounds and comforts

The brokenhearted ones.

The starry hosts He numbers,

He calls them all by name;

His greatness and His wisdom

His wondrous works proclaim;

The meek He lifts to honor,

He humbles sinful pride;

Give thanks to Him and utter

His praises far and wide.

The heavens with clouds He covers,

He sends the cheering rain;

The slopes of all the mountains

He fills with grass and grain;

To beast and bird His goodness

Their daily food supplies;

He cares for all His creatures,

Attentive to their cries.

No human power delights Him,

No earthly pomp or pride;

He loves the meek who fear Him

And in His love confide;

Then praise Thy God, O Zion,

His gracious aid confess;

He gives thee peace and plenty,

His gifts thy children bless.

He sends His swift commandment,

And snow and ice enfold

The world, and none are able

To stand before His cold.

Again He gives commandment;

The winds of summer blow,

The snow and ice are melted,

Again the waters flow.

His statutes and His judgments

He makes His people know;

To them as to no others

His grace He loves to show;

For matchless grace and mercy

Your grateful praises bring;

To Him give thanks forever,

And Hallelujah sing.

403. Thankful Commemoration. Psalm 147. C.M.

Praise ye the Lord, for it is good

To sing unto our God;

'Tis right and pleasant for His saints

To tell His praise abroad.

The Lord our God builds up His Church,

He seeks her wandering sons;

He binds their wounds and gently heals

The brokenhearted ones.

Our Lord is great, He calls by name

And counts the stars of night;

His wisdom is unsearchable,

And wondrous is His might.

The Lord upholds the poor and meek,

He brings the wicked low;

Sing praise to Him and give Him thanks

And all His goodness show.

No human might, no earthly pride,

Delights the Lord above;

In them that fear Him He delights,

In them that trust His love.

O Zion, praise the Lord thy God,

His wondrous love confess;

He is thy glory and thy strength,

He will thy children bless.

404. Universal Adoration. Psalm 148. H.M.

Praise ye, praise ye the Lord

In yonder heavenly height;

Ye angels, all His hosts,

In joyful praise unite;

On sun and moon, declare His might,

Show forth His praise, ye stars of night.

Praise Him, ye highest heavens,

Praise Him, ye clouds that roll,

Created by his power

And under His control,

Ye heavens that stand eternally,

Established by His firm decree.

Ye creatures in the sea

And creatures on the earth,

Your mighty Maker praise

And tell His matchless worth;

Praise Him, ye stormy winds that blow,

Ye fire and hail, ye rain and snow.

Ye hills and mountains, praise,

Each tree and beast and bird;

Ye kings and realms of earth,

Now let your praise be heard;

By high and low, by young and old,

Be all His praise and glory told.

By all let God be praised,

For He alone is great;

Above the earth and heaven

He reigns in glorious state;

Praise Him, ye saints, who know His grace

And ever dwell before His face.

405. Praise-Voices. Psalm 148. 8s and 7s.

Praise the Lord in heavenly places,

Ye His hosts and angels bright;

Sun and moon declare His glory,

Praise Him, all ye stars of light.

Let the sky and clouds forever

Praise His glorious majesty;

At His word they were created,

Ordered by His firm decree.

In the earth let all things praise Him,

Seas and all that they contain,

Stormy winds that do His pleasure,

Hail and lightening, snow and rain.

Hills and mountains, praise your Maker,

Praise Him, all ye flocks and herds,

Woods and fields and fruitful vineyards,

Creeping things and flying birds.

Kings and princes, bow before Him,

Earthly judges, give Him praise,

All ye people, tell His glory,

Old and young, your voices raise.

Praise His Name with praise unending,

For His Name alone is great;

Over heaven and earth exalted,

Reigns the Lord in kingly state.

He has greatly blessed His people,

Therefore, all ye saints, give praise;

Chosen of the Lord and precious,

Thankful hallelujahs raise.

406. Exultant Praise. Psalm 149. C.M.

Praise ye the Lord among His saints,

New songs of gladness sing;

Let Zion's children praise and bless

Their Maker and their King.

Yea, let them praise His blessed Name

With all abounding joy,

The sounding timbrel and the harp

In songs of praise employ.

The Lord takes pleasure in His saints,

He is His people's strength,

And He will glorify the meek

With victory at length.

Ye saints, by day and night rejoice,

Exult and joyful stand,

Jehovah's praises in your mouth,

His sword within your hand.

This is the glorious judgment given:

His saints shall rule the earth;

Then bless the Lord, His glory tell,

And celebrate His worth.

407. The Promise of Victory. Psalm 149. 5s and 6s.

O praise ye the Lord

And sing a new song,

Amid all His saints

His praises prolong;

The praise of their Maker

His people shall sing,

And children of Zion

Rejoice in their King.

With timbrel and harp

And joyful acclaim,

With gladness and mirth,

Sing praise to His Name;

For God in His people

His pleasure doth seek,

With robes of salvation

He clotheth the meek.

In glory exult,

Ye saints of the Lord;

With songs in the night

High praises accord;

Go forth in His service

And strong in His might

To conquer all evil

And stand for the right.

For this is His word:

His saints shall not fail,

But over the earth

Their power shall prevail;

All kingdoms and nations

Shall yield to their sway.

To God give the glory

And praise Him for aye.

408. Triumphant Joy in God. Psalm 149. 6s and 4s.

Ye who His temple throng,

Jehovah's praise prolong,

New anthems sing;

Ye saints, with joy declare

Your Maker's loving care,

And let the children there

Joy in their King.

O let His Name employ

Your every note of joy,

His praises speak;

He looks with loving face

Upon His chosen race,

And will with every grace

Adorn the meek.

Ye saints, your joy proclaim

And glory in the Name

Of God above;

And when the daylight dies,

Ere sleep shall close your eyes,

Let praise to God arise

For all His love.

409. A Summons to Praise. Psalm 150. 8s and 7s.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

In His temple God be praised;

In the high and heavenly places

Be the sounding anthem raised.

Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah

For his mighty acts of fame;

Excellent His might and greatness;

Fitting praises then proclaim.

Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah

With the trumpet's joyful sound;

Praise with harp and praise with viol,

Let His glorious praise abound.

Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah,

With the flute His praises sing;

Praise Him with the clanging cymbals,

Let them with His praises ring.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

All that breathe, Jehovah praise;

Let the voices God hath given

Joyful anthems to Him raise.

410. A Universal Doxology. Psalm 150. L.M.

Praise ye the Lord, ye saints below,

And in His courts His goodness show;

Praise ye the Lord, ye hosts above,

In heaven adore His boundless love.

Praise ye the Lord; all creatures, sing

The praises of your God and King;

Let all that breathe, His praise proclaim

And glorify His holy Name.

411. The Offering of Praise. Psalm 150. C.M.

Praise ye the Lord, ye hosts above,

In yonder heavenly height,

And bless the Lord, ye saints below,

Who in His praise delight.

By all His creatures let His Name

Be honored and adored;

Let all that breathe, in praise unite

To glorify the Lord.

412. The Exaltation of God. Psalm 150. S.M.

Praise ye the Lord, His saints

Who throng His courts below,

And ye, His hosts in heaven above,

His glorious praises show.

Let all His creatures join

To praise His holy Name;

Let all that breathe, their Maker bless

And celebrate His fame.

413. The Hallelujah Chorus. Psalm 150. 8s and 7s.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Earth and heaven in sweet accord

Join to sound Jehovah's praises,

Tell the glory of the Lord.

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Magnify Jehovah's Name;

Praise the living God, your Maker,

All that breathe, His praise proclaim.


414. O Lord, How Swiftly Grows. Psalm 3. 6 6 7 6 6 7 D.

O Lord, how swiftly grows

The number of my foes,

Who wantonly oppress me!

Yea, multiplied are they

That rise to my dismay,

And day by day distress me.

Though heavy my despair,

They scornfully declare,

To my humiliation,

That Thou, O God, no more

Canst help me as before

Or come to my salvation.

But Thou, Jehovah, art

A shield about my heart,

My hope and sure reliance.

Thou, in the hour of dread,

Dost lift my weary head,

And biddest them defiance

Whene'er to God I cried,

He hastened to my side

In all my tribulations;

From Zion's mountain fair

He looked on my despair,

And heard my supplications.

I laid me down and slept;

I waked, for I was kept

In His divine protection;

The Lord was at my side,

My succor He supplied,

Whatever my affliction.

Defended by His hand,

I shall undaunted stand,

While thousands surge about me;

Though furious foemen wage

Their war with mighty rage,

I know they shall not rout me.

Arise and save me, Lord,

For Thou hast smitten hard

The jaws of them that hate me;

Yea, Thou didst fiercely break

For me Thy servant's sake

The teeth of the ungodly.

I shall not suffer long,

For my salvation strong

Belongeth to Jehovah;

Thou, Lord, wilt freely pour

A blessing from Thy store

Upon us; Hallelujah!

415. Unto Thee, O Lord Jehovah. Psalm 25. 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 8.

Unto Thee, O Lord Jehovah,

Do I lift my waiting soul.

O my God, in Thee I trusted;

Let no shame now o'er me roll.

On my enemy be shame,

Oft without a cause transgressing;

But all those who trust Thy Name

Honor with abundant blessing.

Unto me, O Lord Jehovah,

Show Thy ways and teach Thou me;

So that, by Thy Spirit guided,

Clearly I Thy paths may see.

In Thy truth wilt Thou me guide,

Teach me, God of my salvation;

All the day for Thee I bide,

Lord, with eager expectation.

Call to mind, O Lord Jehovah,

Tender mercies manifold,

And Thy store of lovingkindness

Which has ever been of old.

Sins of youth remember not,

Nor recall my hid' transgression;

For Thy goodness' sake, O God,

Think of me in Thy compassion.

Good and upright is Jehovah

In his dealings evermore.

Sinners are by Him instructed

In the way untrod before.

He will ever guide the meek

In His judgments true and holy;

Teach His ways to those who seek

With a contrite heart and lowly.

All the pathways of Jehovah

Speak of truth and mercies pure

Unto such as keep His covenant

And His testimony sure.

For the glory of Thy Name,

Pardon, Lord, my evil-doing;

Grievous though my sin and shame,

Hear my cry, Thy love renewing.

Who is he that fears Jehovah,

Walking with Him day by day?

God will lead him safely onward,

Guide Him in the chosen way.

Then at ease his soul shall rest,

In Jehovah still confiding;

E'en his children shall be blest,

Safely in the land abiding.

Yea, the secret of Jehovah

Is with those who fear His Name;

With His friends in tender mercy

He His covenant will maintain.

With a confidence complete,

Toward the Lord my eyes are turning;

From the net He'll pluck my feet;

He will not despise my yearning.

Turn Thou unto me in mercy;

Have compassion on my soul.

I am sore distressed and lonely;

Waves of trouble o'er me roll.

Myriad woes beset my heart,

Myriad doubts and bitternesses;

Thou who my Deliverer art,

Bring me out of my distresses.

O consider my affliction,

All my travail, Lord, behold;

Grant me full and free remission

Of my trespasses untold.

See mine enemies; for great

Is the number that upbraid me;

Who, in their consuming hate,

With their cruel scorn have flayed me.

Keep my soul, O gracious Savior;

Come, I pray, deliver me,

Lest my head with shame be covered,

For my refuge is in Thee.

Trusting in Thy power supreme,

Lord, I wait for Thy salvation;

Come, Jehovah, and redeem

Israel from tribulation.

416. As the Hart, About to Falter. Psalm 42. 8 7 8 7 7 7 8 8.

As the hart, about to falter,

In its trembling agony,

Panteth for the brooks of water,

So my soul doth pant for Thee.

Yea, athirst for Thee I cry;

God of life, O when shall I

Come again to stand before Thee

In Thy temple, and adore Thee?

Bitter tears of lamentation

Are my food by night and day;

In my deep humiliation

Where is now thy God? they say.

Yea, my soul doth melt in me,

When I bring to memory,

How of yore I did assemble

With the joyful in Thy temple.

O my soul, why art thou grieving,

Why disquieted in me?

Hope in God, thy faith retrieving;

Let Him still thy refuge be.

I shall yet extol His grace

For the comfort of His face;

He has ever turned my sorrow

Into gladness on the morrow.

From the land beyond the Jordan

I bewail my misery;

From the foothills of Mount Hermon,

O my God, I think of Thee.

As the waters plunge and leap,

Deep re-echoes unto deep;

All Thy waves and billows roaring

O'er my troubled soul are pouring.

But the Lord will send salvation,

And by day His love provide;

He shall be my exultation,

And my song at eventide.

On His praise e'en in the night

I will ponder with delight,

And in prayer, transcending distance,

Seek the God of my existence.

I will say to God, my fortress:

Why hast Thou forsaken me?

Why go I about in sadness

For my foes' dread tyranny?

Their rebukes and scoffing words

Pierce my bones as pointed sword,

As they say with proud defiance:

Where is God, thy soul's reliance?

O my soul, why art thou grieving;

Why disquieted in me?

Hope in God, thy faith retrieving;

He will still thy refuge be.

I shall yet through all my days

Give to Him my thankful praise;

God, who will from shame deliver,

Is my God, my rock, forever.

417. Send Forth, O Lord of My Salvation. Psalm 43. 9 8 9 9 8 6.

Send forth, O Lord of my salvation,

Thy light and truth to be my guide,

O let their rays, in my privation,

Lead me unto Thy habitation,

Where 'neath Thy wings I'll be supplied

With grace Thou wilt provide.

Then, at Thy sacred altar bending,

My heart to God in prayer I'll raise

With harp and voice, in worship blending,

Thy courts resound, while psalms, ascending

To God, my highest joy, bring praise

For all His wondrous ways.

My soul, why art thou sad and grieving?

Why so oppressed with anxious care?

Hope thou in God! His Word believing,

Thou shalt behold His face, receiving

The blessings of His countenance fair-

What bliss beyond compare!

418. Praise the Lord, Ye Lands. Psalm 47. 5 5 5 5 5 5 D.

Praise the Lord, ye lands,

Nations, clap your hands;

Shout aloud to God,

Spread His fame abroad;

Praise Him loud and long

With a triumph song;

Bow as ye draw nigh,

For the Lord Most High,

Terrible is He

In His dignity;

And His kingdom's girth

Circles all the earth.

God has gone on high

With a joyful cry;

Hosts with trumpet sound

Make His praise abound;

Sing ye praise to God,

Tell His fame abroad,

Take a psalm and shout,

Let His praise ring out,

Lift your voice and sing

Glory to our King;

He is Lord of earth,

Magnify His worth.

Praise His majesty


God is King alone

On His holy throne,

Issues His commands

To all heathen lands.

Lo, the princes all

Gather at His call;

His the shields of earth,

His the power, the worth;

He, the God on high,

Is our Helper nigh.

419. Forth From Thy Courts, Thy Sacred Dwelling.

Psalm 65. 9 6 9 6 D.

Forth from Thy courts, Thy sacred dwelling,

In jubilant accord,

We hear sweet strains of praises swelling,

O Israel's mighty Lord!

To God, who hears our imploration,

We come to pay our vow,

Soon men from every tribe and nation

Before our God shall bow.

A mighty stream of foul transgression

Prevails from day to day;

But Thou, O God, in great compassion,

Wilt purge my guilt away.

Blest is the man whom Thou hast chosen,

And bringest nigh to Thee,

That in Thy courts, in Thee reposing,

His dwellingplace may be.

There, in Thy holy habitation,

Thou wilt Thy saints provide

With every blessing of salvation

Till all are satisfied.

By awful deeds, so just and mighty,

God saves us from our foe;

To all who walk with Him uprightly

He will salvation show.

From stores on high Thy streams flow over

The hard and arid land;

The fields are sown with corn and clover,

Provided by Thy hand;

The furrows, softened by Thy showers,

Are blest with springing grain.

How great, O God, Thy love and power

Throughout Thy vast domain!

The year is crowned, O Fount of blessing,

With gifts to cheer the land;

Thy goodness fills the earth, expressing

The wonders of Thy hand.

The hills rejoice; the pastures, teeming

With flocks that skip and spring,

The golden grain, in valleys gleaming-

All sing to God the King.

420. God Shall Arise and by His Might.

Psalm 68. 8 8 7, 12 lines.

God shall arise and by His might

Put all His enemies to flight

With shame and consternation.

His haters, haughty though they be,

Shall at His august presence flee

In utter desolation;

For when Jehovah shall appear,

He shall consume, afar and near,

All those that evil cherish.

As smoke before His dreadful ire,

As wax is molten by the fire,

So shall the wicked perish.

But let the righteous, blessed of yore,

Joy in their God as ne'er before,

Faith's victory achieving.

Their joy shall then unbounded be

Who see God's face eternally,

Their heart's desire receiving.

Exalt, exalt the Name of God;

Sing ye His royal fame abroad

With fervent exultation;

Cast up a highway smooth and wide

That through the deserts He may ride,

Jehovah, our salvation.

Sing praise, thou chosen Israel,

Who with the folds of sheep dost dwell;

Thou art God's joy and treasure.

Like doves on golden-feathered wing,

In holy beauty thou shalt bring

Thy praise to God with pleasure.

Jehovah scattered kings and foes,

Redeeming thee from grievous woes;

Praise is Thy holy duty.

For God did choose a mount so fair

That Bashan's height cannot compare

With Zion's fame and beauty.

The Lord is great, His might untold,

His chariots thousand thousand fold,

His armies ne'er confounded.

Among them God with joy displays

The glory that in Moses' days

Mount Sinai surrounded.

When Thou, O Lord, in glory bright,

Ascendedst in the heavenly height

Our captive-bonds to sever,

Rich gifts from those who did rebel

Thou didst receive, that men may dwell

With Thee, O Lord, forever.

Let God be praised with reverence deep;

He daily comes our lives to steep

In bounties freely given.

God cares for us, our God is He;

Who would not fear His majesty

In earth as well as heaven?

Our God upholds us in the strife;

To us He grants eternal life,

And saves from desolation.

He hears the needy when they cry,

He saves their souls when death draws nigh,

This God is our salvation.

Ye kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Extol Jehovah's matchless worth

With psalms of adoration.

Praise Him whose glory rides on high,

Whose thunders roll through clouded sky

With mighty intonation.

Ascribe ye strength to God alone,

Whose worth in Israel is known,

For whom the heavens tremble.

O Lord, our strength, to Thee we bow,

For great and terrible art Thou

Out of Thy holy temple.

421. O God of Hosts, O God of Grace. Psalm 84. 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 8.

O God of hosts, O God of grace,

How lovely is Thy holy place,

How good and pleasant is Thy dwelling!

My thirsty soul longs earnestly,

Yea, faints Thy holy courts to see

'Mid festal throngs and music swelling.

My heart and flesh cry out to God,

To Him I spread my hands abroad.

The sparrow finds a house to rest,

The swallow deftly builds her nest,

And broods her young hard by Thine altar.

O Lord of Hosts, my God, my King,

With all my soul to Thee I cling!

Hold Thou my hand, lest I should falter.

How blest are they that dwell with Thee!

They praise Thy Name continually.

Blest is the man whose strength Thou art,

Thy ways are hidden in his heart,

He treads the highway to Thy dwelling.

Though passing through a vale of tears,

Thy grace, O God, to him appears

With winged hope and power impelling.

The wilderness, by showers blest,

Is now a pilgrim's vale of rest.

From strength to strength Thy children dear

Go forward, till they all appear

In Zion's courts, God's holy mountain.

O how delightful, God of grace,

The paths of those that seek Thy face,

And yearn for waters from Thy fountain!

Jehovah, God of hosts, give ear,

O Jacob's God, in mercy hear.

O God, our shield, with face benign

Look on Thy servant, wholly Thine,

And keep him, Lord, Thou great Defender!

One day, passed in Thy house of praise,

Is better than a thousand days

Spent in the realm of earthly splendor.

Though only at Thy door I wait,

No tents of sin give joy so great.

O God Jehovah, good and kind,

On Zion's mount in clouds enshrined,

Thou art our sun and shield forever.

To upright souls that seek Thy face

Thou givest glory, truth, and grace;

E'en in death's vale Thou failest never.

O Lord of Hosts, how blest is he

Who puts his steadfast trust in Thee!

422. My Mouth Shall Sing for Aye. Psalm 89. 12 12 13 13 13 13.

My mouth shall sing for aye Thy tender mercies, Lord;

To every age will I Thy faithfulness record;

I know how firm and sure Thy wondrous grace is founded,

Established in the skies by love that is unbounded;

As Thy celestial throne shall never sway, no never,

So shall Thy truth endure forever and forever.

"With My own chosen one, e'en David," God affirmed,

"I've made a covenant, with sacred oath confirmed;

I've sworn in truth to him, My servant: 'I will surely

Build up thy lustrous throne through every age securely;

Forever will thy seed, in spite of degradation,

Endure upon thy throne through every generation'."

The heavens praise, O Lord, Thy wonders day and night;

Thy saints on earth extol Thy faithfulness and might;

Exultingly they ask: "Who, Lord, within Thy dwelling,

Who of the kings of earth, in carnal strength excelling,

Can be compared with Thee, Jehovah great and glorious,

In all Thy wise designs triumphant and victorious?"

The host of heaven, O God, acclaim Thee Lord alone,

And greatly fear Thy Name 'bove all around Thy throne.

Who is there like to Thee, throughout this vast creation,

Jehovah, Lord of hosts, the God of our salvation,

Arrayed like Thee with power and faithfulness astounding,

Constraining saints to praise Thy wondrous grace abounding?

How blessed, Lord, are they who know the joyful sound,

Who, when they hear Thy voice, in happiness abound!

With steadfast step they walk, their countenances beaming

With brightness of the light that from Thy face is streaming;

Exalted by Thy might from depths of desolation,

They praise fore'er Thy Name, Thy justice and salvation.

Thou art, O God, our boast, the glory of our power;

Thy sovereign grace is e'er our fortress and our tower.

We lift our heads aloft, for God, our shield, is o'er us;

Through Him, through Him alone, whose presence goes before us,

We'll wear the victor's crown, no more by foes assaulted,

We'll triumph through our King, by Israel's God exalted.

As long as heaven stands on pillars firm and sure,

So long shall David's seed through endless years endure.

But if his children e'er forsake My law appointed,

And walk not in the ways decreed by Mine Anointed,

Then truly will I come in holy indignation,

And chastise them with rods for all their provocation.

Remember, Lord, how frail I am, how few my years;

My life is like a cloud that comes and disappears;

Has man, then, lived in vain? Who can, in death's dark hour,

Escape the dismal grave with all its ruinous power?

O Lord, recall Thy love, Thy words to David spoken,

Sustain us as of yore by covenant-oaths unbroken.

423. Jehovah Reigns As King. Psalm 97. 6 6 7 7 6 6 6 6 6.

Jehovah reigns as King,

To Him all homage bring;

Ye islands, earth, and ocean,

Break forth in glad devotion.

Dark clouds of secrecy

Enshroud His majesty.

The pillars of His throne

Are fixed on truth alone

And perfect equity.

Consuming flames deploy

Before Him, to destroy

His foemen round about Him,

Who vainly seek to flout Him.

His lightning-bolts, when hurled,

Enlightened all the world;

Earth saw and quaked with fear,

To see His wrath appear,

And thunderous clouds unfurled.

The hills, as wax by fire,

Are molten at His ire,

When God on His creation

Pours flaming indignation.

The heavens in awe express

His perfect righteousness.

Let all the nations see

His glorious majesty,

His royal power confess.

Confounded be all they

Who in their folly pray

To gods of man's creation

And boast of vain salvation.

Jehovah, Him we laud,

For He alone is God.

Come, all ye gods, draw near,

And worship Him with fear,

By His dominion awed.

All Zion then rejoiced,

When in her gates were voiced

The judgments, O Jehovah,

Which Thou hast wrought for Judah.

Her daughters sang with mirth,

For high above the earth,

Thou, who art God alone,

Hast made Thyself a throne

And magnified Thy worth.

Ye lovers of the Lord,

To Him all praise accord;

Rejoice in your confession

And hate all base transgression.

Jehovah keepeth well

The saints in Israel;

He frees them from the snare

That wicked men prepare,

And makes them safely dwell.

Jehovah's kindly face

Gives happiness and grace

To all that are pure-hearted;

To them life is imparted.

Rejoice in God, ye just,

He raised you from the dust;

Give thanks, ye people all,

His holy Name recall,

Repose in Him your trust.

424. Sing, Sing a New Song to Jehovah. Psalm 98. 9 8 9 8 D.

Sing, sing a new song to Jehovah

For all the wonders He has wrought;

His right hand and His arm most holy

The victory to Him have brought.

The Lord has published His salvation,

His righteousness has He made known;

He showed to every heathen nation

That judgment issues from His throne.

He has remembered all His mercy,

His truth declared to Israel;

The ends of earth have seen His glory;

His ways in majesty excel.

Then make a joyful noise before Him,

O all ye earth, His praises sing;

With loud acclaim let all adore Him

And let the joyful anthems ring.

Join to the harp your glad rejoicing,

A psalm of adoration bring,

With trumpet and the cornet voicing

A joyful noise to God, the King.

Let oceans roar with all their fulness,

The world and they that dwell therein;

Proclaim Jehovah's power with boldness,

Exalt Him ever and again.

Let all the streams in joyous union

Now clap their hands and praise accord,

The hills rejoice in glad communion,

And skip for joy before the Lord.

He comes, He comes to judge the people,

Arrayed in truth and equity;

The world shall He redeem from evil,

And righteous shall His judgment be.

425. Unto the Lord Lift Thankful Voices. Psalm 105. 9 9 8 8 8 8.

Unto the Lord lift thankful voices,

Come, worship while your soul rejoices;

Make known His doings far and near

That peoples all His Name may fear,

And tell, in many joyful lay,

Of all His wonders day by day.

In joyful song your hearts uniting,

His works most marvelous reciting,

Now glory in His holy Name;

Let those that seek Him spread His fame,

Incline their hearts to sing His praise,

And unto Him their anthems raise.

Seek ye Jehovah and His power,

Seek ye His presence every hour.

His works, so marvelous and great,

Remember still, and meditate

Upon the wonders of His hands,

The judgments which His mouth commands.

Ye seed from Abraham descended,

To whom His favors were extended,

And Jacob's children, whom the Lord

Has chosen, hearken to His word.

He is the Lord, our Judge divine;

In all the earth His glories shine.

Jehovah's truth will stand forever,

His covenant bonds He will not sever;

The word of grace which He commands

To thousand generations stands;

The covenant made in days of old

With Abraham He doth uphold.

The Lord His covenant people planted

In lands of nations which He granted,

That they His statutes might observe,

Nor from His laws might ever swerve,

Let songs of praise to Him ascend,

And hallelujahs without end.

426. I Love the Lord. Psalm 116. 10 11 11 10.

I love the Lord, the fount of life and grace;

He hears my voice, my cry and supplication,

Inclines His ear, gives strength and consolation;

In life, in death, my heart will seek His face.

The cords of death held me in deep despair;

The pangs of hell, like waves by tempest driven,

Rolled o'er my soul; by grief and sorrow riven,

I turned in my distress to God in prayer.

I cried, Deliver Thou my soul, O Lord!

Jehovah heard. I pledge Him my devotion.

The Lord is just, His grace wide as the ocean;

In boundless mercy He fulfills his word.

The Lord preserves the meek most tenderly;

Brought nigh to death, in Him I found salvation.

Come, thou my soul, relieved from agitation,

Turn to thy rest; the Lord has favored Thee.

Thou, O Jehovah, in Thy sovereign grace,

Hast saved my soul from death and woe appalling,

Dried all my tears, secured my feet from falling.

Lo, I shall live and walk before Thy face.

I have believed, and therefore I did speak

When I was made to suffer tribulation;

I said in haste and bitter desperation:

All men are false, 'tis nought but lies they speak.

What shall I render to Jehovah now

For all the riches of His consolation?

With joy I'll take the cup of His salvation,

And call upon His Name with thankful vow.

Before His saints I'll pay my vows to God;

E'en in death's vale He keepeth me from evil;

How dear to God the dying of His people!

Praise Him, ye saints, and sound His Name abroad.

I am, O Lord, Thy servant, bound yet free,

Thy handmaid's son, whose shackles Thou hast broken;

Redeemed by grace, I'll render as a token

Of gratitude my constant praise to Thee.

Jerusalem! Within thy courts I'll praise

Jehovah's Name; and with a spirit lowly

Pay all my vows. O Zion fair and holy,

Come join with me and bless Him all thy days!

427. Let All Exalt Jehovah's Goodness. Psalm 118. 9 8 9 8 D.

Let all exalt Jehovah's goodness,

For most compassionate is He;

His mercy, excellent in fulness,

Endureth to eternity.

Let Israel praise Jehovah's goodness,

And say, Exalt His majesty;

His mercy, excellent in fullness,

Endureth to eternity.

Jehovah is my strength and tower,

He is my happiness and song;

He saved me in the trying hour,

Hence shall my mouth His praise prolong.

The voice of gladness and salvation

Is in the tents of righteousness;

There do they sing with adoration,

The Lord's right hand is strong to bless.

The Lord's right hand is high exalted,

Jehovah's strong and mighty hand;

The vaunting enemy He halted,

And made His chosen ones to stand.

I shall not die but live before Him,

And all His mighty works declare,

That all may joyfully adore Him

Who in His lovingkindness share.

In truth, the Lord has sorely chastened,

But not to death delivered me;

In His paternal love He hastened

To mitigate my misery,

Now open at my salutation

The gates of truth and righteousness,

And I will enter with elation,

There to proclaim my thankfulness.

The stone the builders had rejected,

And in contempt refused to own,

To their dismay had been selected

To be the foremost cornerstone.

This thing is from the Lord Almighty,

It is a marvel in our eyes;

Man cannot understand it rightly

Nor fathom it in any wise.

This is the day of full salvation

That God has made and sanctified;

Come, let us voice our jubilation,

And triumph in the grace supplied.

Save, O Jehovah, we implore Thee,

Save now Thy people, e'en today;

Prosperity send Thou in mercy,

And favor us upon our way.

Now blessed be the King of Glory,

That cometh in Jehovah's Name;

Out of His temple we adore Thee,

And all Thy blessedness proclaim.

The Lord is mighty; He provideth

A light for us when sore afraid;

Then be our thankful sacrifices

Upon the sacred altar laid.

Thou art my God, I will extol Thee,

And magnify Thy majesty;

My God, in glory none excel Thee,

Thy praise be to eternity.

Let all exalt Jehovah's goodness,

For most compassionate is He;

His mercy, excellent in fulness,

Endureth to eternity.

428. How Blessed Are the Perfect in the Way.

Psalm 119. 10 11 10 11 10 11.

How blessed are the perfect in the way

Who, walking in Jehovah's law with pleasure,

Preserve their piety from day to day.

How blest are they who make His Word their treasure,

Who keep His testimonies and display

Their love for Him whose goodness none can measure.

O let Thy Spirit be my constant aid,

That all my ways may ever be directed

To keep Thy statutes, so to be obeyed,

That from all error I may be protected.

I shall not be ashamed then or afraid,

When Thy commandments I have e'er respected.

O Lord, how shall a youth preserve his way,

At every turn by vanity surrounded?

In truth, if he Thy statutes will obey,

If on Thy Word his attitudes are founded.

Thou whom I've sought, O let me never stray

From Thy commandments, lest I be confounded.

Thy precepts have I hid within my heart,

Lest I should stray and fall into transgression;

O teach Thou me and unto me impart

Thy statutes for a permanent possession.

In all Thy judgments Thou most righteous art;

Thy truth I praise in rapturous confession.

O teach me, Lord, the way that I should go;

Then shall Thy servant walk therein forever.

Give understanding all Thy paths to know;

Then shall I keep Thy law with zealous fervor.

Instruct me in Thy perfect will and, lo,

I shall observe it with my whole endeavor.

O Lord, Thou art my portion and my lot;

I said that I would keep Thy Word forever,

Though to my sorrow I have oft forgot.

With all my heart I now entreat Thy favor:

Be merciful to me and chasten not;

According to Thy Word be Thou my Savior.

O how I love Thy law! Yea, Thou canst see

Through all the day it is my meditation;

By Thy commandments, Lord, Thou madest me

More wise than all who seek my ruination.

Thy testimonies evermore shall be

The perfect source of all my inspiration.

Thy Word is as a lamp unto my feet,

A light upon my pathway unto heaven;

I've sworn an oath, which gladly I repeat,

That I shall keep, as always I have striven,

Thy righteous judgments, holy and complete,

When unto me Thy helping grace is given.

Great peace have they who love Thy perfect law;

They shall not swerve from paths of consecration;

Their happiness shall be without a flaw.

Lord, I have ever hoped for Thy salvation;

All Thy commandments I have kept with awe;

Thy precepts are my daily meditation.

Grant life unto my soul, O Lord, I pray;

Shed still the brightness of Thy presence o'er me;

Then shall I praise Thee in a perfect way,

Yea, let Thy judgments quicken and restore me.

Thy servant like a sheep has gone astray,

Yet Thy commandments I will keep before me.

429. With All My Heart Will I Record. Psalm 138. 8 4 5 8 4 5 D.

With all my heart will I record

Thy praise, O Lord,

And exultation;

Before the gods with joyful song

Will I prolong

My adoration.

I'll worship toward Thy holy place

And for Thy grace

And truth extol Thee;

Above Thy Name, Thou, Lord Most High,

Didst magnify

Thy Word so holy.

O God, whene'er I cried to Thee

Thou heardest me

And didst deliver;

For by Thy strength, when sore afraid,

My soul was stayed,

O gracious Giver.

The kings of earth in one accord

Shall thank Thee, Lord,

With praise unbroken;

When over all the earth is heard

The wondrous Word

Which Thou hast spoken.

They all shall sing in joyful lays

And laud His ways

With jubilation;

For great is God in majesty,

The Lord is He

Of all creation.

Jehovah looketh from on high

With kindly eye

Upon the lowly,

But knoweth those from far who hide,

In sinful pride,

Their ways unholy.

Lord, though I walk 'mid troubles sore,

Thou wilt restore

My faltering spirit;

Though angry foes my soul alarm,

Thy mighty arm will save and cheer it.

Yea, Thou wilt finish perfectly

What Thou for me

Hast undertaken;

May not Thy works, in mercy wrought,

E'er come to naught,

Or be forsaken.

430. Hallelujah! Praise Ye God! Psalm 150. 7 7 7 7 8 7 7 8.

Hallelujah! Praise ye God!

In His temple shout His laud,

Praise Him in the wide extent

Of His spacious firmament,

Sing Jehovah's praise uprightly;

Praise Him for the plentitude

Of His boundless magnitude,

Praise Him for His deeds so mighty.

Praise Him with the trumpet-sound,

Let Jehovah's praise abound,

Praise Him with the psaltery,

Harp unto His majesty,

Praise Him with the pipe and timbrel;

Praise Him with stringed instruments,

Organ forth His excellence,

Praise Him with the sounding cymbal.

Let the clashing cymbals ring

To the praise of God, the King,

Praise Him with a mighty sound,

Let your voices shake the ground

With the praises of Jehovah;

All that breathe, exalt the Lord,

All ye men, His fame record;

Great is God! Sing: HALLELUJAH!

431. Unto God, Our King. Psalm 81. 5 6 5 5 5 6.

Unto God, our King,

Joy and strength of Israel,

Lofty anthems sing;

Glorious are His ways,

To His Name give praise

With the harp and timbrel.

This our festal day

Jacob's God has given;

Solemn joy display

Throughout all the land;

This is the command

Of the God of heaven.

"Hear, my children, hear,"

Saith the Lord who bore thee;

"Never serve nor fear

Gods of wood or stone;

I am God alone;

Worship and adore Me."

"Open," saith the Lord,

"Wide thy mouth, believing

This my covenant-word:

'I will, if Thou plead,

Fill thine every need,

All thy wants relieving.'"

"O that to My voice

Israel would hearken!

Then they would rejoice,

Walking in My ways,

Bright and joyous days

Ne'er a foe would darken."

"Most abundant good,

-If thou wouldst but prove Me-

E'en the choicest food,

Honey from the comb,

Wheat the finest known,

I would pour upon thee."

432. God Jehovah Reigns. Psalm 99. 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6.

God Jehovah reigns,

His are all domains,

Tremble at His Word,

Peoples who have heard

Of the power of Him

Who 'mid cherubim

His great throne has taken,

Let the earth be shaken.

God who rules in state

Is in Zion great,

He excels in worth

All that dwell on earth.

Honor and acclaim

His exalted Name,

All ye high and lowly,

He alone is holy.

For God's royal might

Serves His truth and right,

Justice He maintains,

Righteously He reigns.

Manifesting grace

To His chosen race,

Jacob's seed He'll never

From His covenant sever.

Then let all accord

Honor to the Lord,

At His footstool bow,

Seek His favor now

Worship and acclaim

His exalted Name,

All ye high and lowly;

God alone is holy.

433. The Lord's Prayer.

Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth, as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive us our debts, as we forgive
our debtors.

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:

For Thine is the kingdom,

the power and the glory now and forevermore. Amen.

434. Our Father Which in Heaven Art.

Our Father which in heaven art, hallowed be Thy name.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread. Forgive, O Lord, forgive our debts,

as we forgive our debtors. Into temptation lead us not,

but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the
glory both now and forevermore. Amen.


1. L.M. (268).

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow,

Praise him all creatures here below,

Praise him above, ye heavenly host,

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

2. C.M. (197).

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God whom we adore;

Be glory, as it was, is now,

And shall be evermore.

3. S.M. (130).

To the Eternal Three,

In will and essence One;

To Father, Son, and Spirit be

Co-equal honors done.

4. L.P.M. (231).

Now to the great and sacred Three

The Father, Son, and Spirit, be

Eternal power and glory given,

Through all the worlds, where God is known,

By all the angels near the throne,

And all the saints in earth and heaven.

5. C.P.M. (164).

To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,

The God, whom heaven's triumphant host,

And saints on earth adore;

Be glory as in ages past,

And now it is, and so shall last,

When time shall be no more.

6. H.M. (245).

To God the Father's throne,

Perpetual honors raise;

Glory to God the Son,

And to the Spirit praise:

With all our powers, Eternal King,

Thy name we sing, while faith adores.

7. P.M. 7s. (396).

Sing we to our God above,

Praise eternal as his love,

Praise him, all ye heavenly host,

Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

8. P.M. 8s, 7s. (222).

May the grace of Christ our Savior,

And the Father's boundless love,

With the Holy Spirit's favor

Rest upon us from above.

Thus may we abide in union,

With each other, and the Lord,

And possess in sweet communion,

Joys which earth cannot afford.


The Song of Mary. L.M. (48).

Our souls shall magnify the Lord,

In God the Savior we rejoice;

While we repeat the Virgin's song,

May the same Spirit tune our voice!

The Highest saw her low estate,

And mighty things his hand hath done;

His overshadowing power and grace

Makes her the mother of his Son.

Let every nation call her blessed,

And endless years prolong her fame:

But God alone must be adored;

Holy and reverend is his name.

To those that fear and trust the Lord,

His mercy stands forever sure;

From age to age his promise lives,

And the performance is secure.

He spake to Abram and his seed,

"In thee shall all the earth be blessed;"

The memory of that ancient word

Lay long in his eternal breast.

But now, no more shall Israel wait,

No more the Gentiles lay forlorn:

Lo, the desire of nations comes!

Behold, the promised seed is born!

The Song of Zacharias. C.M. (312).

Now be the God of Israel blessed,

Who makes his truth appear;

His mighty hand fulfills his word,

And all the oaths he sware.

Now he bedews king David's root

With blessings from the skies;

He makes the branch of promise grow

The promised horn arise.

John was the prophet of the Lord,

To go before his face;

The herald which our Savior God

Sent to prepare his ways.

"Behold the Lamb of God," he cries,

"That takes our guilt away;

I saw the Spirit o'er his head,

On his baptizing day.

"Be every vale exalted high,

Sink every mountain low:

The proud must stoop, and humble souls

Shall his salvation know.

"The heathen realms, with Israel's land,

Shall join in sweet accord;

And all, that's born of man, shall see

The glory of the Lord.

"Behold the morning Star arise,

Ye that in darkness sit!

He marks the path that leads to peace,

And guides our doubtful feet."

The Song of Simeon. C.M. (163).

Lord, in thy temple we appear,

As happy Simeon came,

And hope to meet our Savior here,

Oh! make our joys the same!

With what divine and vast delight

The good old man was filled,

When fondly in his withered arms

He clasped the holy child.

"Now I can leave this world," he cried,

"Behold, thy servant dies!

I've seen thy great salvation, Lord,

And close my peaceful eyes.

"This is the light prepared to shine

Upon the Gentile lands;

Thine Israel's glory and their hope,

To break their slavish bands."

Jesus! the vision of thy face

Hath overpowering charms!

Scarce shall I feel death's cold embrace,

If Christ be in my arms.

When flesh shall fail, and heart-strings break,

Sweet will the minutes roll;

A mortal paleness on my cheek,

But glory in my soul.